This is my first fan fiction so let me know If I did good. Please R&R!

"Come on were gonna miss it!" the Doctor said as he checked his invisible watch on his skinny wrist.

Maybe making night out to the cinema was a bad idea because 1. They were going to a cinema on earth when they could watch a 5D film on a distant planet and 2. His friends were the ones that had chosen what film they were all going to watch, and of course, they would choose a romance.

Seriously while there gonna be sitting there drying there eyes with tissues, the doctor would have to entertain himself by trying to count how many popcorn pieces are in the box. He was more into Sci-Fi or action and there was that odd time when he was interested in a horror, but no, he was stuck having to go and watch two people snog each other until there hearts content.

He made a mental note for himself for the near future "NEVER let the the companion decide."

The Doctor sat with Rose and Martha at the main console waiting for Donna who had decided that the best time to start getting ready was 10 minutes before they leave.

Eventually Donna came in from the depths of the TARDIS finishing off combing her hair.

"Finally!" The doctor groaned as he walked to wards the the TARDIS door."Oi! Watch it spaceman or else i'll make sure you wont be leaving this place unless it's in a wheelchair!"

"God Donna what took you so long, we are only going to watch a movie, not a date" Interupted Martha.

"Well one has to look there best" she replied.

"Annnnnyway, lets go before the popcorn gets cold" The doctor protested as he pulled the doors open to reveal...

"A cupboard" said Rose "Why are we in a cupboard?"

"Well" Rubbing the back of his neck "I might have landed us a bit far from our destination"

"Oh yeah, how can you tell?" Asked Martha.

And with that the doctor moved forward and opened the door to reveal a white room no bigger than a classroom. From where they stood,to the right was a set double automatic doors, fitted with see through glass from top to bottom. Straight ahead was a couple of seats that sat next to a table and some magazines, making it look like a waiting area. To the left was a semi circle desk which was occupied by a middle aged dark haired woman. She wore glasses that at a point at each top corner. She wore red lipstick that didnt match her wrinkled skin and her hair was tied back into a bun.

As the Doctor walked up to her, he came to notice how she wore a white blazer which covered her thick turtle neck jumper. She stared down at her work as he approached so failed to notice his presence. With this the Doctor decided to introduce him self, but before he had the chance she had looked up and started to speak.

"Hello and welcome to the Happy Society Mental Hospital, how may I help you today?" Donna noticed how she had said all that without taking the smile of her face. It reminded her of an air hostess on Easy Jet. She also noted how she talked with an American accent and realized how far the Doctor had really gotten from the cinema. Far enough to be in a different country unless there were Americans on the planet Zog.

"Yes, hello my names the Doctor and these are my associates Miss Rose Tyler, Martha Jones and Donna Noble." He finished by taking out his psychic paper and showing it to the woman.

"Your an inspector, a Mr Smith from the GA department of health and care."

"Yup, that's me and Miss Noble here is my assistant, here to help me out. And Miss Tyler and Miss Jones are here for work experience for the year so don't mind them."

"But we weren't informed that you would be visiting"

"Best to keep it that way" He said" Better to not to let the people know of your visit in order to make the inspection more...trusting"

The receptionist frowned at him, thinking about what he just said before she smiled and continued " Of course, if you would like to proceed through those doors and head to the left it will lead you down to the recovery clinic. I'm sure that you will find everything to be in order" she pointed towards to double doors to the right of the desk.

"Thank you"

All four walked towards the doors which were being held open by a button behind the receptionists desk. Once they were through she let go of the button and the doors closed gently behind them.

"So do we actually have to walk about this place and inspect if they have a good janitor or not?" asked Martha

"No, what were really gonna do is find out why the TARDIS brought us here" The Doctor replied as he walked backwards in order to face the three women.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Said Rose

"Easy, we simply walk in the opposite direction that the kind woman at the desk told us to". came the reply of the Doctor, earning him a frown from Donna."Kind. She reminded me of Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter. Right old witch she was. Did you see the look on her face when you told her why we're here?"

The Doctor stopped in his tracks "I know. And that's why we've got to be extra careful when walking around this place. So stay close" The Doctor then continued walking as he headed down the corridor to his right.

The receptionists turned around in her chair to face the security cameras.

