Just a short drabble about how Lucy and her silly tricks affect Schroeder. R&R please :)

It was a lovely summer afternoon. The sun shone brightly down on the little street, glimmering off of the cars and bicycles, a soft wind rustling through the ripe green trees. The peaceful aura was momentarily interrupted by the very same soft wind, which was sending about ten sheets of paper fluttering down the sidewalk. The papers were hurriedly followed by a little boy no older than ten. He chased after the papers, his thick blonde hair flying about his face. He wore a dark, purple striped shirt and black shorts. He frantically tried to collect all of the sheets in his hands; however he was intercepted by a young girl, about his age.

The girl had dark, wavy black hair and a night blue dress with a black sash around the waist. She grinned curiously at him, clutching a few of the sheets of paper in her small fists.

"Looking for these?" she asked him, holding them out to temptingly. he made a mad grab for the sheets in her hand but she was too quick, snatching the papers away. His fingers barely grazed the paper and he scowled.

"Come on, Lucy, give them here," he begged her, reaching behind her back for the papers she held just out of his reach. The same devilish smile did not leave her face. "Please, Lucy, I need that! It's for my recital tomorrow night! I'm performing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony for the first time in front of an audience and I need the music to practice!"

A fake look of concern rippled across the girl's face. "Oh, you mean you actually need these old things?" she mocked, holding the papers now as if they were an old smelly sock. He grabbed for them again, but to no avail. Her reflexes were far too quick for him. He crossed his arms.

"Yes, I do, now will you please give them back?" he asked, forcing his tone to be just a bit more polite.

The girl sighed in false exasperation. "Oh, alright," she moaned, "Close your eyes and hold out your hands."

The boy's eyebrows wrinkled. "No, way, I don't trust you," he scoffed, stomping his foot.

She shrugged. "Well then, I guess I've got a lovely date with Dad's paper shredder then, don't I?"

The boy looked mortified. "No! Don't!"

"Then close your eyes!"

He sighed and squinted at her, testing; unsure.

"Come on, hurry up," she said expectantly, waving the papers in front of his face. Yet again, the boy tried to snatch them out of her grasp. She pulled away with ease, laughing. "Stop being so impatient, and close your eyes!"

Finally, the boy complied and lowered his eyelids shut. He held his arms out timidly for her to place the music sheets in.

The girl gingerly placed the sheets into his hands, helping him to close his fingers around the paper.

"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" she smiled. He opened his eyes, examining the papers. He blinked.

"Huh," he said disbelievingly. "I suppose not. Thanks for helping me then, Lucy, I guess I—"

Before the boy could say another word, the girl swooped in and planted a big *smooch* right on his unguarded lips.

"You're welcome," she sang, sending him a wink and quickly heading off into the other direction.

The boy stood in shock for a brief moment, not entirely comprehending what had just happened. He stared after her with his eyes open, and his mouth slightly open as well. He was in so much shock, he accidentally let all of the papers in his arms flutter to the ground again, catching the breeze and drifting away.

"Hey!" he called after the papers, snapping back to life with a bright pink blush. The girl, who had barely walked a few feet from him, giggled.

"Need some help, Schroeder?" she asked, laughing.

"NO!" he objected, an even deeper pink rising in his cheeks. He started running after the papers again as the girl just stood watching him with an evil smile.