Hey everyone now listen I know it's been like a really long time since I did anything with fanfiction so you all thought me to be dead or a idiot. But I have just finished high school so I am in the process of saving money for two things College and my vacation in October to Florida so I'll be busy a lot. Now please don't give me any crap about how I am not writing stuff I have other responsibilities and I hope you be mature and wait. Thank you.

I dont own Sly Cooper Sucker Punch owns them

I only own Alice and this story.

Please review and enjoy

The Cooper gang had set up there Hideout in a old abandoned Minner Cabin. It was full of dust but it would do for a temporary hideaway. Alice looked at Murray worriedly as she sat by the Hippo and Raccoon. "Murray? You ok?" Alice asked looking at him. Murray tried to smile but it was full of sadness. "I'll be fine once we find my master don't worry." Murray said trying to sound confident. Alice looked down at the floor. She wanted badly to share in Murray's hope but she couldn't she didn't even know herself if this Guru person hadn't' just sold this land to those miners and left. But she didn't want to make Murray feel worse. She just smiled to try and comfort him. "Maybe Murray." She said hugging him. Murray hugged her back making sure not to accidentally crush her with his muscles. "Come on Alice lets go." Sly called. Alice ran out of the Safe House following Sly out of the Safe House. Alice coughed getting dust kicked up in her face. "You okay?" Sly asked. Alice nodded clearing her throat. The dark brown kit followed Sly to a nearby cliff not far from the Safe House. Sly and Alice opened their binocucom and looked around the mining area. "My master spends most of his time up there in that cave. Over looking the valley and contemplating the depths of deepness. I really appreciate you breaking the news to him that I want to break off my training." Murray said through the two raccoon's earpieces. "No problem Murray anyone you called 'Master' must be one heck of a guy." Sly replied. "Oh he's awesome he'll get inside your head and freak you out 6 ways from sunday." Murray said with enthusiasm. "Uhm Awesome." Sly said a bit weirded out. "Uh not awesome this guy will turn your brain into broken eggs!" Alice exaggerated. Sly rolled his eyes and rubbed Alice's head. "I'm sure he wont do anything Alice after we explain things. Come on lets go." Sly said than jumped foreward to another platform.

Sly took out the green kangaroo guard than climbed up a metal pole and Alice followed behind him. The two climbed and swung on hooks to get to the cave entrance. Alice lifted up the cloth covering the door way and looked inside she than popped her head back out with the cloth over some of her face and shook her head. Sly turned from the entrance. "Sorry pal this caves empty. Got any other ideas where he might be?" Sly asked. "Well... That's his hut." Alice looked ahead and saw the small hut with odd smoke coming from the inside of the hut. "But he really doesn't hang out there on account of the smell..." "The smell?" Both raccoons asked at the same time giving the other a look of confusion. "It's a long story I had to apologize up and down for like a month before he'd speak to me." Murray said with some shame in his voice. "What did you do?" Sly asked. "The unspeakable Sly. The UN-SPEAKABLE." Murray repeated. "Well thanks for speaking of it... I'm heading for the hut." Sly said. Alice's ears drooped some and her tail lowered with a bit of disgust and a bit of fear. She followed Sly as they climbed easily past guards and drilling equipment that were drilling into the wall and cliffsides. Alice frowned at how the land being destroyed by the miners. Alice jumped onto the cliff the hut stood on and climbed up following Sly. Sly looked around but saw nothing. Alice took a small wiff of the air and covered her nose feeling nausea. "EW!" She shouted in her mind. Sly turned again looking around through his binocucom. "Sorry Murray. No ones home and from the looks of it I'd say the Guru was fighting someone or something off here. Im starting to think the miners might have got to him." Sly said with a small frown. "You might be right. They'd come in and be all angry and yelling and he'd be all peaceful and they'd just get ticked! Then he'd try to find a "middle way" and they'd just go crazy and smash everything up and than haul him off!" Murray shouted. "Where do you think they might have taken him?" Sly asked. "They got him! My master's a goner!" Murray said with defeat in his tone. "No he wont be I bet he's fine!" Alice said to try and help him see hope. "Maybe we should get Bentley on the line." Bentley than took over communicating at the Safe House.

