Disclaimer: Not mine! All the characters you recognize belong to JE, I'm just playing. While this is an AU story, it has the potential to possibly spoil or mention something from any of the books 1-18.

I'm so glad so many of you are still with me! So sorry it took me SOOO LONG to update. I have way too much on my plate to commit to a publishing schedule, I just promise to do my best to keep updating. I've missed writing. Sorry so many of you had to reread from the beginning. Truth is, I did too!

I haven't gotten a chance to reply to the reviews. I was writing this chapter and preparing to go out of town for the weekend for work. So sorry! Please know I appreciate every single one of you!

I am without a Beta at the moment, so please forgive any errors. They are all mine.


I gave him a finger wave and the only smile I could muster before he turned out of my sight. With a heavy sigh and tears falling unchecked down my cheeks I headed back to my Jeep.

"Please God, let him come back to me."

Ch. 61

I spent the rest of the weekend in my apartment alone. I just needed some time for my pity party before I could subject myself to other people. I still had about a week left before I was expected back at work, but after three days of wallowing, I'd had enough. Carlos didn't love a whiny baby, he loved the strong, independent version of me. It was time I got back to it.

When I walked into the Lands' Designs office on Monday morning, Donna greeted me with a warm smile and a firm hug.

"We weren't expecting you back for another week," she said when she finally released me from the hug. By the look in her eyes, I could tell she knew that I hadn't left Carlos at home to get back to work.

"I know, but…" and I shrugged and gave a watery smile. I thought I had cried all the tears I had, but there were a few under the surface.

"Well, as sorry as I am for you and your Carlos that your time together was cut a little short, I am so dang happy to see you! We have a presentation for the largest set of furnished condos on Miami Beach on Friday! I have some of the designs done, but am struggling with a few things and just know that you will know exactly what to do."

"Wow! I know you have wanted to work with Worldwide Partners for a while now. This is a big deal!"

She smiled at me before saying, "It really is! They own properties in Florida and the Caribbean and I would really love to land them. With your help, I think we have a chance!"

"Why didn't you call me. I could have come in to help you," I told her.

She gave me a look and then said, "While this company is all I have, it is not all you have. I would never take your time from Carlos. I, of all people, know how precious that time was for you. I'm glad you could enjoy it, enjoy him, and I'm glad you're here to help me." She wrapped me in another tight hug before pulling back and saying, "Let's get to work!"

Going back to work was just what I needed. I mean, what I really needed...what I wanted was Carlos, but he was off to save the world. And while I couldn't save the world, I could certainly work my tail off to take Donna's business to the next level.

I was buried in designs. I could instantly see what Donna meant when she said she was struggling with some aspects. While the main living rooms looked...okay, they didn't really project the level of luxury that I imagined the condo owners were looking for.

I worked day and late into the night, even sleeping at my desk once, for four days straight, but I finally had the designs ready. I presented my finishing touches to Donna on Thursday at 3 p.m.

Donna gasped as she reviewed page after page in my book of designs for each floor. Each floor was comprised of two condos, with the exception of the top three floors. The way the building would set, both condos would have a view of the ocean. The top three floors had wrap around balconies that covered two of the four sides of the outer building. Who knows, maybe one of these days I would own the top floor.

"My God, Steph," she whispered. "I knew you were talented, but this is a whole new level."

"Thank you," I said as I could feel the blush creeping up my neck. I knew I wasn't bad at this, but her praise, and the look of awe on her face as she flipped through the book made me giddy. I wanted to jump up and down and clap my hands like a child. I wanted to run out of here and call Carlos. Carlos. I miss him so much. I can't wait until I hear from him.

"Okay, these are going to blow Mark's socks off," Donna said. "But if you don't get a good night's sleep, you might scare him off. Go home, take a long relaxing bath and get some sleep. Our meeting tomorrow isn't until 1 p.m. I don't want you in this office before 11 a.m. You're going to present your designs to him. I know you will kick ass!"

I couldn't contain my giggle. Mostly because Donna never swore, but also because I was excited to show her what I was made of.

I opted to skip the long bath and instead, stripped naked, climbed into bed and passed out before my head hit the pillow.

I had no idea how long I had been sleeping before I was awoken by my cell phone ringing. With a grown, I smacked around on the end table before finding it on the floor next to the bed.

