"Aishiteru my little oni" he said to me as my cheeks became a flush pink, but I'd never admit how it turned me on.

He smirked at me, helping me into the shower as I stepped into the warm water one foot at a time. He got in after me and kissed me deeply cupping the back of my small fragile head. I smirked into the kiss stroking his face gently, then I pulled back and turned around bending over infront of him to get the shampoo.

He squinted at me grabbing the bottle gently from my hands, pouring the shampoo over my head and massaging it into my scalp.

"Don't play dangerous games you won't win" he whispered in a seductive tone into my ear, and my cheeks turned redder then before then I turned away not wanting him to see.

"You assume I'd lose.." I said in a smart allic tone just to piss him off. He grabbed the shower head smirking as he washed the soap out of my long black hair.

"I know you'd lose" he said kissing me before I could open my eyes from all the soap.

"Heh, what makes you so sure of that" I said smirking like a brat with my eyes still shut.

Madara chuckled seductivly cupping my head as he pulled me close into a deep kiss slowly sliding his tongue down my throat. I smirked into the kiss moaning softly from the skin contact as I pulled back slowly.

"W-we shouldn't" I said with my cheeks still as red as roses. "I-I'm still sore from earlier.. so don't even think about it.." I said with a hidden smile and Madara continued to have that evil smirk on his face acting like he didn't know anything.

"I haven't the slightest idea of which you speak of.." he said and I rolled my eyes pulling him down by his hair to kiss me.

"Bullshit" I whispered onto his lips kissing him softly and sexually pulling away with a smirk making him grin.

"My clever Oni" he said gripping my face and tilting my chin up as he touched a purple mark he made earlier on me just wanting to see my reaction. I moaned softly at the pain as I bit my lip and shut my eyes breifly. He grined like a feline kissing another purple spot on my neck.

"I love the noises you make" he said making me blush once more. I looked away from him kissing his stomach nipping it a little leaving a mark. He moaned softly covering it up with the sound of the water coming from the shower.

"Akuma.." he smirked as he kissed me. "You said it yourself, your're still beat up from before.. don't tempt me" he said continuing to smirk as he grabbed the conditioner.

"Oh but it's so much fun watching you squirm" I whispered, smirking as I licked up his stomach starting at his V, and ran my hands up his sides. Madara growled moaning softly.

"Akuma!.." he smirked once more pouring conditioner on my head and massaging it into my scalp.

"I'm telling you.. " he said pinching my butt softly making me squeal. "You'll lose" he said running his hands down my sides pressing into bruises while licking red wounds from before. I whined loudly scratching his skin as I bit my lip to hold in any other noises. I got on my tippy toes to peck his ribcage and nipped it, smirking onto his soft wet skin.

"You wouldn't touch me if I didn't want you to now would you.. Madara" I smirked biting him again leaving another mark making him hiss slightly as he kissed my neck.

"No, you're right.. I wouldn't" he said begining to wash my hair out, and I ran my hands down his sides.

"So I can take advantage of you all I want.." I said smirking, not admiting to torturing him on purpose.