"It's tough to say. But given the layout of the miners' camp I'd venture a guess that they that are with the high fence as a make shift stockade." Bentley said as the two looked at the rusty fence. "I can see someone there. That could be him." Alice said. "Maybe. Hmmm looks like there might be a way up using that cliff below. Shouldn't be a problem." Alice gave a nod. "Just keep a eye out for that gyrocopter. I'm positive it's what gave away the Guru's postion." Alice gave a nod. "Good tip thanks pal." Sly said than pocketed the device. Alice did the same and followed Sly to the digging cliff. Alice jumped and climbed following Sly. "I'm not into destroying the environment or anything but these caves are rich with opals I can see why these miners are so driven." Bentley said as the two raccoons climbed up the cave walls. Alice let out a small squeak of a whimper hearing the quick explosion of a bomb bellow her. Sly used his cane, grabbing Alice by her shirt sleeve and pulled her up. He patted her shoulders than continued ahead. Alice looked at Sly than back down the way they came and followed Sly, trying to catch up to the faster Raccoon, they jumped off a building that was beside the stockade the Guru was said to have been kept in. They jumped down to face the opening of the badly made jail cell as a purple Kola walked up to the gate where he could be seen. "You must be the Guru. I'm a good friend of Murray's, he's come to be asked to be realesed from his training." Sly explained as Alice stood beside him. She stood back some when she heard the Guru speak a ancient lauguage from the Australian ancients. She could understand every word he said and apparently Sly as well. "Sure I'll just bust you out of here and we'll go talk to him." The Guru spoke again describing he couldn't leave without his blessed objects. "You seriously wont leave without your gear?" Sly asked. Alice could hear the guru explain that the staff and stone he carried were the ways he'd keep balance in the land and without them he couldn't contact the spirirts that he helped keep the land alive. "Yea I can see the miners have really done a number on your land here. As for your walking staff and Moon stone, me and my gang have a real talent for stealing things that were wrongfully taken." Sly said crossing his arms. The Guru gave a nod and Sly left Alice was about to follow him but stopped hearing the Guru telling to stop. She turned back to the ancient master and approached the gate. "Yes?" She asked. The Guru spoked again but his words made Alice shake inside. How could've he have know of the black creature that she constantly saw around her. It was because of that being she didn't sleep at night she would always sleep in Sly's, Bentley's, or Murray's rooms it was that bad. She turned to leave and ran but not before hearing from the Guru.

"Beware of the spirit. It will cause more death again than it had before."

