Ok! I think I'm feeling well now but the doctor's says I need to stay a day or 2 and I'm getting impatient why? BECAUSE YOU KNOW ABOUT HOSPITALS this is where they die from some sickness and I am very scared what if their souls are still wondering around the room or in the C.R.! 0_0" the most fearsome thing in the world is what's under my bed…..what if it starts shaking and when the time I look down….AHHHHHHH! I SEE A Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Thinking about it makes me want to go wee wee or potty but I can't what if I go to the comfort room and i find inside the toilet a HEAD! WITH EYES NOSE aND MOUTH SAYING! "you are dead!" wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! *faints from imagination*

Head inside the toilet: PLEASE ENJOY!.


Nurse: can somebody get a priest I think we have a patient possessed

~line break~

In kyouya's lair lays 2 mates talking to each other in the bath.

"kyouya" ginga called.


"why are you staying so far away from me?" ginga sweatdropped.

"that's because in this area it's cold and refreshing, in your side is warm and hot!"

"your gonna get a cold"

"I said I won't! hmp! Mates like your breed are weak that's why they are submissive's"

" oh just shut up! I-I'm strong!"

"well then why not you come over here and sit on my lap! "

" ok then!" ginga swam to kyouya.

'c'c'cold!' ginga thought, when he reached kyouya he sat down on his lap.

"ginga why are you shivering? Are you cold? "

"n-no! n-nothing i-is wrong!"

"ok then if you feel cold you can cuddle to me my body is warm very warm!"

"t-thanks…b-but..n-no thanks!" ginga talked while he was shivering. They stayed like that for three minutes.

"ok ginga I get it! You can get off of me now, you're gonna catch a bad cold for this"

"i-I'm…n-not weak!"

"hnnn ok then why are you shivering? aren't you cold?"


"so stubborn….hehehehee….." kyouya said and pulled ginga into a bear hug.


"let's go out I'm feeling cold to!" kyouya carried ginga bridal style, wiped him with a towel and dressed him.

"ok you're done sorry though I made you do that"

"it's okay! You're so kind and gentle than ryuga, ryuga do things rough but he protects me…" ginga shakes off the feeling of being with ryuga.

"ok…thanks so let's go to sleep!"

"uh yeah! Okay!" both of them laid in the fouton and slept but they didn't cuddle yet.

'so cold' ginga thought as he tossed turn and couched.

"this is wht you get for being stubborn" kyouya cuddled on ginga. Ginga felt the warmth of kyouya.

"ACHOO!" ginga sneezed.

"lookslike you got a cold!"

"don't worry it will go away!"

"are you sure?"


"ok…..goodnight ginga"


Morning came

"kyouya my head hurts! A-a-a-CHOOO!"

"oh dear it seems it was my fault"

"no it wasn't it was a-a-a-chooooo! My stubbornness"

"sigh….i'm gonna get siwonhan she knows what to do"

"oh ok….."

"right now you should stay here in bed"

"what if someone's come in?"

"don't worry the entrance is protected so no one can get in!"


"oh dear well see you later"

~in the clinic of siwonhan~

"hello and welcome to my clinic how may I help you?" siwonhan asked in polite

"ummm….my mate has a cold you see" kyouya replied.

" sorry but the doctor is out".

" I'm right here!" zuruichi shouted with delight!

"oh you have arrived! " siwonhan said.

"I just went somewhere I guess, who is the patient?" zuruichi asked.

"this young man's mate"

"alright let's go to his place!"


"let's take a day off today, this time I found a delicious squid ball store my treat" zuruichi said with delight again.


"just follow!" kyouya interrupted.

Zuruichi and siwonhan walked around the forest and found the lair of kyouya lies there, Is ginga crouching in pain.

"poor thing…" zuruichi said.

"….hmmmm….what kind of breed is he?" siwonhan asked.

"his a necoco" siwonhan was surprised.

"tsk…tsk…..tsk…..you let him bathe in cold water, did you?" zuruichi asked.

"uhhhh….yeah why?"

"they are very SENSATIVE! How could you do that to him?"

"uhhhhh I didn't know s-sorry"

"ugh!...looks like he needs to stay in my hospital"

"w-why?" kyouya asked in fear.

"just look at him, he has a very serious fever in fact it's not a fever its matetanoisism "

" mata-wha?"

"its matetanoisism!" siwonhan said trying to teach him the word.

"mate-ta-no-ni-si-sm" zuruichi repeated again

"mata-mata…..forget it!" kyouya carried ginga with the blanket wrapped around him.

"k-kyouya…..it's s-so c-cold….vvvrrrr…" ginga said between gasps.

"don't worry the doctor and the nurse will cure you" kyouya said with a smile.

"c'mon let's hurry before the cold will be worse"

"o-ok" all of them ran back to the clinic and there, there a small room with a bed a chair and a lamp.

"lay him there and the doctor will get the E-Q-U-I-P-M-E-N-T" siwonhan glared at zuruichi she knows that zuruichi is very good on misplacing things and forgets things within a minute.

"OH~ …uhm…..that might take a while" zuruichi sweat dropped.

"you….misplaced it again did you?" siwonhan asked in cold eyes, like the depth of the dark abyss.

"maybe…" zuruichi trembled. 0_0"


"I'll just find it!...darn….." zuruichi had nothing to say

"sorry kyouya looks like the DOCTOR has FORGOTTEN her EQUIPMENT"

"oh ok…." Kyouya sighed in the end of the phrase.

