Chapter 10 Under the haystack

"McGee, bring it up." Gibbs ordered.

The website was projected quickly onto the projection screen. It looked little different than the sites the group had been searching in recent days. There were sections for vows, dresses, cakes, flowers and all the other various services available. Most important, there was a chat section.


He replied to his boss as he picked up his phone. "Calling legal for a subpoena. We'll have the list of subscribers ASAP."


"Cross-referencing the lists we have from our other vics to see if they are registered."


"Running check of the website owner and any employees."


"I'm using Anderson's login and will download her chat logs, contacts and information."

"Get Fornell's team to make copies of what we have, when they finally get here. Shale, once DiNozzo gets the list, you and he cross-reference the list with Anderson's contacts. I want to know who our vic was talking to."

It was Gibbs' dry, "Tobias, glad you and your team could finally join us" that alerted Shale to the team leader's return from MTAC and to the FBI team's arrival. At his look, Gibbs' team quickly gathered materials and prepared to move to the conference room.

"We were searching FBI files for related cases."

"Abby ran those last night; as well as overseas bases. Could have told you that if you'd called."

"How'd she get in to our data…Never mind, I don't want to know."

"While you and your team were chasing your tails, we've been working on our first solid lead." He glanced at Tobias over his shoulder. "Well, are you coming?"

Tobias shook his head at Gibbs' sarcasm and motioned to Sacks and Preston to join the others. "Lead?" He questioned as he passed by Gibbs standing at the door to the conference room.

Gibbs just waved him in. "Shale, why don't you catch the latecomers up?"

Shale took a deep breath uncertain why Gibbs had chosen her over one of his regular team. She stood and moved to the projection screen that dropped from the ceiling to cover the whiteboard in the conference room. As she passed by Tony he gave a small nod in Sacks' direction. She pondered for a moment and then she understood Tony's message. This was Gibbs' way of addressing Sacks' behavior the previous day and it helped calm her nerves. As McGee brought up the website, she addressed the FBI teams.

"This is AWOL_Bridesdotorg. It is a wedding website focused at former service wives. We found the address in Rebecca Anderson's diary."

"So based on a diary you think you found a break in the case?" Sacks sneered.

"Based on skilled investigation. Listen, you may learn something." Gibbs nodded for Shale to continue.

"Once we found the website, we began comparing it to the information retrieved from Ann Ashton's computer and files. She was also a member. So far, we have linked the website to seven of our fifteen victims."

"What about other common sites?" Preston asked.

"None so far." McGee answered. He stood taking the remote from Shale who gratefully returned to her seat. As he talked he flipped through a series of computer program images. "Shale helped compile lists which we are searching using a specially designed program. At this time, we have found no other links among these seven victims."

"Alright, let's find out what we can. Sacks…"

"Way ahead of you, Tobias." Gibbs' "again" was left unspoken.

Taking her cue, Ziva moved to take over. "This is Alyson Harris, the website owner. Ms. Harris, formerly Alyson Rogers and Alyson Strot. Ms. Harris was born Alyson Rae Strot in Washington, Indiana. After graduating high school, she married Kevin Rogers. Rogers was in Army ROTC in college and went into the service right after graduation. He was deployed shortly after their wedding. He rose to the rank of Major – with each promotion right on time. The couple moved to Georgia shortly after his promotion to Major. After seven years, the couple divorced while Major Rogers was deployed overseas. She remarried one George Harris about fifteen years ago. They currently reside near Louisville, Kentucky."

"So she fits our profile?"

"Not technically. Ms. Harris and Major Rogers had already filed for divorce prior to his deployment. No dear Jack letter. "

"John." Tony automatically corrected her.

Ziva ignored Tony and continued. "This website was started the year following her re-marriage. It started slowly, but in the last six to eight years has grown substantially."

"Fallout from the Afghan and Iraq wars." Tobias commented.

"So what, Rogers waits seven years and decides to go on a rampage?" Sacks interjected. "This is a waste of time."

"You are a…" Ziva began.

"David!" Gibbs growled.

"Sacks!" Fornell shouted.