For the next day the missions the team had to go into the caves to retrieve the walking staff and Moonstone of the Guru's. Bentley had asked Alice to go with them but she was still freaked out about what the Guru had told her yesterday so she said she had a tummy ache and stayed behind as Sly went out on his own. Bentley sat at his computer as he helped Sly maneuver inside the caves. Murray watched his amphibian friend when he heard a whimper. Murray turned, he could see the shaking of a small brown black striped tail in the of the large room and walked towards it seeing Alice siting her head to the corner crying. "Alice?" He asked making the kit jump some, wiping her eyes. "Were you crying?" Murray asked worried. "N-No..." She replied in a hiccup and small sob. Murray sat beside the kit and patted her back. "What's wrong it's okay." He said trying to soothe the child. "I-I'm scared." She hiccupped. "Scared? Don't worry nothings going to get ya here I'll make sure of it." Murray said with a smile. "N-No I'm scared o-of the bad thing..." She cried. "What bad thing?" Murray asked. "The bad thing I see everywhere. It wont leave me alone and it keep scaring me." Alice cried into Murray's scarf. Murray thought for a moment. He had seen, or rather heard, of this type of thing in the past when they were dealing with the contessa. He smiled remembering a old remedy from his child hood. "Stay here." He said as he stood. Murray walked into the small area that they used as a make shift kitchen and pulled out a empty spray bottle and filled it with water. He than added a few teaspoons of salt to the water and shook it up in the spray bottle. He kneeled down to the small kit. "Okay Alice when I was a kid I used to be scared by those things too. Before I went to the orphanage I lived with my grandma and she would make the best cookies." Murray explained being distracted by the thought of food. He shook his head. "Anyway. She had this shadow in the closet and it always scared me as a kid. She told to make the monster go away just spray a bottle of salt water at the shadow and it will go away because shadows hate salt." Murray explained. He handed the small spray bottle to the child. "W-Will it really work?" Alice asked as she looked down at it. "Try it for yourself and let me know okay?" Murray asked as he wiped Alice's eyes with a hankie. Alice nodded. "Ok." She said and stood up giving Murray a hug. "Thanks Murray." She said with a small smile feeling better. Murray gave her a big hug back glad he helped the small kit when she needed someone. He sat her down and patted her head. "Want to go with me on the next mission?" Murray asked. She shook her head. "Nah I want to try your salt water spray first." Alice said looking at the bottle with some hope it would help her. Murray gave a nod and walked back to the table and sat in his seat. Alice sat in her chair and sat down as well looking at the drawing pad Bentley had given her to help her pass the time and began drawing.

When Sly returned for the cave missions and he and Murray left for their mission to drive out the miners at Ayer's Rock. She sat at the table with Bentley on his computer. She looked around the safe house and saw the shadow of the apparition outside. "I'll be right back." Alice said as she stood out of her seat Bentley turned from his screen to her look at her. "Where are you going?" Bentley asked taking his ear piece out of his ear for a moment. "Just going to go get some loot. I'll be careful.' The kit said while grabbing her bag and cane. She ran out the door before Bentley had a chance to say no. Alice ran ahead and knocked out a guard that stood in her way. She ran towards a small cliff just above a foul smelling swamp of green water. She pulled out the spray bottle and sprayed the black shadowy apparition. The shadow screeched and minimized in size as the kit sprayed him continuously till he was nothing but a shadow on the ground. Alice jumped on the shadow and stomped on it. "STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!" She shouted as she stomped on the area it laid repeatedly. She than pocked the spray bottle, took out her cane, and walked ahead of mining area on her. The apparition followed in a very small hidden form it's voice spoke low and raspy. "Insolent child... Well in time you'll learn how much you'll need me and you WILL come to me for help..."

"IN YOUR DREAMS FREAK!" Alice screamed out catching the attention of some miners but she evaded them jumping onto a rock platform evading capture. She waited till the miners attentions went onto something else than continued on her way back to the safe house before hearing Bentley's voice come in her ear piece. "Alice? Come in Alice! Do you read?" Bentley called a bit frantic. She pressed the button before speaking. "I'm here Bentley what is it?" She asked. "Alice were all meeting infront of the Alligator Lemonade Bar I'm showing you a wavepoint to the place do you see it?" Bentley asked. Alice pulled out her binocucom and looked around and saw the purple wavepoint Bentley projected for her. "I see it Bentley you guys want me to meet you there?" Alice asked. "Yes we'll be there by the time you get there we'll need your help to win this bar for the plan. Also the Guru is now part of our team." Bentley said. Alice gave a nod. "I'm coming." Alice said as she ran ahead. She was very far off from the Lemonade Bar but she would make it there in no time if she kept running. Alice jumped down and managed to grab onto the wooden ledge of a building she pulled herself up and saw she was already half way there from where the Lemonade Bar stood. She could see Sly, Bentley, Murray standing infront of the building waiting for her. "This should be fun." She smiled to herself. She walked ahead but stopped sensing something malevolent behind her. She turned and let out a scream but no one could hear it.

