
Thanks to anyone who reviewed on the last chapter! Ah, this is going to be a sad day. This is going to be the last chapter of Redemption! So, really it's a big thank you to anyone who has ever reviewed on this story! Aw, I'm going to miss reading your reviews. Well, you can always message me if you want ;)

Lyrics: I know a thousand ways to help you forget about her. That bitch can eat her heart out. Love bites, but so do I.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Lissa's point of view

I sat alone at home on the sofa, my mind racing with everything I had just been told. Mum had gone shopping for new clothes and Rose was probably with Dimitri. I'd left the party soon after Christian had told me what he had done with the excuse that my head was hurting from how much I had to drink last night.

The curtains were drawn to a close and the all the lights were turned off as I pulled the blanket closer to my chin. Perhaps if I just stayed here, I would be able to keep the world out. I know it sounded crazy, but the idea sounded too appealing.

Just as I felt as though it was going to fall into a dreamless slumber, a knock at the door snapped me out of my dazed state. Groaning inwardly, I stumbled from the sofa and headed straight for the front door and yanked it open to see Christian standing awkwardly in the doorway.

A mix of emotions swelled inside me as my eyes rested on his crystalline blue orbs. Surprisingly, I didn't feel any hatred like I would have expected myself to. Instead, all I could feel was sympathy and a little anger.

"What do you want?" I finally asked as I crossed my arms over my chest in a defensive manner. "I thought I told you that I needed my space." It felt wrong and cruel to be this abrupt and cruel to Christian. After all, I had told him that Andre wouldn't want me to act like this.

"I just thought that maybe you want to hear the story of what really happened" He answered, playing with his fingers in a jumble of nerves. "I didn't want to unload all of it onto you at once."

Did I really want to know what happened that day? Ever since this morning, I had been moving on with his death quite well and was finally starting to find some closure. I was really starting to believe that ignorance was bliss.

But I couldn't leave the fact that I would finally get to find out what happened to my big brother. With that decision made, I pushed open the door further and stepped aside, so Christian could make his way through.

He moved with less confidence than normal, but he took a seat on the sofa regardless. He slipped underneath the blanket and held up the other side for me to crawl under. Reluctantly, I followed and took the seat next to him.

"I've got a feeling this could take a while to explain" Christian sighed. "My dad was very ill. It was bowel cancer and I knew that he didn't have long left. He was taken into hospital on the afternoon that Andre died. They told my mum that it looked as though this was the end for him. He wasn't responding to any of the medication they were giving him and he could barely string a sentence together. At that point, I wanted him to die. I couldn't handle the thought of watching him suffer any longer. It would have only been selfish of me to want him to sit through all of that pain for even longer."

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Christian" I whispered, my hand moving under the blanket to hold onto his own. The warmth that seeped from his skin to my own was undeniable.

"So, as soon as I found out that he was in hospital, I jumped straight in the car and sped straight to the hospital. It was when I was going past your school that my phone rang. I had to know if it was about my dad, so I went to answer it. Before I even knew it, I crashed into someone. I stopped the car and got out. Only Rose looked at me and I doubted that she was really seeing me. Then I remembered my dad and I got straight back into the car and drove off. I wasn't scared about what would happen to me. If I hadn't had to see my dad, I would have stayed for whatever punishment I was going to be given"

Tears were running down his face, but he ignored them completely as though there was only him and me in the world. As though telling this story which must be paining him greatly was the only thing that mattered in life. "I believe you, Christian" I said gently, hoping to coax him out of this depression.

"When I was in the hospital, I took a walk because it was all getting too much for me. God, I saw you run into the toilets with tears streaming down your face and I knew that all of that was my fault. Then I saw Rose run in there after you. I saw them take him down to the morgue. It was me who put him there, Lissa. It's all my fault" He cried. As soon as he finished, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and dragged him down to lie next to me with his head resting on my shoulder. The tears came freely to me too.