Both Gibbs and Fornell glared at Sacks. After comparing the two, Shale decided she preferred Fornell's. It was much less lethal. It was amazing that Sacks hadn't been vaporized where he sat.

"Fornell, if your agent doesn't have anything constructive to add to this investigation…" Gibbs began angrily.

"I am a federal agent." Sacks rose and headed towards Gibbs. "I have more right to…"

Shale could see Agent Preston and McGee cringe. On the other hand, Ziva and Tony appeared almost gleeful. From the hastily hidden smirk, she got the impression Agent Fornell was wishing for popcorn.

"You have no rights!" Gibbs said forcefully. "This is my case, you are here by invitation. An invitation that has just been revoked. Tobias, get him out of here."

"You can't do that. I have been an agent for nearly ten year and I am fully qualified…"

"Not by my standards."

"Just because DiNozzo's little piece from Baltimore…" Before Sacks could finish Gibbs had him by the collar and Fornell was trying to separate them.

"Jethro, let him go." Tobias finally forced Sacks back a step and Gibbs loosened his grip allowing Tobias to grab Sacks' jacket and shirt collar.

"Get him out of here. NOW!" As Sacks was pushed towards the conference room door, Gibbs continued. "I don't ever want him near another of my cases and I will be filing charges with your director."

Shale thought Tobias looked resigned. Perhaps, he was just grateful that Sacks was leaving in one piece. Just then, Sacks appeared to trip and fell to one knee. Tobias had such a firm grip on Sacks collar that Sacks squeaked as the material dug into his throat.

"He tripped me." Sacks gasped glaring at McGee. "I'll…"

"Do nothing." Tobias simply hauled him upright by his collar and pushed him out the door. "Preston, you answer to Gibbs till I get back." He shut the conference door firmly behind him and his wayward agent.

"Agent Gibbs, I'm sor…"

Gibbs cut Preston off mid-word. "Don't apologize for someone else. That's on him." Gibbs took a deep breath and exhaled. "Twenty minutes and I expect you back here and ready to work. McGee, go see Abby. Make sure you stretch that cramped leg muscle."

"Yes, boss." McGee acknowledged. He breathed a sigh of relief as Gibbs stormed out and could only hope that Fornell had enough of a head start with Sacks.

"Agent Preston, would you care to join me for a coffee run?" Ziva stood and stretched.

"Yes, thank-you." Preston looked grateful for the reprieve.

"You okay, Sexy Lexy?"

Shale was hesitant to meet Tony's eyes. "I'm sorry. I never meant to…"

"We all know that our relationship was just a cover up to bring NCIS into the loop." Tony moved to stand closer. "Sacks was totally out of line."

"But his career. I hate to be responsible…"

"Sacks is an ass and has always been one. You can't take responsibility for that."

"But Gibbs…maybe I should return to the force."

"Gibbs will handle Sacks. It's been a long time coming. I'm gonna hit the head before the boss gets back." Tony paused in the doorway. "You know the first rule Gibbs taught me?" He continued without waiting for her reply. "Rule number five. You don't waste good. You showed when you first began pulling this case together that you've got the right instincts. Gibbs won't let you go now."

Shale stared after him puzzled by his comments. Maybe this morning's dramatics were all a dream. In a few minutes, the alarm would ring and she would realize this was all a consequence of eating too much of Stevie's Chocolate Dream pie before bed.

Ziva and Preston were the last to return minutes before Gibbs' deadline. They passed around cups to the other agents and handed two large cups to Gibbs as he entered. He motioned for Ziva to continue although Fornell had yet to return.

"Alyson Harris and her current husband are not suspects. They are not local and we have found no evidence that they have traveled locally. We are expecting a subpoena at any time for a list of subscribers."

"What about Major Rogers? Maybe he took offense at her website or had hard feelings about the divorce." Agent Preston offered.

"We considered that," Tony replied. "Major Rogers was killed in a training exercise five years ago. We also considered that he may have been involved in the early shootings but his postings had him out of the country prior to his death."

"What about employees?"

"The site is essentially run by Ms. Harris. She does have some people who help monitor the chat areas and message boards, but no link so far. Thankfully, the site requires anyone who logs in to the site to register before accessing any of these areas. Once we get the subpoena, we will be able to track the members."