"Hehehehehehehe I told you would need me help.. Hehehehehehehehe Hehehehehehe-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Sly, Bentley, and Murray stood before the Lemonade Bar. Sly looked at Bentley and Murray. "Okay boys look tough and get angry... It's time to intimidate the locals." Sly frowned. "I'm not sure I can do it... How do you guys get angry?" Bentley said with little self confidence. "Find the match deep inside yourself... Light it, and let the fire heat up your guts and boil your blood!" Murray said pumped. "Uh yeah, I pretty much do the same thing. Look, our goal is too drive away these miners, and we'll do whatever it takes." Sly said stern. The three walked into the bar.

"Alice didn't come I hope she's okay." Bentley thought to himself as he, Sly, and Murray ran into the Bar. "LISTEN UP DIRTBAGS! Time to clear out! From now on this bar is Cooper Gang turf!" Sly growled. "Tough talk Wagga, but you ain't got now respect with us. We here are known around these parts for our drinkin' skills and this just happens to be a Lemonade Bar." The Dingo growled. "Sly I'm not sure this is such a good idea..." Bentley's plea was unheard. "If a Lemonade Drinking Contest is what you had in mind than the three of us will take on the three toughest drinkers you got." Sly said challenging. "Fair Dinkum, losers have to clear out." The Dingo agreed. Sly, Murray, and Bentley stood at the right side of a table as the dingo's sat on the left. Each took their mugs and drank. The Cooper Gang one thanks to Murray's gut and Bentley's quick swallowing. Bentley burped at the end of his drink. "We win.." He said a bit stuffed. "THAT'S CHEATEN'! Why the-turtle spilled more than he drank. Around here there's only one thing we do to cheaters! Turn on the fence Bruce! Lets' give these cheaters a beaten!" The Dingo growled. Than a huge bar fight broke out. Sly, Bentley, and Murray thought alongside each other to take down all the Miners, just like old times when they first became a team. It took some time but they manage to defeat all the dingos and kangaroos. "YES! The Cooper gang rules the roost, were the kings of the hill, the totally maxed out heavy weight CHAMPIONS!" Murray shouted pumped as he showed his guns. "Those guys wont be coming back here anytime soon." Sly smirked. They heard the door creak open Bentley's eyes widen. "SLY LOOK!" He shouted. Sly turned and he felt his throat drop to his stomach as did Murray whose eyes widened in shock and horror.

Alice stood before them her cheek and neck were cut into by what looked like claws and blood soaked stains into her white and blue striped shirt and some on her black pants. The Mask of Dark Earth could be seen on her face under some strands of her wild, messy, curly dark brown hair covering her face holding a malicious grin. Her eyes glowed a deep crimson and she held her cane that had been turned to a scythe with the blade curled behind her. "Alice!" Bentley shouted. Alice walked into the room. She glared around her red eyes scanning everything. She threw the scythe and in one throw it hit the electric fence slicing the poles in half the scythe than hit a metal wall and richocheted back to her. Alice caught it in her hand, with ease, as if it was a ball and not a sharp blade. She than let out a loud inhuman roar that made the bar counter break and imploud on itself. She muttered something in a intangiable languea than lunged herself at the Cooper Gang. Sly, Bentley, and Murray just barely missed Alice's blade by a meer inch. They landed behind her as Alice landed on her hands and feet with the scythe on her hand growling. "STOP IT ALICE! IT'S US SLY, BENTLEY, AND MURRAY! YOU TRUST US!" Sly shouted at the kit. Alice roared at them. "Sly I know you don't want to hear this but were going to have to work together to fight Alice! Maybe once we get her weak enough we can get that mask of Dark Earth off of her!" Bentley said even though it was hard to say but it was their only way of saving the kit. Sly looked at Bentley than back at Alice. He had no choice.

I'm leaving it off here to keep you in suspense. Sorry for the wait but here you go.