sooo, this fanfic is set in AU where Kurt and Blaine are wizards, attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I suck at summaries, though, so i won't even attempt one. :) r&r!

Disclaimers: no, I do not own Glee, Harry Potter or any of it's characters or environments.

"Blaine, honey, are you sure you have everything? Did you remember to pack your favourite sweater? Have you got your owl? Are your school robes packed? Oh, sweetie, are you sure you are ready for this-"

Blaine Anderson, aged 11, was standing on the platform next to the Hogwarts Express. He was just about to board the famous train for the first time in his life to begin the journey to Hogwarts castle. There he would be spending the following seven years, with the exception of holidays and summer vacation during which the students were allowed to go home, in order to become a proper wizard.

He was really excited, but also very embarrassed because his mother was fussing so over him and he didn't want all the other kids to think he was a mommy's boy.

"Mom! I'm fine, stop worrying", he said and pushed her off of him as she attempted to pull him into a teary hug.

"He's right, you mustn't worry. He'll do fine. He's an Anderson, after all", Blaine's father said proudly.

Blaine swelled a little with pride. Ever since he was little he had been told how grand it was to be an Anderson. It was one of the purest wizarding families left and they highly valued their blood-status.

"Now, son, you must go before you miss the train", Mr Anderson continued.

Blaine tried to swallow the lump in his throat. Though he didn't wish to admit it, he was really nervous about going to Hogwarts. And he was nervous about leaving his mother, because he had never really been away from her.

His older brother Terry was in his third year, but other than him he didn't know anyone who would be starting or already went to the school. Blaine and Terry were not the best of friends. They rarely talked to each other at all actually. Blaine had the feeling that being Terry brother wouldn't do him any good at Hogwarts.

He was going to pick on Blaine all the time, he and his friends would bully him into insanity and he wouldn't be allowed to get anything but the best remarks on his tests, even though Blaine knew that Terry himself was a mediocre student.

He just wished Terry had went to Durmstrang instead, as it was originally planned. It was a wizarding school for people who were particularly interested in dark magic. If he could start all over at Hogwarts, without Terry, then he would be truly excited to go. But now he was mostly worried.

Terry was mean, cocky and superior in every way. He was the ultimate Slytherin.

Blaine had been raised with the belief that pure-bloods were the only people in the world who actually mattered. He was constantly told and reminded how he needed to get sorted into the Slytherin House, to keep their family honour. For as long as anyone could remember, the entire Anderson family had been in that particular House and they took great honour in it.

He didn't know if he was worthy of being in Slytherin. He had always been more sensitive and compassionate than his family, who mostly just spent their time hating people.
But he didn't really have a choice. He had to get sorted into Slytherin.

His mother blew her nose in a handkerchief and then wrapped her arms around her youngest son for the last time before he stepped up on the train with Terry.

"Terry, take care of your brother and keep him out of trouble", she said fondly to her eldest son.

"Of course, mom", Terry said and shot Blaine a nasty smile.

Blaine waved to his mother and father as the train slowly started to roll out of the station.

When he couldn't see them anymore, he turned to his luggage with a heavy sigh.
He struggled with all of his belongings as he went through the train to find an empty compartment.

Everywhere was full and he could feel panic rising within him. Was his entire school time going to be like this?

Then he came to a compartment with only one other occupant. He slid the door open and peered in.

"Excuse me, could I sit here? Everywhere else is full", he asked as politely as he could manage while being absolutely breathless.

The other person, a boy, jumped slightly and turned towards him.

He was quite pale and he had big, clear blue eyes.

"Oh, of course", he answered.

Blaine was surprised by his unusually high-pitched voice. But it wasn't an annoying sort of voice. It was actually really nice and soft.

"Do you need help with your trunk?", the boy asked as Blaine struggled to keep the door open whilst pulling the trunk into the compartment at the same time.

"I think I do", Blaine said with an embarrassed smile.

Together they managed to get the trunk from the hall into the compartment and then up on the luggage shelf where the other boy's trunk already lay.

"Thanks", Blaine panted as they both sat down on each side of the compartment, exhausted from lifting Blaine's heavy luggage. The other boy gracefully placed one leg over the other, his hands grasping his knees and his back incredibly straight.

"You're welcome. My name is Kurt Hummel", the boy said and held out his hand.

"Blaine Anderson", he replied and shook the boy's hand.

