This is a little later than expected, ha. Long story short, I re-read what I'd written for this chapter before, and I really didn't like it. This final piece is about the fourth attempt. Sorry about that.
And it's the final chapter! I hope you guys like it, and my apologies for being such a lousy updater. For those of you who followed this fic's prequel,
What if we'd met someplace else?, and want to see the next of the three continuations, I should post that in a few months' time. I think I need a little break from these for a while. Hopefully, though, the updating should be better on that than it has been on this, ha.

Disclaimer: You know you're obsessed with NCIS when you panic as your NCIS mug stars to fade in colour. D:

Listening to: I gave you all, by Mumford and Sons.

Her very own laugh still echoes in her ears as the phone begins to ring, Tony's text fading as a number flashes up on the screen; her smile is still imprinted on her lips.
It all disappears once the sharp intake of breath and clear 'Ziva' comes through from the other end.

To say she shouts at her father would not be accurate- in fact, her voice is calm in a rehearsed state, practiced and curt without the slightest tremor.
It's only at the end that her patience wears thin and she hangs up, Eli David's words still running through her mind.

Her father has no concept of time; time for getting to know people; time to say goodbyes.
The airline tickets are in the post, and she has three days.

She is not laughing anymore.


The Director's office is her first port of call the next morning. She breezes past Tony without even a 'Good Morning', and can't find it in her to feel guilty when he immediately sends her a concerned glance.

Jenny promises to make some calls, and Ziva is instantly grateful to her ally.
It's Gibbs she's more worried about. He's been sending her odd looks the past week, switching from Tony to her to Tony again, as if trying to connect the pieces but somehow not believing what he sees.

It makes her itch, unlike anything she's felt before.

He knows.


Abby had told her once about the tradition of Gibbs' basement. If there's something you need to say, or want advice, go to Gibbs. According to her friend, his door's always open.
She didn't quite realize Abby had meant that literally, but it certainly makes things easier.

She senses his sharp look up and winces slightly. She's losing her touch.

"You planning to come all the way down here, or just sit on the top step?"

It's a fair enough question, she thinks, and one that she should answer. Instead, though, she just mutters an indifferent response and stays seated, eyes trained to the pacing, sander-wielding man.

" 'Something wrong, Ziva?"

She blinks, because his way of pronouncing her first name is still somewhat foreign, and he says the end with a slight lilt to it.

"No." she tells her fingers, then back-tracks and changes her mind.

She hears him drop some metal things that clatter over wood, and her brow furrows even further. Pouring liquid comes next. "Yes, Gibbs, everything is wrong."

Her voice cracks on the last word and an unexpected tear rolls down her cheek.
She knows he's about to ascend the stairs and find out what's wrong, but she realizes that's not what she wants, and stands, heading down the staircase anyway.

He hands her a small jar, filled with a rich-colored liquid. She's not quite sure what it is, but it's strong and blissfully burns the back of her throat.
Sitting down on a chair of some sort, Gibbs asks what is wrong. She follows his lead and sits opposite him before answering.

"My father... is a very powerful man, as you are no doubt aware. He sent me here- to NCIS- after... something went wrong. I should have been protecting someone, and I got distracted, and he ended up dead.
Eli... Well, he decided to send me to a different country; to someone who could look out for me but still ensure I was working as I should. That was Jenny.

"But I always knew, that this could not be permanent. I knew my father could take everything away from me as soon as I started to fit in here. Somehow, though, I forgot, and I felt at home, with your team."

She pauses to make sure he's still following, and takes another long drink.

"Yesterday, my father told me that I had three days to tie up my loose ends, and fly back to Israel.

"I forgot, Gibbs. I let myself relax for one moment, and he realized. This is what happened before, and it's happening again now."

She takes a deep breath to regain her composure.

"Ziva, what do you mean?"
He sounds oh so confused, and she gulps, weighing up her options.
In the end, she just can't lie.

"I let myself... fall for him, Gibbs. I had fun, and I tried to keep it simple, but he's not simple. He's never simple, I mean..."
Another tear rolls down her cheek and she feels Gibbs lay a hand on her shoulder.
Whendid she get so soft?

"Who, Ziva?"
And they both know who it is, but in order for this to be okay she has to say it.

The tension is thick and the air is still, and she gulps down the remainder of her drink to gain courage.



Gibbs had told her to tell Tony, but she couldn't. For one, it would be too hard, and she wouldn't make it through without tearing up, and if he tried to comfort her it'd all be ten times worse. Also, she just can't bear to face him.
Him, with the sparkling green eyes and the knowing stare; the kissable lips and the bright wide smile.

It's easier this way, she promises herself.


Jenny calls her up on doomsday.
Goodbye speeches are already planned; the tickets sit on a box in her apartment, ready to be picked up as soon as she needs them.

Her friend is cradling a phone between her shoulder and chin, scrawling something on a piece of paper as she multi-tasks.
"Okay, thank you. Yeah, Shalom to you too."

Ziva's eyes shoot up. Can she dare to hope...?

"I pulled something off, Ziva. You're just too valuable to lose."

Jenny grins as the other woman hugs her tightly, chuckling slightly.


"What do I do, Gibbs?"

"Jeez, you kids think I have all the answers. About what, Ziva?"

"Like I said, I am no longer leaving. And I know you have rules, and I would not want to break those. But I... I do not want to ignore Tony, Gibbs. I cannot just forget about him."

"Go to him, Ziva. Tell him what you told me."

"But your rules-"

"Forget about them for now. We can discuss them later. Right now, though, you need to go to DiNozzo and tell him what's happened."


The knock is quiet, and she hopes he'll hear it. There are light footfalls over the threshold, and she knows he's looking at her.
The door opens.

"What is it, Ziva?" his words are cold and sharp, and she blinks in momentary shock.


"What about?"

"I am sorry, Tony."

"What for?"
She chuckles in disbelief.

"Please... Tony."

Something shifts in his gaze and he steps aside, letting her in.

"Do you... remember what I said about my father?"
Tony nods, and she continues.
"He found out, that I was... with you, somehow. And I forgot what he was capable of doing.

"Three days ago, I was given an ultimatum- I believe that is the right word.
Tony, he said that I had three days to sever all ties to NCIS and return to Mossad."

"Three days, but that's..."
He trails off, a look of horror on his face.

And then, before she knows what's happening, he's stepped forward and pressed his lips against hers, desperately and full of need. It's over so quickly.

"What was that for?" she asks breathlessly.

He shrugs sadly, hand placed on her cheek.
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that again."

She puts a finger to his lips, smiling as he kisses it gently.
"But listen, Tony. The Director managed to make my father let me stay. I am staying here."
Her breathing is still heavy as he visibly works out what's going on right in front of her.

"Oh thank God." he whispers breathily as he crushes her to him, saying nonsense and some slightly more sensical words as he holds her tight.

She pulls out the airline tickets once he's let her go somewhat, handing them to him. He rips them up there and then, and kisses her deeply straight after.


Later, as they lie in bed, clutching as they drift asleep, he tells her he loves her.
She says it right back.


Thanks to everyone who's reviewed and followed this. (: Sorry I've been such a dreadful updater.
It'd be lovely if you could leave a review.