"Christian, it's not your fault" I whispered, pressing kiss after kiss to his dark hair. "Oh, Christian it could never be your fault. I forgive you." His arms encircled my waist as he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. God, I had missed being this close to him. As angry as I may have been at him, I had missed having him around.

"When I came to this school, all I wanted to do was apologise to you and then leave you to get on with your life…I never expected to fall in love with you" He mumbled. My heart pounded in my chest to the point where I was scared that he could hear it. I shifted slightly underneath him and he soon moved off me and looked straight into my eyes. "I really do love you, Lissa"

Before he got a chance to back away even further, I held his face in my hands and pulled him back to me, our lips connecting only very lightly, but enough for mine to tingle. His lips were wet from the tears, but still felt warm to touch. His arms encircled me once more before dragging me over to sit on his lap.

"So, what are we then?" He finally asked as he pressed his forehead against my own. The question raced through my mind before I realised that I didn't actually have an answer for it. What were we? Christ, does anyone really know who they are.

"We're just two kids that are trying to make it in this world. We were dealt a bad hand, but we're going to try to make it better." I began to explain. "Simply put: we don't know what we are."

"Hmm, it makes sense" Christian chuckled. "I'll just settle for being your potential boyfriend."

"Yeah, I'd like that" I sighed, allowing him to take me in his arms once more.

Rose's point of view

"How do you think Lissa and Christian are getting on?" I asked Dimitri, taking a seat on his bed as he put some music on. "Do you think she's going to forgive him?"

"Of course she'll forgive him" Dimitri answered as though it was common knowledge, sitting next to me. "Now can we stop talking about Christian for just one moment."

"Why?" I questioned, not being given another chance to speak because his lips were on mine. Ah, that familiar taste of his lips was enough to get anyone high. And goodness was I enjoying the intoxication. "Oh, that's why" I mumbled in between kisses as he lowered me further down on the bed, his hands resting on the pillow at either side of my head much like they did when I was almost passed out at the party. If his kisses at the party were even half as good as the kisses he was delivering now, it was a wonder how I didn't die.

"Yeah, that's why" He laughed, his hands trailing down the my hips and gripping tightly. If it was anyone else, it would have hurt like hell, but Dimitri managed to find a way of making it feel loving and sexy. "I've been waiting to do that ever since the party."

"Was it worth the wait?" I asked sweetly, biting my lips to hold the laughter back. Some of his hair had fallen from the ponytail and was now hanging at the sides, framing his tanned face perfectly as he stared down at me with something that I couldn't quite place in his eyes. Love? Desire? Who ever really knew when it came to Dimitri?

"It would be worth waiting one million years for a kiss like that" He commented as his hand caressed my cheek with a grace that was fit for an angel. How could someone so tall and menacing find a way to be romantic and cute?

"How did we get here?" I asked, as though my mouth had been taken over by someone else. Why did I have to interrupt moments by talking? His hand never stopped caressing my face, though. "It feels like everything's gone by so quickly. It was like one moment we hated each other and the next we could barely keep our hands off each other…how could two people be so confusing?"

"God knows" Dimitri laughed. "Half the time we didn't even make sense to me. It helps that you're so hot. I could never resist sweetness"

"Shut up" I chuckled, playing with his hair in my hands. "I'm glad that we worked everything out" His lips pressed against my forehead before he lay down next to me, clasping his hand in my own.

"Nobody ever thought we were going to make it, you know?" Dimitri sighed. "They all thought we were just carrying on like teenagers and that we'd eventually go our separate ways because we were too argumentative. We showed them, huh?"

"Aw, is my Dimitri turning into a hopeless romantic?" I questioned.

"You know it, Roza" He whispered, pressing one more kiss to my cheek.

Okay, so that chapter was shorter than the others, but it's all good. So, what did you guys think? Was it a good ending? Aw, I'm seriously going to miss writing this! Anyway, like I said you guys can always message me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me if you liked the story on a whole XD Thanks for reading!