Hey guys. I just wanted to say I'm truly sorry for the wait on this story. I know that was the last chapter but again sorry for the long wait. School has been getting in the road because I'm in Year 12 and assignments, tests and exams have been here and will be there again once I start next year.

I have been focusing on 14 Months as well because that story has been going great with everyone that's following this and reviewing so do check it out. So anyway, the other stories I have on Fanfiction now will come so bear with me. Also I've been getting brand new ideas so hopefully when they do come, I hope you'll like them.

So with this story done, I want to thank you for all of you who reviewed, read, followed and favourite this story

I have started and finished a rough sequel to this story so if you would like to see that, review or PM me and I'll give you a quick summary on what will happen in that one. If I get enough, I'll post it up.

Anyways, thank you all so much and be sure to check out my stories. See ya!