"Are you a first-year too?", Kurt asked curiously.

"Yeah", Blaine nodded.

"Oh, great! Maybe we'll get sorted into the same House", Kurt said excitedly.

"That would be really cool!", Blaine agreed. "Do you have any siblings at Hogwarts?"

"No, I have a brother at home but he's a Muggle", Kurt said casually. "Do you?"

Blaine's jaw dropped. How could he speak so shamelessly about such things?
If Terry or Blaine had lacked magical powers their parents would surely have thrown them out, or at least hid them and pretended they didn't exist.

"He's a Muggle? Aren't you ashamed?", he asked.

Kurt frowned.

"Why would I be ashamed? My parents are Muggles too", he said.

Blaine gasped.

"You're Muggle born?", he asked quietly.

Kurt shifted his weight nervously.

"Well, yes. I-is that bad?", he asked.

Blaine remained silent. What was he supposed to say?

His entire life he had been told how horrible and untrustworthy Muggle borns were. How they infected the wizarding world with their presence. Blaine had never been a hateful person but having those pure-blood manias around him constantly for eleven years of course made him believe them. Why would his parents lie to him?

But then there was Kurt, the first Muggle born that he had ever met. And he seemed genuinely nice and not one single thing about him fitted with the descriptions of Muggle borns that his parents had told him. He didn't know what to think.

"I- um. Have you ever heard of pure-bloods?", he asked carefully.

"No, I haven't, sorry. I don't know very much about the wizarding world, to be honest", Kurt said.

Blaine hesitated for a while. Then he decided to put it out of his mind. There was nothing he could do right now anyway. He couldn't just walk away, because he had no where else to sit.

"It doesn't matter", he said finally.

Kurt looked really confused, but then he too seemed to decide not to ponder over things too much.

"Have you read all the books on the list for this term? I didn't know how prepared we are supposed to be because I couldn't really ask my family like other kids could, because they wouldn't know either", Kurt said anxiously.

"I've flicked through them but that's about it", Blaine said with a stiff laugh.

"Oh, wow, I really overdid it, then. I memorized all the books so I know them all by heart. I was afraid I'd be behind everyone else in my year because my family are Muggles", Kurt sighed.

Blaine quirked an eyebrow.

"That's impossible. You can't have them all memorized. They're like 500 pages per book", he said.

"Try me!", Kurt said with a daring smile.

He opened the bag he had next to him, pulled out their Potions text book and handed it to Blaine.
He flipped the book open randomly, chose a part of the page and created a question.
Kurt answered correctly on an instant.

Blaine shot an enormous amount of questions at him from different pages from all of their different class literatures. It wasn't until two hours of fits of laughter, frustration and hysteria that Kurt finally answered a question falsely.

Blaine jumped up from his seat and cried, "YES!"

They were having so much fun that Blaine completely forgot to feel bad about making friends with a Muggle born. They got along really well and they made each other laugh a lot.

Blaine found out that Kurt was interested in fashion in his spare time. He also loved to listen to music, dance, sing and he was really committed to his school work. He was very intellectual and he read quite a lot.
The more they talked, the more they came to like each other.

Blaine had never really had a proper friend. He had never spent time with kids his age because he could only play with pure-bloods and Terry scared all the other kids away from playing with Blaine.

The two of them had always been rivals, but Blaine never sunk to Terry's level of cruelness. He was a real bully.

"Do you want to play a game of chess?", Kurt asked suddenly.

"I'd love to! I haven't played for months", Blaine said excitedly.

Kurt nodded happily. Then he buried his head in his bag, rummaging through it in the search for something. Soon he pulled out a wooden box and a small folded square, also made out of wood.

He started to unfold the square, and it soon transformed into a chess board. He then opened the wooden box and, one by one, he took out the little chess figures and carefully put them on their places on the board.

Blaine watched, transfixed with the movements of Kurt's hands.

Kurt smiled sheepishly when he had finished setting everything up.

"My grandpa gave me this on my eight birthday. It was two days before he passed away, and this is the only thing I have left to remember him by, so I try to take care of it as well as I can", he explained and smiled fondly at his board.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that", Blaine said quietly.

Kurt shook his head and offered a gentle half-smile.

"Don't be. Let's play instead. You make the first move", he said and leaned back in his seat to watch Blaine ponder over his possibilities.