Chapter 1

BEEP! BEEP! BEEEP! "The gap sensor!" cried Emily. "Where's the nighlock, Jayden?"

"It's at the County Fair Park in downtown. Let's go, Em!"

"Wait!" cried Emily. "How are we going to defeat the nighlock with the others in coma?"

"Calm down, Em. Remember, we are a team, even if it's just the two of us. We can defeat the nighlock together, and with the help of the black box, we can rise to victory." Jayden could still see the doubt in Emily's eyes and decided to play "the card". "Oh come on, Em," he pleaded. "When we defeat the nighlock, I will take you out for cupcakes and ice-cream."

"Really? Okay, let's go!" Emily began tugging a regretful Jayden. "Come on Jayden! The sooner we defeat the nighlock, the sooner we can have cupcakes and ice-cream! They both won't wait on us forever! I'll bet the Cupcake Palace have cupcakes with icing and ice-cream filling. It would be muy fantastico!" Emily stopped, stunned at what she said. "Wow! I guess Mike was right. I do hang out Antonio a lot. Well, at least I am learning a new language."

Jayden chuckled, wondering what he got himself into, but he didn't care. Emily was the most sweet, bubbly person he had ever met. He would do anything to make her smile. Then he remembered the nighlock. "Well, c'mon on then, Em. The nighlock won't wait for us any longer."

They both morphed and ran to defeat the nighlock. Little did they know, they were being watched by five teenager girls hiding within the shadows of the forests. "Come on, team," said one "It's time to pay our old pals a visit."

Sorry if the story was short. i didn't have time to make it longer. Watch out for chapter 2!