"see ya!" siwonhan said.







" oh dear not again…."

"what was that let's check it out!" kyouya said.

"ok!" kyouya and siwonhan ran to where the crashing and banging noise came from.

"weird…..in the medical library"

"S-S-SO MANY B-BOOKS!" kyouya was surprised.

" impressive right"

" s-she made th-these books!"

"NO! her rea-"

"help!...someone there…..HELP!...SIWONHAN~…..KYOUYA~"

"WE'LL BE THERE!" both of them ran to the destination where they found a huge pile of books burying zuruichi. Both of them removed the books.

"what were you doing I said that you would get your equipment"

"this is my equipment!"

"a book?" siwonhan asked.


"huh?" now siwonhan was confused.

"it's about necoco's "

"ok….befor we do that let's clean up" siwonhan put the books in the right place very fast.

"that's a lot of books….man where did you get all these books?"

" zuru-san made this, each shelf is different doctors from her family some own 5 shelfs 3 shelfs 10 shelfs but her she own's 1 shelf"


"cause she compiles them all and stacks it all here and complains why she can't find the book she was looking for."


"cause she's partially blind "


"ahaha…..ahaha…let's get going to ginga he must be dying in there"

"ok" all three of them went back to the room where ginga is laying there panting and gasping for air.

"alright let's see…..hmmmm"

"I thought you studied all the breeds in the world"

"I did it's just that the necoco was eliminated while I was doing my STUDIENG THEM"

"wha-what d-do you m-mean…."

"oh your awake, I think it's better you should know…years years ago…I don't know how many though but let's cut to the chase….the necoco's grew overpopulated, the silver clan, daidoji there ruler was getting jealous because of power and wealth he wanted your race to be eliminated so he sued your race/clan that you somehow did the…the money thing…no…i…err..think it was….ahhhh…."

"it was assassination zuru-san not sue thing."

"oh yes right! It was assassination! 5 TOP assassins to be exact! They killed your clan but rumours says that there was one family that was able to escape a pregnant woman and a man….it looks like it was true…and do you know who is the lucky midwife!"


"siwonhan! Of course she was in training for people giving birth!...hehehehe….."

"how old exactly are you two?"

"I'm 27 and she is 18 undergoing training"

"yes…yes yes….now let's see what's in that book!" siwonhan inturupted.

Necoco reaserch

Day 1(male) necoco + (fem.)foxtalia = ?

Day 1 of my research I try to see if a fox and a neco can be together it turns out that I was a major cat fight. On this day my skirt was ripped off when I was trying to stop them

Answer to solution requirements


Answer: a big no!

Day 2 (m)necoco + (male)foxtalia =?

This time the fox fell in love and is now molesting my poor specimen. I stopped it but it seems the fox keeps on following the neco.


Not sure about it yet.

Answer to solution requirements

Rope, and a big tough stick .

Answer: rape

Day 3 (m)necoco +(male) 5 different breeds (silver wolf) ( darkuws) (wolfanaiuse) (dimmerang)(chackawolf)

Hmmm….all five breeds fell in love now the question is how?

Silver wolf: his scent is so addicting!

Darkuws: his better than drugs.

And the rest has the same answer. It's the scent.


Not sure about it yet though.

Answer: RAPE. AND scent…..

Day 4 neco + crowded village filled with different breeds.

All of the men in the village were going nuts!

Answer: scent


The scent what makes them popular.

Day 5

They all died…

"is that all" kyouya asked.

"uhhhhh…..yeah! on that day I found my specimen dead lying on his bed, filled with blood, I tried to give him treatment but It was too late…but now ginga is here! Heheheheee….we are going to have one hell of a time." Zuruichi answered and grinned.

"alright zuru-san how can we cure his fever?"

"oh it will just go away…..he just needs to stay in bed warm but he needs to stay here"

"suit yourself"

"so….t-this daidoji, wh-who ACHOOO! Is he?"

"he's the head of the silver wolf clan and he has a lot of grandsons but the most powerful grandson of all is ryuga he is the most feared and ferocious and stubborn."

"h-he's a playboy…..cough….cough"

"ok…now we should let you rest so your fever can go down."

"oh! Did I mention that it's normal for a necoco to be sick for once in 20 months"

"sigh…OK! C'mon zuru-san let's go to that squidball shop you said "

"oh ofcourse! Kyouya can you watch the clinic and ginga we will be back"

"sure" kyouya said with a wide grin "take your time" kyouy said.

"ok let's go zuru-san"


Zuruichi and siwonhan has left the building and of to the store.

"they're gone now so ginga "

"let me sleep"

"oh oh….." kyouya said in depression he thinking of doing it with ginga but it seems he doesn't want to.


Kyouya heard the deep and dark voice; it was very familiar to him so kyouya came out of the room of ginga and tell the person that they are not here, but it seems he was surprised that who is this person.

"ryuga! What are you doing here!"


"EEERRRR….." kyouya thought that if he makes his growl louder he would wake up ginga, so he lowered his growl and told ryuga that they are not here in a calmer way.

"ryuga they are not here"

"so where are they!" ryuga gave a death glare to kyouya.

"I don't know!"


"uhhhh…..just here to watch the shop for them"

"tch! whatever" ryuga left the clinic

"that was close"

To be continued