I'm afraid this isn't an update, but it is necessary. I received the most important and touching review of my life, but it was left as a guest review, so I can't contact that person in any other way. I felt this needs to be said.

Dear Natara,

You may never read this, but God do I hope you do. I need to thank you for that review because it meant the world to me, and I am so proud of you for being strong despite what you have been through. Today, you made me remember the reasons I love writing and putting my work out there. I love to give people the same escape that I need when I am writing or reading, and to reach them, and it is so important to me that it did in fact do that. It makes me dreams come true, and that is not an exaggeration. You gave me such a rush of confidence today, changed how I think about my work and how people receive it, and that is such a valuable gift. Telling me something so personal was such a strong and beautiful thing to do, and I hope I haven't embarrassed you by mentioning it - I just had to let you know the impact of your words and I couldn't think of another way.

Now, this is the really important message. You are so strong. I hope you know that. I can't imagine going through what you have, and please please please don't ever think again that taking your life might be the right answer. I'm glad I was even just a tiny factor in helping to stop that this time. I know it's easy for me to say, I'm just a voice on the other side of the internet and I don't know you or what it's like, but I know there are people who would be devastated to lose you. I'm honestly one of those people. The kind words today meant everything to me, they changed my perspective, and it makes me sad to think that someone who could reach out in that way, and make someone feel so good, might be lost. I am rooting for you from this moment onwards, and I don't want you to give up. It gets better. Sherlock's struggle was just a story, but I know that you can win yours - every day and every night - and it won't be fictional. I want you to be strong, because you irrevocably changed my life today, and there are no words to explain how wonderful you are because of that, and because of everything that you are.

Don't give up. I'm always here if you need me, and if anyone else has read this then I hope they know that to.

With all of my love,
