Cross- Between

Devil May Cry 3 & Teen Titans

Pairing: Dante & Raven

Realm: A little bit of both

Declaimer: I own nothing. Devil May Cry is owned by its creator likewise with Teen Titans. I will be using some of the game play so be forewarned most of the plot is not mine either. I will take and change it to suit the story. Now on with the show!

Dante's Inferno

Chapter Three

Rooftop Watching

Raven was walking across the roof-tops as she watched the progress of the one she dubbed the 'Perverted Demolition'. Not only did he cause the most damage to his shop but he had the nerve to blame the monsters for it. If he had just timed his shots better or aimed instead of letting loose a volley of bullets in hope of hitting the targets he would have still have a shop.

She remembered watching from the window and being slightly amazed by his fighting skill before she saw that he was breaking far more things as he kept throwing enemies into the support beams and even the ceiling. She was even forced to stop watching when a monster was almost thrown out the same window she had been watching from.

So instead of watching she had just waited for the fight to be finished. She had sat down on the roof and began to meditate. Just when she was going to levitate a bullet shot through the roof and almost put a hole in her cloak. She had felt her eye twitch so she had thought it was high time she moved. When she was about to get up the door was bust open and the 'Demolition' step out on the side-walk. She watched as he looked around and then . . . . Sneezed.

And then down came the building she was sitting on. If it wasn't for her team and all the wreckage that they caused on a daily basis then Raven would not have been able to get off the building in time. As it was Raven was able to jump and levitate to another building before she was sighted. She stood with her arms crossed before she was made to place a hand over her face and groan.

"Does he really expect to have them pay for the damages." Raven said before she peeked through her fingers at the white-haired young man. "Well he does look like an idiot so I guess that fits. To stupid to see that they don't have money and they will most likely kill him then pay up." Raven scoffed as she sat down on the edge of the roof and dangled her legs.

She laughed when she saw him go flying through the air after he was blasted by the pulsing mass of flesh when it exploded. She really doubted his intelligence for not catching on that the thing would explode. But it might have just been her, she was use to thing going boom.

He looked around and didn't see her. Raven raised an eyebrow when that happened. It wasn't like she was hiding. For Pete's sake she was out in the open. But yet he couldn't see her, was he blind as well as dumb. Man she hoped not, otherwise she was going to have to track down the moron with the book in hopes of getting home. And she really didn't want to be anywhere near that guy, his mind was severely twisted.

Raven looked back to the fight and saw that it was over. She watched as he finally sighted her so she kicked her feet back and forth waiting for what he would do. What she saw she was sickened by. His eyes became riveted to her legs and he was almost drooling. He tried to wave her over but she just waved him off.

She then took off and waited for him to move. And that was how she found herself right now walking across the roof tops.

"He said Vergil, hmm, so he might be related with the one in blue. Might even be twins." Raven said as she watched the sun set in the distance. On a whim she looked to the tower and saw the monster flying above it. She remembered looking at the tower as she watched the Reaper that whitey couldn't defeat. She saw that the one in blue cut it in two before walking away. Before he left the edge of the tower he looked towards her. For some strange reason she thought that he could see her so she waved. He nodded in return before walking in to the tower.

She had totally ignored the idiot with the book and felt him glare but shrugged it off. She had better things to do.

Raven sighed as Whitey continued to rush in to hoards of the monsters instead of going around. She saw him get hurt and then shrug off the wounds like they were nothing. Once again the thought of the two white haired males being twins crossed her mind. She remembered a passage in one of the books of Lore she had in her rooms as well as one inside the book of Demonology. She had read the book recently and saw that she had her very own page, as well as a paragraph dedicated to her on her father's page.

She remembered reading about Sparda the demon turn coat that sealed the portal to Hell. The passage said that he had fathered twin sons and with their blood and an amulet the portal would be reopened so that one could gain the powers of Sparda. The passage had included a picture of two white-haired infants.

Raven stopped mid-step before she slammed the raised foot down on the rooftop.

"Of course I have to get sucked in to a portal when someone is trying to open the gateway to hell." Raven swore as she placed her hands over her face and sigh. She looked over the edge of the roof and saw an amulet swinging around on the red coat's neck. It looked to be half of the pictured amulet of Sparda. So she thought that the amulet would be split between the sons. "At least the amulet's are separated but by the looks of where Pervert is going I can bet they won't be apart for long." Raven sighed as she followed the Pervert.


Dante felt that he was being watched but shrugged it off as being paranoid. He ran down a side street and was met with a bar. It took up the whole side of the dead end that he found himself in. He sighed as he knew that he was going to have to bust through it to get to the tower.

"Just my luck I have to go to a bar and not be able to pick up cute chicks. Bet there are going to be tons of monsters in there. Well let's have some fun. Look out everyone inside the Man of the hour is here." Dante said as he opened the door. He could have sworn he heard a sigh of asperation but just chalked it up to the door closing behind him. He was unaware of the one watching him disappear from view.


Here ends Chapter three and I'm sorry for the long wait.


Alexander the guardian - You asked for more well here it is. Thanks for the review by the way.

Guest - Yeah I might make some mistakes with this story because it has been awhile since I have played the game. Thanks for the review.

- Sorry if the story seems a bit rehashed. I'm working on it. I'll try to do better on the descriptions of the characters also. Thanks for review and help.

Kaiser Signing off