There were many screens that only showed the areas that she was close to. All seemed fine until she looked to the top right screen.
That inspector and his companions were heading down the wrong corridor, towards...

The receptionists eye grew wide as she realized were they were heading and immediately spun round in her chair and picked up the phone and began speak to a person in another ward of the hospital.

A couple of corners and a flight of stairs later, Rose began to grow a little tired. She was supposed to be relaxing in a cinema whilst watching George Clooney on the big screen and enjoying her salted popcorn. She had half expected to land somewhere in a mental hospital full of nut jobs.

She had come to notice how quiet the doctor had become. He hadn't talked since his outburst from slipping on the stairs. She saw how he kept his eyes to the ground deep in thought, from time to time he would stopped so suddenly she almost bumped into him. He stood stock still as if he was listen to something before slightly shaking his head and walking on.

It wasn't the first time, he had down this before, usually he would hear something in the distance and ask if they had heard it as well. Other times he would become silent from thinking so hard he wouldn't realize what was going on around him until there was a cry for help or chaos not far from there standing point.

This time though, it looked like he was keeping it to himself. Hearing things but keeping them bottled up. It couldn't be that important though. She saw how Martha and Donna had came to notice how strange he was acting. He told them everything that would appear strange to them. At first she thought she would let it be until he would eventually decide what was up, she looked up from her thought and decided the time was now.

The Doctor was walking in front of all three, face towards the floor and walking deep in thought, failing to notice the door that he was quickly approaching. Without a second thought, Rose reached out and grabbed his coat and pulled him back from impact. Saving him from a large bump on the head.

Once he was pulled away she let go of his coat as he turned to her "What was that for?"

She stared at him before answering "You didn't realize that you were about to walk into that door face first" Rose pointed to the door that was behind him, he turned to see.

"Really?" he looked from the door, to his friends then back at the door before answering again " I didn't see it"

"I noticed that. Doctor is their something wrong? You've been awfully quite ever since we made it to this floor, you look as if your hearing something and not telling us about it"

The doctor frowned at her trying to hide his thoughts " There's nothing wrong" he replied " Just...thinking"

"About?" asked Martha.

"Nothing..." The doctor stopped speaking as he noticed Donna walk in front of Martha hands on hips and giving him her popular "don't give me that "nothing" look. She stared at him, making sure not to say anything as it would get the better effect on the doctor. She had found out recently how he saw Donna as the mother hen of the group, not from being the eldest of the women but from her leadership and her mother like care to the everyone. Even if one of them is a 900 year old Timelord. She knew that if she could stare him off long enough, then the Doctor would remember that too. He showed his respect for Donna and sometimes even acted like her own child around her, like whenever she would send him off to bed from the look of tiredness on his face or how she disallowed him to attempt incredibly ridiculous stunts that would end in an injury or kissing bruises.

She began to notice how her stare off was beginning to take affect, The doctor's eyes grew wide and his eyebrows raised, he closed his mouth and lowered his heard making him look like a child about to get the beating from his mother. " You gonna tell whats really the matter or am I gonna have to make that door come in to use?" She won.

He answered as if unsure if his answer would be right "Yes".

"Good, now whats on your mind"? Donna lowered her arms down to her sides and became the quite Donna Noble that everyone loves.

"To be honest, I'm not even sure" He began to scratch his shaved chin. "Its like, I can hear something right at the back of my head and i don't know if i should ignore it because it seems so real"

"What is it?"

"We-ll, it possibly,might be, but might not be...a distress signal"

"Inside your head" asked Martha

"Yup" he said popping out the p " I think someone is in need of help" he pointed to rose "and its like you said, it started right when we reached this floor. The signal has gotten stronger"

"So who ever is in need of our help, is somewhere on this floor. And we're gonna find them and help them out" Asked rose

"Exactly and maybe that's why the TARDIS brought us here in the first place"

"So do we split up, search around and try to find the person?" Said Donna.

"Or I could simply listen and follow the signal" He looked at Donna with a smile as he pointed to his head.

"Or that" she shrugged her shoulders as he went on "well then Alonzy!"

The Doctor listened carefully as the signal kept fading and reappearing. So far it had lead them down a couple of corridors and through some locked doors with restricted access, no problem the sonic screwdriver couldn't handle.

