Hello Everyone! Sorry that I had to make you guys wait.

My computer's system crashed and I lost all of the saved work I had. And with that happening, I lost interest to rewrite everything again. I'm sure some authors have had that feeling before.

So, with School Hols beginning and me having lots of time, I decided to rewrite everything again!

However, I don't think I'll be giving out anymore sneak previews. I lost the chapters so I'm really sorry for that.


Enjoy the show!

Claire's POV

My heart thumped. My breathing nearly stopped. I bit my lips to suppress myself. That's what I always do when I see someone attractive. Ugh! Why Am I being like this? I haven't even talked to this guy yet and I'm already falling for him?

"Um… excuse me? A-Are you okay? You seem… a lil spaced out…" The man who had just stolen my heart spoke.

I gulped and shook my head. I gave the 'Ok' sign to him and silence ensues.

I continued looking at him like some love-sick puppy. He had brown chocolate eyes and fair skin. His hair was the same color as his eyes and was tied into a simple ponytail. He had the look of a traveler but his shy attitude didn't fit. He's skinny but well-built.

"Ah… Do I have something on my face…?" He asked me and I realized I had been staring at him. I felt my cheeks burned and shook my head.

"Ah… Um… What's your name?" He asked in a timid voice.

I quickly searched for my notepad in my bag and in my haste dropped it, spilling all of the contents onto the floor. The crash echoed thru the Church and I could almost feel Carter face-palming himself. It's not my fault I'm clumsy alright?

I quickly kneeled down to retrieve and stuff everything back into the bag when he helped me out. He grabbed my hammer and just when I reached for it, our fingers touched. I swear, my heart was hammering so hard, I was sure the whole world could hear it. Okay, maybe exaggerating a wee bit.

I nodded my head as a thank you and wrote down my name on the note pad.

"You can't talk?" He asked and I nodded my head. He didn't ask again. I showed the note to him and he squinted to read my name.

"Claire Maple. That's a very sweet name." He spoke and I raise my eyebrow. He flushed at my questioning look. "Ah… My name is Cliff. Cliff Ryder. Nice to meet you." He spoke and held out his hand. I shook it and gave him my most winning smile. He flushed at my sight and averted my gaze. How cute can this boy be?

"Uh… You're the new farmer aren't you?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Wow. That must be fun. Well, I wish you the best of luck." He spoke in a more confident tone.

I nodded happily and wrote on my note pad. 'I gotta go now. Maybe I'll see you later some time?'

He read it and said "Sure. I don't mind hanging out. I'm here almost everyday."

I nodded and waved goodbye as I left the Church.

Cliff's POV

I waved Claire goodbye as she walked out of the Church. As soon as I turned, I met with Carter's questioning face in front of me.

"Do you like her?" He asked sharply and flinched back at how close he is to my personal bubble.

"Like? Claire's nice and I've just met here today. I won't like her in that way." I answered softly.

"Not in that way! Do you want her as your friend?" Carter asked again.

I sighed. I know Carter means well but he doesn't have to trip over everything when I start talking to someone. "Yes. She seems friend material. But I don't think that-"

"But nothing! You need to start being more sociable. People will think you're emo and God forbids that. You hear me? You must be friends with Claire." Carter ranted on.

"Aye aye captain." I muttered and gave a Sailor's salute to him. Carter shook his head at my playfulness.

Claire's POV

There! Finally, after 2 hours, I've succeeded in planting and watering the Turnips and Cucumbers near the watering pond. Heheh, the word Cucumber is so dirty. Cucumber… Hehehe…

I smirked to myself and glanced around the field. Despite the stumps and large bulky stones and never-ending weeds, the field is really beautiful. With the stream behind and the view of Mother's Hill seem to enlighten the scene. Maybe, buying this farm wasn't so bad.

I sighed and headed out towards the stream. I realized I haven't even explored the South yet. I picked up some blue grass that when sniffed, keeps me energized. I could probably sell it to Doctor for a good amount of gold. I stuffed them in my bag and headed towards the small wooden hut.

I knocked on the door and entered when a gruff voice muttered 'Enter!'.

The insides of the hut smelt strongly of sawdust and a big man with a beard towered in front of me.

"What chya doing here? Who are ya?" He bellowed in his great voice and nearly squeaked out a 'meep'.

Quickly taking out my notepad, I wrote in my name and explained I was the new farmer.

"Why aren't ya speaking, girl? Cat got ya tongue?" He bellowed again and merely nodded shakily. He leaned down to my level and squinted his eyes. He pulled a big grin and grabbed my shoulder.

"Ya're quiet kid. I like that. Name's Gotz. Ya want something made, I'm the man for it. As my saying goes 'You need it, I Gotz it!'!" He guffawed loudly at his own lame joke and I smiled meekly at the joke.

He squinted his eyes again. "Ya know, ya remind me of my lil girl. She's such a cutie when she was 10." He spoke and nodded to the family picture that hangs on the wall of the room.

I approached the picture. It showed a younger-looking Gotz at the side, opposite of his smiling wife. In the middle showed a small girl, his daughter I think. The little girl looked slightly similar to me. Her eyes are big like mine and her hair is straight. Fair complexion too. They looked happy and peaceful. Your average happy family.

I wrote on my notepad. 'What happened?' I showed him and he sniffed indignantly.

"Mountain storm. Terrible accident. They both died." Gotz sniffed again and rubbed his temples. I cocked my head to one side and came over to give him a pat on the back.

He smiled meekly at me ruffled my hair in which I reacted in sticking out my tongue. "Ya're okay, Claire. Come by more often, kays?" He spoke and chuckled in a low voice.

I smiled and headed out. Gotz is nice. He reminds me a lot of one of the orphanage caretakers. I reminded myself to visit him sometime when I'm free.

I checked the time. It's still only 3.30pm. I could probably reach the Clinic to sell the Blue Grass but it would be a hassle to reach there. So instead, I headed back to my farm and shipped the grasses in the bin. Zack came by soon enough and game me the gold I needed and I grinned at the amount of gold I received. It's not much but at least its something.

"Hey Claire!" Zack called up to me before I went inside my shabby house.

I nodded to him in a way saying 'What's up?'.

Zack grinned. "The Mayor is holding a party at the Inn in celebration of someone finally buying the farm. You should come since you're the one who bought the farm."

I cocked one head to one side, thought and nodded to him. I could use a lil R&R and I can probably bond more with the people there. Who knows? Maybe I'll get to see Cliff again.

To the people that reviewed me the last chapter, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH~! ^_^