Another LenxRin Fanfic! I wanted to start writting it before I lost the idea. I'm not really sure how I'm gonna set this story up or what kind of situations they'll have so I'm really just writing this story as I go! Please review and stuff if you like the story! :D

10 years ago:

"Just come on, you need to make some friends Rin! You just stay inside all day anyhow!"

"I don't care it's hot outside! Please, just let me stay home onii-chan!"

"No!" Rin pouted angrily, but Rinto didn't care and started dragging her to his friends house while Rin thrashed around in her brothers grasp. Rinto rang the bell while Rin kept thrashing.

"You can still take me back home, we just got here anyway! Please onii-chan~!" Rin pleaded.

"No. Come on I'm sure you'll like Kaito's brother, he's the same age as you." A blue haired boy who was 12 years old, one year older than Rinto, opened the door with a boy that was the same age as Rin standing behind him shyly. He looked exacly like Rin; Blond hair but tied into a pony tail with bright blue eyes. He was giving Rin a glare behind his older brother though.

"See Rin, he even looks like you! I'm sure you guys will be just fine without Kaito and I." Rinto assured, scooting her inside the house.

"His name is Len, he's a bit rough and stubborn but I'm sure he'll be fine, let's leave them be." Kaito said as he went up stairs with Rinto following. Len and Rin sat there and glared at echother with the same expression of annoyance on their faces.

"I don't want any friends so you can go back home now." Len spat at the young girl angrily as he trotted into the living room where there was a coloring book and crayons layed out on the floor.

"It's not like I wanna be here either, onii-chan made me come here." Rin spat back at the boy.

"You live next door, just go home you stupid girl!" Len yelled back annoyed.

"Don't call me stupid! Your the stupid girl!"

"I'M A BOY!" Len yelled, his face getting red with anger.

"Well you look like a girl!"

"I'll get my Oniisan to tell you to leave!"

"It's not my fault you look like a girl!" Len and Rin kept arguing about little things but eventually got so worn out from it, they fell asleep on the couch together. Kaito and Rinto came down stairs a while later to find the two curled up on the couch together.

"Well it certainly looks like they got along considering there asleep on the couch with each other." Kaito said walked over and patting Len's head.

"I don't know, I thought I heard them yelling at each other earlier." Rinto said as he scooped Rin up in his arms.

"They may not like each other now, but I have a feeling their made for each other." Kaito said also scooping Len up in his arms.

"This again? You said the same thing when we were younger. Their only 6, I mean they might become friends later on in life but I don't think I would go as far as to say their made for each other."

"Well they look exactly like each other and have a bit of the same personalities. Maybe their like one anothers other half or somthing?" Kaito said seriously while Rinto looked at his blue haired friend dumbstruck.

"I really qustion how your older than me sometimes," Rinto sighed walking out the door.

"Don't talk to your sempai like that! I could be right for all you know." Kaito said giving the younger blond a smirk.

"Yeah whatever, I'm taking this kid home."

And that is how the unlikely couple met, even after ten years the two still act like they did when they were six.


"Rinto, I'm leaving have a good day at work!"I yelled from the door way to my older brother.

"Yeah whatever, Be careful!" He yelled back to me from somewhere in the house.

"I will, bye!" I yelled back on last time before I ran out the door on my way to school, I ran down to the corner of the street were Miki waited for me just like every morning.

"Rinny~!" She saw me and huggd me just as usual, this was normal for Miki.

"Good morning Miki," I said patting the red head, she continued hugging me for a few more minutes before we heard an all to familliar voice.

"Would you guys keep moving, it's too early to hear your annoying voices." I looked over and their was Len Shion, the vain of my existence since I was six. His friend Ren Haine was there too, but I can tolerate him much more.

"Len, it doesn't matter let's just go." Ren tugged on Len's shirt sleeve annoyed. Len almost never went to classes, they were what you call 'delinquents' I guess you could say. Len hasn't exactly grown up in the best family environment though, his older brother Kaito is the one who pretty much raised him. I remember his father died when we were about 8-9 and then that's when his mother disappeared, abandoning the two.

"Well Miki and I were just leaving so just hop off," I snapped back, this is usually how Len and I start our mornings, and Len was just about to say something before Miki cut him off.

"Come on Rin, we don't need to talk and start something with them," Miki assured as she grabbed my arm and started pulling me off to school.

"Why are you in such a rush to get to school Miki? Is it because of Piko~?" I was smirking at her while her face went completly flushed.

"Haha, R-Rin why would I want to see Piko, he's just a friend!" She said nervously, she's never been one to admit she liked someone, she's liked Piko since as long as I've know her anyhow.