"Lo," I mumbled answering it just before it went to voicemail.


I was instantly wide awake and sitting straight up in bed, my eyes wide and big smile on my face. "Carlos!"

"Oh Babe, it is so good to hear your voice."

"You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice, Ranger."

I heard laughter in the background and a slight groan from Carlos. "Oh boy."

"Oh boy, what? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, Tank just heard you call me Ranger. I have a feeling that nickname is going to stick."

I could picture him shaking his head at me. In a lower voice I said, "at least he didn't hear me call you Batman."

He chuckled again, "thank goodness for that!"

"So how are you? Where are you? How long do I get you?"

"You get me forever, Babe, but I can only chat for a few minutes. We've been busy preparing and are heading out where there will be limited communication ability, so I wanted to make sure I had a few minutes to hear that sexy voice of yours."

He didn't tell me where he was, but I didn't expect him to when the words tumbled out of my mouth.

"I'm so glad you called, Carlos. I have had the busiest week of my life and have a huge presentation tomorrow and I wanted nothing more than to talk to you about it. I won't bore you with details, I'll just tell you it's big and could mean great things for the company and I was the lead on it!"

"That's fantastic, Babe. Are you officially a partner? Did you get a big raise? I know you had your eye on that amazing chaise for the corner in the bedroom and that buttery soft, leather couch for the living room. Are you going to be able to get them soon?"

"Ha! I've been so busy I haven't even asked about my title or salary," I laughed. "But I have no doubt Donna will give me a fair wage. And based on her excitement when I came back early and her reaction to my final designs today, I'm pretty sure that Partnership will come soon."

"I'm so proud of you, Babe." I could hear the love oozing out of his voice.

"Thanks, Batman," I whispered around the newly formed lump in my throat. "I'm pretty proud of myself. I love you so much."

"I love you more, Babe. I love you more."

We were both silent for a moment before I heard him sigh. He had to go.

"I've gotta go, Babe. I promise I will call again as soon as humanly possible."

"I'm holding you to it!" I said with a watery smile. "Be safe, Batman. Don't get shot."

"Don't go crazy with worry, Babe."

"I'll try, but no promises."

"I love you."

"I love you."

"Bye, Babe."

"Bye, Carlos."

The line disconnected and the tears started pouring. "Please God, let him be safe."

As I climbed out of bed, I saw that it was just after 11 p.m. I was still tired, but knew I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep right away. I went into the kitchen to see if there was anything I could scrounge up to eat. I hadn't been to the store all week and was running pretty low on supplies. Thankfully I had a few pieces of bread that still looked good and some peanut butter. I also had a jar of green olives. That was about it. Well, it would just have to do.

I made myself a peanut butter sandwich and dug in with gusto. I slipped a few olives from the jar and munched on them. You know, the combo of peanut butter, bread and olives wasn't too bad. I'm not sure I could eat it like that all the time, but tonight it was good. Although, I was starving so I'm guessing anything would be good about now.

I washed my sandwich down with the rest of the milk in the carton and then went to the bathroom to take Donna's advice and soak in the tub. I poured some lavender bath bubbles into the water stream and let the steam fill the room. I lit a candle, turned off the lights and then slipped into the tub, my head resting on a bathtub pillow Carlos bought me when I moved in. I was so relaxed as visions of my bath with Carlos in the Keys flitted through my mind. I missed him, but those happy memories would definitely hold me over until I had him here with me to make more...I hoped.

When I was officially pruney and unsure I could keep my eyes open any longer, I climbed out of the tub and headed back to bed.

I was wide awake at 6 a.m. the next morning. I hadn't slept that long in a long time, maybe ever! I had a ton of nervous energy and needed to do something to expel some or else I would go crazy waiting until it was time to head to the office.

I got dressed and went for a long run. It made me think of Les and the runs we would go on together Freshman year. I had my iPod playing through my headphones and the beat of the music pushed me faster and further than I intended. I was gone nearly an hour and a half and as I neared my building my stomach let out a horrendous roar. It was so loud people nearby gave me a scared look.

Thankfully I moved into an apartment that is surrounded by food options. I slipped into a donut shop and grabbed a couple of Boston creme's and a cup of coffee before heading up to my apartment.

