Hi! This Fan Fiction has turned more into a two-shot! Hope you enjoy: D Please review!

Damon ran into the boarding house, slamming the door shut behind him. He ran to the bathroom, and laid Elena down on the floor. She was bleeding heavily, and she was going to die if he didn't stop it. He carefully took off her shirt, and gasped when his eyes saw the gash on her shoulder. There were splinters inside the cut, which he preceded to take out with tweezers. After getting all of the splinters out, he realized she needed more blood. His blood. He bit into his own wrist, and pressed it to her lips. It didn't go in. "Come on, Elena. Come on!" he begged. "Drink!" He stared at her closed eyes, praying they would fly open. However, they did not. He lifted his hand and brushed it along her cheek. "She is so perfect," he thought. "Out of all of the people, why her? What has she done to deserve this?" Realizing he was wasting time, and grabbed a towel and pressed in against her shoulder. The towel soaked up in blood within seconds. Cursing, he continued stacking towels on her shoulder. He looked down at her leg, and stared in shock at the pool of blood on the floor. Her leg. He did the same thing with her leg as he did with her shoulder. All of a sudden, he heard her heart pound a little harder. A little faster. Gasping out in astonishment and pain, Elena's eyes fluttered open.

"Elena!"Damon cried. He moved to her side and pulled her into his lap, tucking her head under his chin, and grabbing her hand into his. He kissed the top of her head, her cheeks, nose, everywhere that wasn't hurt.

"D-Damon," she sobbed, her fingers frantically clutching his shirt. She hurt. Everywhere. "Damon, it hurts! Make it stop, please!"She pleaded.

"Take my wrist, Elena. My blood will heal most of your cuts." He slowly lifted her wrist up to her, and she hesitantly grabbed his arm. He wrapped his other arm around her, securing her to him. She drank slowly at first, but as she drank, she could feel her gashes mending, and she drank faster. She sighed after a minute, letting go of his wrist and leaning back into his chest.

"Damon, I-"she paused, as if to make sure what she was going to say was okay. "I'm sorry" she whimpered, her voice cracking. Damon tilted his head in confusion, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Why would you say that, silly?" he pried, turning his head so his eyes were level with hers. Elena's eyes started to water, and her face twisted up in pain. Damon's eyes widened in surprise. "What's wrong? What hurts?" His hands cupped her face, wiping her tears away, however, more tears followed.

"I'm so sorry I have hurt you so much. You have always been here for me. Always. And all I've ever done is hurt you! I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I-" her voice broke, and she sobbed into his neck. He rocked her back and forth on the bathroom floor, kissing her.

"Elena. You have don't nothing wrong. Nothing. Elena, you are everything to me. You are my humanity. You are my reason for life. Never forget that." Damon stared into her eyes, and slowly began to realize what he had just admitted to her. He looked into her eyes, searching for any kind of reaction to his statement. Instead of words, her doe eyes widened with a mix of concern, relieve, and happiness. She curled up into his lap, and closed her eyes, her hand still firmly grasping his own. He slowly got up and picked her up, carrying her into his room. He took off her shoes, and tossed them onto the ground. Her jeans were coated with blood. He reached into his drawer, and found a pair of his grey sweatpants. He slid her jeans off and pulled the sweatpants on her. She whimpered in her sleep, and curled up even more. He put one of his shirts on over her gauzed shoulder, and then put on another pair of sweats on himself. He slid out of his shirt, and then turned off the lights. He picked her up into his arms, before sitting on the bed. He pulled out the covers, and slipped himself and her under the blankets. She shivered in her sleep, and snuggled closer to his chest, her lips nuzzling his collarbone. He stroked her hair, and wondered to himself what he would have done if he and not saved her in time. He shook the thought away, and held her closer, thankful she was safe in his arms. A few moments passed, and he finally began to relax and fall asleep.

"Damon?" Elena whispered.


"I love you." Elena's voice was full of love. He opened his eyes in surprised, and saw her own eyes gazing at him.

"And I love you, Elena. Always have, always will." And with that, he kissed her lips softly but powerfully. She kissed him back, and then sunk back down into her curled up position against him. Her hand grabbed his, and they hugged each other close. They fell asleep holding one another, and both smiled as they dreamt of each other.

Hope you enjoyed! Delena forever!