Piko was usually one of the first people to make it to class so Miki is always telling me to get up earlier so we can get to class earlier. We got into the class room and there was Piko as usual and Gumiya too.

"Good morning Piko and Gumiya!" Miki shouted over to the two boys in the classroom. Miki ran over to the sliver haired boy and started talking about the non-scene she usually does. Piko was blushing since he's had an obvious crush on her for a long time too, obvious to everyone except Miki since she was the most dense person out there. Gumiya also knew and didn't want to interrupt, so we usually ended up talking with each other.

"Morning Rin~." He chimed patting my head and slightly messing up my hair. Us four have been in the same class since our first year of high school and we have also always been the first ones in the class room, which means for the past two years, every morning Gumiya and I have a daily routine of talking to each other. After two years of doing this I've gotten a little crush on Gumiya, not that big though, It's not big enough to tell Miki about it or anything.

After about ten minutes people started to walk into the class room. As I was saying bye to Gumiya to take my seat before sensei walked in, Len walked into the room to my surprise. Len had many what you call, "fan girls". When he walked in most girls started blushing, that excludes me and Miki of course, since we both knew their true nature.

"Len-kun, how come you guys never come to class?" One girl asked, but before Len could answer the teacher had walked in and told everyone to go back to their seats. The day went by and was pretty uneventful. I think Len had gone home after lunch because I didn't see him any of my classes for the reast of the day. Miki had work so she left school right after it let out and I usually go to the library to do homework since Rinto didn't get home from work till late and it was always lonely to be in the house alone. I was pretty much the only one left at school other than the kids in clubs so I trotted to my locker and got my stuff until Ren popped up out of nowhere.

"Oh my gosh Ren, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I yelped holding my chest trying to lower my heat beat rate.

"Do you know where Len went? He said he would meet me at the end of the day but he left," Ren asked me with annoyance in his voiced.

"I don't baby sit him, anyways what would make you think I would know were he is? Did you check his house?" I asked not really caring about where Len of all people went. I started walking home but Ren trailed behind me.

"I swear I checked all over the school, his house, everywhere." Ren said desperately.

"Maybe he got into some stupid fight, don't you think that's somthing he would do?" I said trying to get him to go away, Ren finally jumped in front of me with a serious look and grabbed both of my shoulders.

"I told you I looked everywhere and he doesn't just get into fights, I have a feeling something bed happened." Ren said looking me dead in the eyes. I finally let out a sigh of annoyance and decided to help him.

"Well since Rinto is friends with Len's brother I'll go home and see if Rinto has an idea," I told him unsure, but he still looked grateful. There was a very slim chance that Rinto did know and it's not like I was all that worried since it was Len.

When I did get home I saw Rinto sitting on the couch with all the lights off, what could his deal be?

"Rinto? Why are all the lights off?" I asked making my way towards him. He didn't answer, it was almost like he was in his own little world where no one could reach him.

"Rinto? Answer me!" I fumed, he finally snapped out of it and shifted his gaze towards me, his eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying?

"Rinto, have you been crying, are you okay?" I asked trying to help, I've only seen Rinto cry one other time so this was a little bizarre for me.

"Rin I'm really not in the mood. Could you just go away for a little while?" He asked turning his gaze back to the ground.

"Come on Rinto I'm your sister, you should be able to tell me," I pried, he wouldn't talk or anything, but that didn't mean I was going to stop trying.

"Rinto, please tell me, Onii-chan~! Come one please, I just wanna help you!" I pleaded, I started to get annoyed since he wasn't even responding. Who wouldn't find this annoying? Rinto finally sprung up hit the side of my head, which really hurt considering he's a twenty one year old guy and I'm only a sixteen year old girl.

"Do you ever shut up, I'll tell you!" He snapped, I quickly sat myself onto the couch and waited quietly to show that he had my attention.

"You better listen because I'm only telling you once," He said in a low voice, he took a moment to speak again. "Well you know Kaito?"

"Of course I know Kaito, what kind of question is that?" I snapped a bit confused on where this could be going.

"Well first let me ask a question, was Len acting a little weird today?" He asked still not taking his eyes off the floor.

"Just a little, he left school early. What does Len have to do with it?" I asked still confused on what he was trying to tell me, but after thinking about it for a second I think I figured it out.

"Rinto, did something happen to Kaito?" I asked my mood suddenly changing to sympathy. He nodded his head hesitantly."Is he okay?"

