Kiss Me Better Nanao-chan Chapter 2

After a lot of colourful language from Shunsui, Nanao had finally managed to get him to his bedroom. She helped ease him down onto the bed and then slowly eased him onto his front.

She ran her eyes over his back and was slightly shocked to see the dark bruising covering his skin, "Captain how did you hurt yourself?"

"Didn't Juu come and tell you?" Shunsui asked, his voice muffled against the bed.

"Captain Ukitake?" Nanao quirked an eyebrow, "No I haven't seen him today."

"Oh, I thought he had," Shunsui replied quietly.

"Was he with you when it happened?" Nanao asked as she placed a gentle hand on his back. She began to gently prod his back with her fingertips, it seemed his muscles were very tight and had seized up.

"Ow!" Shunsui complained dramatically, "Nanao-chan what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Captain, I'm just checking your back over."

"In answer to your question Nanao-chan," Shunsui let out a small moan when he felt Nanao's thumbs dig into his lower back and then begin to make circular motions as she tried to work the knot out of his muscle, "Juu was with me, and after helping me back here, said he was going to let you know what'd happened."

Nanao paused in her gentle ministrations, "Well if he went to the office to find me, I wasn't there."

"You weren't?" Shunsui asked in surprise.

Nanao sighed, "I realised during my kido class that what you said earlier was true," she continued to gently massage his back, "I have been overworking myself again. So I took your advice and went back to my quarters for a rest."

Hearing her words Shunsui tried to turn so he could see her face, "Then what are you doing here Nanao-chan?" He grimaced when his back twinged again.

"Try not to move Captain," Nanao instructed and pressed him back down onto the bed, "The muscles in your back have all seized up. That's why its so painful for you. I'm going to have to give you a massage to help relax and free them up," Nanao blushed at her suggestion and quickly added, "If that's okay with you Captain.

It was lucky that Nanao couldn't see Shunsui's face. If she'd seen the huge happy grin on his face she would've been bashing him around the head with a book for sure, "Try to be gentle with me, my sweet thoughtful Nanao-chan."

"I'm going to have to use a healing kido too," Nanao said as she flicked her wrists and soft green orbs lit up her palms, "To help with the bruising."

"What ever you think is best Nanao-chaaaaaaan," when Nanao's hands made contact with his back, Shunsui felt goosebumps erupt all over his skin. He couldn't help the half moan, half sigh that'd escaped his lips.

"Sorry Captain, I should have warned you first," Nanao waited while he adjusted to her touch before continuing.

"Don't worry about it," Shunsui's eyes slid shut as he basked in the rather pleasurable feel of Nanao's hands gliding over his back and the healing kido slowly un-knotting his muscles.

Nanao worked in silence for a good ten minutes, carefully massaging his back, neck and shoulders helping to ease his discomfort. Shunsui was thoroughly enjoying the attention she was giving him, however he realised she'd managed to skirt around his earlier question. "You know, you never answered my question."

"What question?" Nanao's hands glided up the centre of his back then broke off and ran over each of his shoulders.

"I asked why you were here," Shunsui answered. He suddenly had to bite his pillow to suppress a particularly loud moan that'd tried to escape his mouth. By doing so his body had tensed up slightly.

"Try to relax Captain," Nanao spoke gently, assuming she'd reached a particularly sore muscle.

If only she knew the real reason why he was having to suppress his moans. Nanao was doing a fine job of easing his painful back, and her wonderful touch was making him feel aroused. Very aroused.

"I thought you said you were resting in your quarters Nanao-chan?"

"I was Captain," Nanao ran her hands back down his spine causing a pleasant shudder to run through his body, "But the truth is, I had too much on my mind to sleep."

Shunsui lifted his head and tried to glance at her, "Are you okay? Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Nanao let out a soft sigh and stilled her hands, "I feel really bad about earlier. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, and accuse you when the mistake was my own. I'm really sorry Captain."

Shunsui propped himself up on his elbow and twisted so he could see her, "You've been really distracted lately Nanao-chan," he reached for her hand and grasped it gently in his, "Why don't you tell me what's been bothering you."

Nanao turned her face away from him and sighed, "Its nothing really Captain."

"Nanao-chan," Shunsui lifted her hand to his face and placed a gentle kiss on her palm, "When it comes to you, its never nothing," still holding her hand, he pulled himself up so he was sitting in front of her on the edge of the bed. With his spare hand, he reached for her other hand and placed another small kiss on her palm.

Nanao tried to pull away from him, "Captain this is inappropriate."

"Is it Nanao-chan?" Shunsui asked in a low voice, "Is placing a small kiss on your palm to show you my appreciation really inappropriate? Considering you've helped me out of the bath and just given me a massage?"

"Captain," Nanao began, but Shunsui placed a long finger over her lips.

He slowly rose to his feet, standing much easier then he had done before. Nanao's treatment of his back had obviously been effective. He lowered his gaze to Nanao's and saw her eyes widen at his close proximity.