"So where does that leave us?" Fornell entered quietly and alone. "A dead end?"

"Rule 39." Gibbs said draining his coffee.

"39?" Preston inquired.

"There's no such thing as a coincidence." Tony explained. "We have seven victims utilizing this website. This is where our perp is finding his victims."

"Now we find him." Gibbs stated bluntly.

"Got a plan?" Fornell eyed Gibbs who simply rolled his eyes.

"Preston, David, I want background checks on everyone working on that site. McGee, when the subpoena comes through I want backgrounds; get Abby to help."

"On it, boss." Ziva and McGee chorused.

"What about us?" Tony indicated himself and Shale.

"Use our victims' accounts. Look for anything suspicious. Fornell, you're with me." Gibbs dropped his empty cup in the wastebasket and exited as the FBI agent followed him reluctantly.

An hour later Gibbs descended the stairs from the director's office followed closely by Fornell. "Ziva, gear up." "What's up, boss?" Tony reached for the phone to summon McGee from Abby's lab. Ziva was already on her feet securing her sidearm.

"Another victim. Woman shot outside a restaurant off Connecticut near Dupont Circle. DC Police are calling it a drive by shooting."

"What makes you think it was our perp?" Agent Preston probed.

"She was with her ex-husband, a Sgt. Reynolds." Gibbs answered as McGee exited the elevator with Abby on his heels.

Shale lowered her eyes with a heavy heart. They'd lost another one to this maniac. If she had contacted Gibbs and his team earlier, maybe this woman could have been saved. She tried to shake off the depressing train of thought in time to hear Agent Preston's question.

"DC invited us in?" Gibbs' team looked at Preston incredulously. "Never mind." He busied himself adjusting his holster.

"David, you're with Palmer and Preston. You're familiar with the other crime scene; you know what to look for there."


"He's doing a stat autopsy." Gibbs turned from Ziva to McGee. "Shale, keep going through Anderson's files. McGee, you and Abby go through the list from the site, I want to know if our new vic is a member and who she talked to. DiNozzo…"

"I'm contacting legal for subpoenas for her computers now. Also, pulling info on our vic."

"What? You're not assigning me anything?" Fornell said dryly.

"You like to play nice with the locals, so go play." Gibbs said equally dry. He waved his hand towards the elevator as Fornell shook his head and then set off for the elevator followed closely by Ziva and Preston. As the doors shut Gibbs turned back to Tony. "What have we got?"

Shale started digging for some undisclosed bit of information to distract Gibbs' attention but was surprised when a woman's face appeared on the projection screen. Tony's fingers were still working feverishly on the keyboard but his voice took on a show host persona. And our next contestant is Marjette Reynolds of Georgetown. She was twenty-eight years old, divorced Sgt. Josiah Reynolds…whoa, six months ago. Engagement announcement published two months ago, wedding next week. Lives with her fiancé Alfred Whitson."

Shale listened carefully to the details but as Tony began to run the details of the victim's ex and fiancé, she found herself distracted. There was a memory teasing her; just out of reach. She shuffled through the files absently, hoping something would jog her memory. There it was, Josiah. She scanned down the page quickly. There should be, yup, there it was; fiancé Alfred. Not waiting for Tony to pause, Shale called out interrupting them. "Agent Gibbs, we've got a link."

Both men turned immediately. "What have you got?"

"Ann Ashton's wedding file. It has a printout of a conversation between herself and a subscriber named MarjR. MarjR is recommending some local florists and caterers. In it, she refers to her ex, her fiancé Alfred." Virgo

"A lot of similarities there, boss."

"I'm not done, DiNozzo. She says that she and Alfred want a small, intimate wedding as she had already done the big wedding with her first husband…" Shale paused, "Josiah."


"Calling McGee having him pull MarjR's information. Will have him cross-reference their contacts."

"Shale." She looked up expectantly at Gibbs who was heading upstairs while pulling his cellphone.. "Good work."

Across the room, Tony toasted her silently with his coffee cup before turning his attention back to his phone. With a lighter heart, Shale turned back to Ann Ashton's file. They would catch him. He would pay for Marjette Reynolds, Ann Ashton and all their other victims.