I was showered, shaved, and going completely stir crazy by 9:30, so I headed in to the office. When I walked in, Donna was at the front desk talking to someone behind the reception desk I had never seen before. She was a voluptuous black woman with pink highlights in her hair and a wild outfit.

"Stephanie, you're here early," Donna greeted me with a smile. "And you look well rested."

"That's her way of telling me I looked like crap yesterday," I say with a smile before extending my hand to the wildly, unique lady behind the counter. "Hi, I'm Stephanie Plum, but you can call me Steph," I said shaking her hand.

Donna interrupted saying, "Oh gosh, where are my manners! Stephanie, this is Tallulah Jones. She is our new receptionist. I hired her while you were out with Carlos and this is her first day."

"Hi Tallulah, nice to meet you," I greeted her with a smile.

"Girl, please call me Lula! It is so great to meet you. I'm so excited to work here," she said enthusiastically. I couldn't contain my smile. Her vibrant wardrobe matched her attitude. I had the feeling we were going to be great friends.

"Lula it is! We'll have to grab lunch sometime soon, but for now, I want to go over everything for my 1 p.m. meeting."

"I would love that. Sorry to keep you," she said sheepishly.

"You weren't keeping me, it's great to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you. I'm just a little nervous about the meeting."

Lula gave me a big, bright smile as Donna told me she would be in in just a minute to go over things with me. She just wanted to finish showing Lula the ropes.

I headed down the hall to my office, set down my bag and heaved a sigh. I was ready for this, and with Carlos's words from last night echoing in my head, I knew it would be great. I just needed to tell my shaking hands that.

I pulled out a hidden Tastycake from my bottom desk drawer, grabbed a swig from my water bottle and got down to business. Donna poked her head in and asked if I needed anything a short time later.

"Nope, I'm ready," I replied with a smile.

"I have no doubt you'll do amazing," she said before heading back out of my office and on to hers.

The meeting went fantastic! Mark Barnes from Worldwide Partners seemed very impressed with our designs. He had already met with a few other design firms and said he would mull over everything that weekend and get back to us by end of business on Monday.

I thanked him for his time, shook his hand and led him out to the front reception area. He gave me a firm handshake, wished me a nice weekend and headed out.

The sigh of relief once he was gone was audible.

Lula let out a chuckle before saying, "Girl, you look like you could use a bucket of fried chicken, or a big ol' margarita."

"Ha. Maybe both," I replied. "Now that the meeting is over I am realizing how hungry I am."

"Want me to call out for something for you to eat. There is a diner down the street that has the best chicken sandwich and fries. And my old buddy Carmen Sanchez works there so I can get it for you extra quick with no delivery charge."

"Lula, I've known you less than a day and I can already tell, we're going to be besties. I'll agree, but only if you get one for yourself, my treat, and join me in the breakroom."

"Deal!" she said before picking up her phone to make the call. I walked back to my office to grab cash and then headed into Donna's office to wait on my late lunch.

"So, what are your thoughts," I asked her, sitting in one of the uber cozy, bright blue chairs she has in front of her desk.

"You were spectacular, Stephanie. I could see how his eyes lit up with each floor's plans. I think we got him," she said with the biggest grin I'd ever seen.

"Thank you, and I hope you're right. I'm going to take some time in the breakroom to eat a sandwich with Lula then we can go over what's next, if that works?"

"Take all the time you want, Steph. You nailed it and there isn't anything else that can't wait."

"Great," I said getting up from the chair and heading to the door.

"Steph," Donna said when I was almost out the door.

"Yes," I turned to look back at her.

"I'm so glad you're on my team."

"Me too," I said as I smiled and then headed down the hall to the break room.

I had just grabbed a Coke out of the fridge when Lula came in carrying a big bag of the most delicious smelling food. My beast spoke up in gratitude with a huge growl.

"Girl, good thing we 'bout to feed that beast. Might scare of any other clients if we aren't careful," she said as she broke out in laughter.

I laughed too as I said, "It gets a little out of control sometimes."

We both sat at the table, pulled out the most amazing smelling sandwiches and dug in. I tried my hardest not to moan but judging by the look and the raucous laughter from Lula, I failed.

