At the end of an hour, Antonio was as pale as Gilbert, flour covering every inch of his exposed skin. His hair was infiltrated with the white powder, the dark chocolaty locks now almost as white as his albino friend's.

Aforementioned albino was relatively clear of the residue and was currently laughing at how light his friend was. "Toni! Being colorless is supposed to be my job!" the German said between bouts of laughter, and Antonio couldn't help but join in.

"Sí, sí! My, how did flour get all over me..?" The Spaniard was genuinely confused at how he—and his clothes—were covered with the ingredient. That only caused another burst of laughter to emit from Gilbert.

"I think you should take a shower, mein freund," said the chortling albino.

Spain gave him a bemused smile and nodded. "Sí.. but I have to clean up first," he said, frowning at his disaster of a kitchen.

Gilbert waved him off. "Nein, go shower. The awesome me will take care of it~!" he said, grinning. When Antonio looked about to protest, Gil pushed him in the direction of the stairs. "It's fine, Tonio! It isn't like I didn't have a hand in helping create the mess, after all."

The Spaniard sighed and grinned at his friend. "Sí.. Gracias, mi amigo~!" he said, back to his usual perky self. Gilbert grinned and waved him off as he turned around to examine the battlefield while Antonio went to take his shower.

As he began cleaning, the German couldn't help let his thoughts trail back to Antonio. How oblivious he was! Gilbert had to resist the urge to take his friend by the shoulders and force him to understand, explain clearly-with little room for him to mistake what he was saying like he so often did. It was so infuriating! The albino sighed as he swept a pile of flower into his hand and dumped it into the trash bin.

He heard the shower turning on upstairs, accompanied with joyful Spanish singing. The soft words of Dímelo drifted down to him, though Gilbert couldn't understand the words. He shook his head with another soft sigh. It was going to be a long day.

About half an hour later, Gilbert was done cleaning, seeming to have gotten himself dirtier in the process, while Antonio was descending the stairs. The Spaniard glanced over his friend, his towel pausing in its work to dry his hair, before Toni doubled over in laughter, finding the sight before him one of the most comical things he'd ever seen. Gilbert was covered nearly top to bottom with flower, sugar, and cinnamon, making him look like a ghost that was bleeding. The German was trying to brush some off of his clothing and out of his hair, but all he managed to do was create a puffy white cloud that surrounded him and made all the kitchen that he'd just cleaned up.

When the ghostly man heard the musical laughter signaling that his friend had returned, he stopped, though the 'fog' remained around him. "How is this so funny?" Gilbert asked with a scowl.

Snickering, Antonio replied, "You look like a ghost, especially with the flour all clouding around you... do you want to use my bathroom to clean up?" A grin remained on his face as he walked into the kitchen. "I can finish cleaning while you do. The churros should be cooled down enough to eat by now~"

Rolling his eyes and huffing softly—which managed to cause a puff of more flour to surround him—Gilbert nodded, the scowl being replaced with a smile. "Thanks, Tonio." Grabbing one of the cooled churros, the albino grinned and ran upstairs, a cloud of debris being left behind. Antonio laughed and shook his head, grabbing his broom to sweep the mess Gilbert had also left.

This story is progressing so slowly. XD I'm sorry, my darling readers~ Just a little note... I like the Spanish version of Dímelo better than its English counterpart. If you look up the actual translation, it isn't the same as Do You Know. If you read the literal translation rather than Enrique's translation, you'l´l understand why he was singing it ehehe~ Till next time, lovelies!