a/n: just a short and innocent oneshot about jackson/scott bonding kind of after jackson gets bit. i don't think i'll continue it :) but please please please leave comments, even in anonymous. haha i really get into lows as far as writing goes when i don't get any kind of feedback. :( also, request some other pairings? jackson/scott is just my favorite.

disclaimer: this story is a complete work of fiction and is in no way based on true events or the true sexuality of the actors mentioned. copyright of mtv and mtv networks.

The air chilled me to my bones. It was probably fifty degrees out despite feeling quite a bit colder without anything but a pair of dirty blue boxers to—literally—cover my ass. The full moons tended to end like this, with my mouth covered in a dry mess of blood, the cooper still sliding down my throat for the first few minutes until I could sneak back home. I hate walking home in the buff, usually I leave a spare pair of clothes out in the woods, but last night I had shredded my shirt into strips of blue nothing before I could get out of the annoying fabric. Still, despite the cold, I shimmied on a pair of jeans and began walking along the road home, it's early and the air smells a little like rain and pinecones. As I walk, admiring the sun rising high in the sky, the moon slid from sight quickly, as if hanging around would just burden me.

All mornings after the shift were the same. Wake up, walk home, get ready for school. I was in step two of this process when a flawless silver Porsche gunned past me. I rolled my eyes, it could be assumed that the car belonged to only one person in Beacon Hills—Jackson Whittemore. I wasn't exactly fond of him, but who was I to say anything? My policy is to keep my head down and go with the flow. Now a days it's too risky to stand up and cause a scene, not that I was any kind of show stopper before I the change. As the red tail lights began fading around the familiar bend in the road the lights suddenly stopped, Jackson pulled over on the road and let his car idle. I wondered what he was waiting for. I approached the expensive vehicle, my eyes drinking in the sight of such a luxurious car before I heard a click, the door had opened and inside Jackson sat, alone. I was half expecting him to have Lydia with him.

"Get in McCall." He spoke almost quietly.

Part of me was silently thankful for the reprieve from the chill outside, but most of my mind raced to understand why my high school bully would stop to pick me up. He didn't even seem spooked by the fact I had dried deer's blood running down my chin to clavicle. I wasn't about to question it though. I got into the car, instantly the seat warmers caused a shiver through my frame. That felt amazing.

We sat in silence a little longer before Jackson gave a side glance in my direction. I gave him one back before my hands awkwardly clutched at the dirty jeans over my thighs. Well, this was awkward. I decided to look out the window until we reached wherever we were headed. The orange, yellow, and brown colors of autumn zipped past my vision as I watched. Slowly the colors faded into suburban houses and Jackson pulled up to mine. I was surprised he knew where I lived. It was nice of him to give me a ride and I made a move to unbuckle my seatbelt before I felt a warm and slightly clammy hand stop me.

"Wait." He spoke and it seemed weak, like he'd been broken. I finally took notice of the pain in his eyes and I silently wondered what on earth could have gone wrong. "I-I saw Derek last night." I opened my mouth to say something, however the thought was lost as soon as he pulled up his shirt's arm sleeve to reveal a deep, yet healing, bite mark. I knew the mark, is was the impression of a werewolf's bite. "It hurts."

I hissed at the sight. The blood drying around the wound smelled distinctly of my Alpha and I felt both repulsed by the sight but interested in the claim all at the same time. I looked at Jackson before gently grasping his forearm in my hands inspecting the wound closer. "Do you trust me?" I asked wondering if what I was about to try would work.

Jackson almost laughed, putting on a familiar cocky grin. "Nope. But I saw you walking and I figured if anyone would know how to make this shit stop hurting so bad it would be you, McCall."

I gave a half smile before bringing his reddened skin to my lips. His arm quaked a moment in fear I was about to bite him again. Instead my tongue poked out from between my lips and went to work licking the wound. I wasn't about to explain to him how Derek licked me like crazy after battles to heal me, however it was working. Jackson's posture instantly relaxed with the cool salve of my saliva while I got off on the taste of another pack member's blood. I was enjoying myself until I felt a little trail of saliva start down my chin and the striking realization that I would have to battle for my position in the pack set in. I instantly dropped the other's arm.

"What the hell McCall, I didn't say you could stop, did I?" He asked with his biting sarcastic tone, I growled in response. "Whatever. Thanks. I guess."

I got out of the car and entered my house, not looking back to watch Jackson drive away because I could hear the Porsche peel out of my suburban neighborhood. I first went upstairs and started on a shower, however he sweet taste of Jackson in my mouth had me detour to the sink in order to brush my teeth, which was almost saddening. Like, maybe I wanted to taste him.