Lula told me all about her past. She was 29, from outside of Chicago and had no family to speak of. Her Mom was a "lady of the night" and Lula was determined to get away from that lifestyle and not fall into it herself.

She was putting herself through night school while working odd temp jobs, everything from a waitress at a dive bar to filing at a Bail Bonds office. But she only had another couple of semesters to go and she would have an accounting degree.

"Ugh, I hated accounting!" I said around a bite of fries.

"I'm good with numbers. Maybe it's cause I had to keep track of our money when I was little, to make sure the lights didn't get turned off and I had something to eat most days. I got real good at keeping things balanced in my head and it just got easier as I got older. I'm hoping to get a job as an accountant when I graduate in a year."

"That's great, Lula! That's so impressive. Like I said, I hate accounting. Hey, maybe you can help me with my taxes next year?"

She laughed before saying, "You bet!"

We finished up our late lunch and she headed back to the reception desk and I headed back to my office to organize everything before leaving for the day. I couldn't wait until Monday to hear Mark's decision. I sure hoped it was in our favor!

After a weekend spent with Grandma Mazur and Abuela Rosa stuffing me full of deliciousness, I needed a run and bad! I was up with the sun, dressed in my favorite t-shirt...okay, it's Carlos's t-shirt, and running shorts and running down toward the beach. I got lost in thoughts of Carlos, Les, Bobby and even Carlos's friend Tank as I let the sounds of the ocean waves hypnotize me into running way further than I had planned.

Even with my early start, by the time I got back to my apartment I was pushing it to shower and get to work on time. I hustled in just before 8 a.m. and hadn't even sat down at my desk before Donna called me in to her office. I dropped my bag and headed down the hall.

I entered Donna's office and was instantly pulled into a huge hug.

"Oh Steph, you have made my year!" Donna practically shouted.

With a giggle I asked, "How did I do that?"

"I just got off the phone with Mark Barnes. I almost missed his call because he called so early, but luckily I was up early this morning so I came in to the office at 7. He chose your designs!"

"He did?" I asked, shock evident in my tone.

"Why do you sound so surprised? I told you they were amazing, and your presentation went so well. Give yourself a little more credit!"

"Thank you. I can't believe it. This is so amazing!"

"He wants you to work directly with the groups that will be outfitting all the condos and make sure that your vision is carried through completely. He also mentioned the possibility of us putting together designs for a set of condos he's going to be building in Turks and Caicos next year, but wants to wait on that until the Miami Beach condos are all finished." The smile on Donna's face was priceless.

"That all sounds so amazing!"

"It is going to be an amazing year! Now, first things first, grab a seat because there is something else I want to talk to you about too."

I plopped down on one of her blue chairs and asked what she needed to talk about.

"Okay. I know we discussed you moving to a partner after graduation, but we didn't discuss your salary. This is the number I'm thinking," she said as she slid a piece of paper across the desk to me.

I'm certain my eyes bugged out of my head. The salary was about double what I was expecting.

"Donna," I said in barely a whisper.

"I know, the bonus for landing us Worldwide Partners isn't included in that figure because I wasn't sure we had landed it yet. But I assure you, that check will be cut as soon as the deposit Mark was going to have couriered over clears the bank!"

"This number isn't with a bonus? Donna, this is way too much!"

"Steph, you have more than earned that figure already," she said emphatically. "You have brought so much to this company already. You've brought so much to me! I was all work and no play before you came to work here. Now, I realize I can work hard and still enjoy my life. Allen wouldn't want me to be miserable. I still love him with my whole heart, so I'm not sure I'll be able to move on, but I do want to find more joy in my life. And I owe that to you. That and a huge bump in recurring revenue."


She interrupted before I could continue. "Don't say no. I need you here, and I wouldn't feel right paying you anything less than that figure," she said pointing to the paper.

"Okay," I said after a few moments. "Thank you."

"Thank you!" she returned.

It had been two weeks since I heard anything from Carlos. I can't say I wasn't worried, but I was doing my best to keep myself distracted.

It was a Saturday, late evening and I was binging on Ben and Jerry's watching a scary movie when my phone rang, causing me to scream.

Once I composed myself, I paused the movie and picked up my phone.




Author's Note: I would love to know your thoughts on this chapter.