"Maybe, it's hard to say since I'll never be able to ask him again." He said with a crack in his voice, I think that was enough to tell me what happened. I suddenly felt sympathy for both Rinto and Len.

"Rinto, I'll be back later." I said hopping off the couch and running out the door, he probably needs some time to himself anyway. Right now I think it's best of I go look for Len. I found Ren who was at the end of the street where I left him.

"What did he say?" Ren asked looking up from the sidewalk when he saw me come running down the street.

"That's not important right now, I think I know a place where he might be." I said grabbing Ren's arm and dragging him towards the school.

"Really? Where?"

"The school rooftop, since the rooftop is abandoned and he probably wanted to be somewhere quiet where no one could find him," I don't know why I had just said that, it's not like I would know where Len of all people would be.

"No, Len only goes up to the roof top if me and Akaito are with him." Ren said completely sure of himself.

"You mean you didn't even check?" I shouted angrily,"Well let's go try then!" I shouted back to him, we ran the whole way to the school and up to the rooftop, when we got there sure enough there he was sitting in the corner almost lifeless looking. I ran to his side but he didn't even turn to me.

"Len, have you been up here this whole time?" I asked frantically, it's been hours since he went missing. He slowly nodded his head and without hesitation Ren grabbed his arm trying to get him to stand up.

"You do realize you'll catch a cold staying up here idiot!" I yelled at him, he let us do pretty much what ever to him. He was completly lifeless, like a rag doll. I grabbed the other side of Len's arm and put it around my shoulder for support. Ren and I had to carry him all the way to his house, but as we were passing my house he spoke up.

"Hey Rin, can I go over and talk to Rinto?" He asked suddenly. That shocked me a little since Len has never really been over to my house, even though we've been neighbors since I was born. Of course he was always okay with Rinto since him and Kaito were always together. I guess Len was one of those younger brothers who always looked up to their older brother.

"Sure I guess, but I don't know if he'll talk that much." I stated, Len just shrugged us off and started walking himself, I led him into my house where Rinto was still sitting but had cailmed down quite a bit.

"Oh Len, I'm sorry to here about Kaito," Rinto said giving Len a sympathetic look. I left them to talk as I trotted into the kichen.

~Few hours Later~

"Hey I'm expecting one other perosn to come over so can you make dinner for four?" Rinto asked popping his head through the doorway. Rinto looked a lot better than he did before, I guess him and Len talked it out.

"Sure, but who is the fourth person?"

"Oh it's no one that impotant, just someone to come over to talk about Kaito's will." He said like it didn't matter.

"Already? That sounds pretty important!" I shouted, my brother can be too easy going sometimes.

"It's ok, just hurry up and make dinner!" Rinto walked out like nothing was wrong. Whatever, I guess I'll just make the food.

Soon the person that had Kaito's will was there and we were all sitting around the table, the man brought out Kaito's will and started to read who got what. A few times I heard people's names that I didn't even know, I also heard a name that sounded a little familiar but I couldn't think of the face to put it with.

"Well, most of Kaito Shion's belongs seem to go to you two and a few others." The man pointed out to Len and Rinto, I guess Kaito didn't really have that many people he was close to. The man read down the list and got to what was going to happen to Len since Kaito was technically his legal guardian.

"Well it says here that Rinto Kagamine is the new legel guradian of Len Shion." Rinto, Len and I all looked at each other in disbelief of what we had just heard.

"Uhm, Kaito never told me anything about me taking in Len. Can I see the paper?" Rinto asked, the man gladly handed the paper over to us. All three of us looked at the papper and it said right there that Rinto Kagamine was the guardian of Len Shion.

"S-so does that mean Len has to Live with Rin and I?" Rinto stuttered, The man nodded his head to Rinto as he was packing up all his papers with his briefcase.

"I'm sorry for your loss, I hope everything works out for you all." The man lastly said and left, we were all sitting there in shock of what had just happened in this past couple of minutes. Rinto snapped out of it quickly but Len and I were still in shock, I mean we're practically enemies! We've disliked eachother for ten whole years!

"Well Len I guess we should get over to your house and start packing! Come on we have a spare room for you!" Rinto chirped happily dragged the still in shock Len out of the house leaving me. Also still very shocked of what had just happened. It looks like Len Shion is going to be living with Rinto and I...

And that is the first chapter to this fanfic! I think I'm going to enjoy this one a bit more than the one I'm on, even though I do like the other on this one is a bit more enjoyable to write. I know there isn't much Humor in this chapter but that's only cuz of the situation at the moment so I'll try and put more humor into it next chapter! Well that's about it! Review and all that! :D

Love, Setsuro-chan! :D