Oh, Kynareth does my head hurt… You can do it open your eyes.

I wake up to the sight of a blond man gagged.

"I'm from Rorikstead," a Nord across from the gagged man said, "This was a mistake. I did nothing. I'm not rebelling against the Empire. What do they want with me?"

I was only half paying attention I heard the words Jarl and High King and something about juniper berry mead. My head was throbbing and my vision was still fuzzy. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was pilfering an amulet from an elf from the side of the road near the border. I am from Riften and ran away from the orphanage. Not that they wanted me anyways.

"You there what is your name? It is not on the List." Said some Imperial Nord with the Clipboard.

"Fyre" I replied. I was named that because when I was left at the orphanage I had nothing except my flaming red hair.

"You picked a bad time to return Home." He reliped. He and his commander were talking to each other and I am only half paying attention. They tell me to get in line. Apparently I am going to get killed. A Nord walks up with hair as red as mine. He says something about his ancestors and gets his head chopped off. I immediately Throw Up. Maybe running and facing arrows like the man from Rorikstead would be better.

"The Nord in the rags," the captain shouts.

I finally feel like I am awake. I notice the men around me and the priest. I cannot tell which divine she is a disciple of. There are imperials around and in the distance we hear a loud shrieking and a roar. The sound is disconcerting. I have no idea what that is as I have only been out of Riften a short while. And I was raised in the Orphanage. I can feel the cold but I am a Nord so it does not bother me. I look up and start walking towards the executioner.

Surprisingly he is looking up and looks worried as well. I lay my head down on the chopping block look up because looking at the other man and his dead head make me nauseas. And I blink again thinking I am hallucinating and that I am somehow dreaming all this. I see a gigantic black DRAGON! It shoots fire and as my hands are bound I can do nothing but stare at some debris coming at my head and I am on the ground AGAIN with my vision fuzzy and the sound of chaos around me.

And I know I am not going to be beheaded today but eaten by a dragon.