By now the walls around them had changed. Instead of the hospital looking hallways, the walls were white bricks that had grayed in age. above them were many pipes and shafts and dirt covered floors beneath their feet.

Now they were walking down and single empty corridor that grew colder the further they went down. At one point further back they had stopped when they had heard a faint cry. The doctor hopped it to be a cry, because he couldn't decide either to place it as a cry or a scream. They had continued on and could see the end of the corridor were a door stood. Before the had reached that door, another appeared on the right side of the wall. The doctor checked the handle and found it unlocked before stepping through. He checked to see that they were alone before ushering the three women in side.

The walls were lined with control panels from floor to ceiling. All lit up with many colours of lights and fitted with more buttons that the TARDIS controls. As the doctor went over to investigate. Martha spotted the huge window on the left side of the room, below the window was a table that held a smaller panel but it was the window the Martha didn't take her eyes off. She stared in shock as Donna and Rose rushed over to see.

Eventually the sight that she was seeing before her made her mind think fast. "Doctor!, Look!"

The Doctor spun round from the panels and ran over to the window. His jaw dropped. Before them they witnessed a large white room occupied by two men in white uniforms who were leaning over a bath tub. They were smiling at each other but also at something that was lying in the tub. It wasn't until the person was pulled out of the tub gasping for breath did the doctor react and oh was he mad. Even though he should be shocked from seeing this person but all he wanted to do was get him out of there.

Immediately he ran out of the room leaving his friends at the window. He'd figured that the first door they saw was the entrance to their torture chamber. Before he had turned right down the corridor, he looked up to the left from were they first came down. Standing there was a child around the age of 13/14. She was small in height and also dressed in white clothing from head to toe. He thought she must have been another patient. She made no reaction to his presence and somehow seeing her had warmed his hearts a little. Until he remembered what he was doing and charged down towards the door. Before he opened it he looked back up the hall to the girl but discovered she had vanished. He burst through the door making both men jump and causing them to drop the wet bundle on the floor.

"What on earth do you think you are doing!" he shouted, face red with anger. How dare they do this. Who in there right minds would do this to someone.

Both men were wide eyed unable to speak from the intrusion, or were just to afraid to say a word to the furious figure in front of them. They noticed three woman running in behind the first man but still never took their eyes of him.

The Doctor stormed up to them inches from their faces "Who do you think you are! Treating someone like this, he is a person! This, This is wrong, it is cruel, it is heartless and it is Anything But Human!"

Finally on of the men squared up the courage to speak "We're just doing are jobs. That man is a psychopath" He said whilst pointing down at the soaked man on the ground that had now sat up and close his knees up to his chest.

"Oh BIG mistake! Both of you get out of my sight and don't think I wont be reporting this! Lets just hope you lot can find new jobs easily because I am SHUTTING this place down! For Good!" The doctor was screaming at the top of his lungs from anger. He pointed towards the door he had come in, immediately the two man ran from the room.

The doctor ran over to the scared man and placed his long coat over him in attempt to warm him as he saw how much he was shivering. He saw how he was also wearing a white type of uniform, but in his eyes he did not see them as worn by workers, but by patients or prisoners. As he placed his arm on his back, the man jumped from the touch but didn't recoil. He began to unfold himself and lift his face. It was as if the touch had pleased him, it was something he hadn't experienced in a long time.

The Doctor began to feel the shock rising in him. Seeing this man was impossible but he didn't care. Martha had also seen his face from the window and was trying to piece together what she was seeing.

"Master" The doctor was merely whispering, seeing how the man had reacted from his shouting.

The Master had fully raised his head, showing his snow white hair and darting eyes. He was frightened. He had a bruise on his forehead and a cut on his lip from an earlier beaten. He looked at the doctor but grew less afraid once he set his eyes on the calm chocolate brown ones that were staring back at him. He relaxed his shoulders and let his arms fall down to his bare feet. He frowned at him before opening his mouth to speak.

It was unrecognizable to the doctor. All the power and confidence that was in that voice that he used to know, was replaced by fear and tremor. But it was what he said that had shocked him the most.

"Who are you?"

Well hope I did good for my first chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it. Please read and review. Thanks!