"Nanao-chan," He released her hands and lifted his to cup her cheeks, "There's something I've been trying to tell you. But you never seem to hear me."

"Captain I..." She tried to step away from him, feeling slightly uncomfortable at his closeness.

"Please Nanao-chan," he pleaded softly, "Will you just hear what I have to say?"

"Okay," she agreed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you Nanao-chan," he spoke in a soft, warm tone.

Nanao could tell that he meant it too. The look in his eyes said it all, he really did love her. She felt her cheeks warm up and her stomach did a strange flip. She knew he loved her, and she knew she loved him too. Staring into his dark grey eyes, it felt as though the rest of the world had melted away.

"And I think," Shunsui hesitated before saying, "I think you love me too."

Nanao's eyes widened at his last statement. How could he have possibly known? Or was it just a guess on his part? She really didn't know. She knew he was expecting some sort of response from her. The problem was, she just didn't know what to say. Whenever he'd declared his undying love to her before, she'd always responded in the same harsh way. But this time. This time was different. She knew he was being truly sincere. So what should she say to him in this situation?

"Nanao-chan," Shunsui said in a low voice, "Do you love me too?"

It felt as though time had slowed down to a grinding halt. Here it finally was. The one thing Nanao had been dancing around and avoiding for so long. She knew she loved him, and now she knew he loved her too. Yet why was it still so hard for her to open her mouth and tell him so.

The words just wouldn't come to her and she could see the hurt beginning to settle in his eyes. By saying nothing, was that a silent rejection? His hands fell from her cheeks and she began to panic.

Before he could step away from her, Nanao reached for his shoulders and stood on her toes. Pulling him gently towards her, she tilted her head to one side. If the words wouldn't come to her, and she couldn't tell him how she felt. Then she would show him.

Sensing her intentions Shunsui responded instantly, understanding that she loved him too. He lowered his head to press his lips to hers. Nanao's lips were soft and smooth and when her mouth opened slightly for a breath, his tongue slipped between her lips. Nanao wrapped her arms over his shoulders to pull him closer. He in turn wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened their kiss.

Shunsui's hands drifted; from her waist to her lower back, tracing up her back, to the sides of her breasts, and into her hair till one hand rested at the back of her neck and the other rested on her lower back. One of her hands had moved along his shoulder till it reached his neck, and she began running her fingers through his loose wet hair.

Nanao groaned as their bodies became so close that every part of them was touching. Her breasts pressing up against his chest and even their lower bodies were pressed up against each other. She anxiously grinded against his lower half and blushed when she felt how badly he wanted her. Nanao moaned against Shunsui's lips as he pulled her closer to him and pressed himself into her.

In one smooth motion and without breaking the kiss, Shunsui bent his knees slightly and scooped Nanao up into his arms. He turned on the spot and took a few steps towards the bed before gently lowering Nanao onto it and hovering above her.

They finally broke the kiss when breathing became an issue, their breaths coming out in slow pants. "Nanao-chan..." Shunsui mumbled against her lips. He lifted his head to look down at her and drink in her beauty. She looked absolutely enchanting, her beauty made him speechless.

"Captain..." Nanao's hands travelled from around his neck and along his shoulders. Before making a return trip and then flowed up his neck and came to rest on the sides of his face. His stubbly cheeks felt wonderfully rough beneath her fingers.

"Shunsui," he said softly before dipping his head to trail kisses up and down her throat, "Call me Shunsui."

"Shunsui," Nanao ran his name over her lips, deciding that she quite liked it. As his mouth was busy doing wonderful things to her neck, her hands moved from his cheeks and went wandering through his thick, curly locks of hair. Shunsui then lifted his head again. Their eyes met for several seconds before Shunsui leaned forwards to capture her lips again. After a few moments he broke off the kiss and stared down at her.

"Nanao-chan," he breathed, "If you don't want this, then tell me to stop."

Nanao's hands slid down the sides of his neck and ran over the hard muscles of his chest. Her fingers ruffled the dusting of chest hair she found there, before her hands travelled back up to his strong shoulders.

"If I didn't want this.. Shunsui," she saw a small flicker in the corner of his mouth when she used his name, "Then I would've hit you with a book well before now."

"But just to be clear," Shunsui came back down and trailed kisses along her jaw before lifting his head once again, "Do you love me Nanao-chan? And do you want this?"

"Yes. Yes I do want this. And..." Nanao looked him in the eye. She could do this. She could tell him how she felt, "And yes I do... Yes I do love you." There she'd said it. Strangely enough, it felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from her.

The huge grin that broke out on Shunsui's face took her breath away. Now he finally had permission to proceed, his hands suddenly came to life and began their careful exploration of her body. One hand came up and gently lifted her glasses away from her face. While the other trailed down her neck, across her shoulder, then skirted down and past her breast with a brush of his fingers, down her side and then settled on her waist for a moment before sliding across to where her sash was holding everything together. Like a Christmas present waiting to be unwrapped.

Nanao was so focused on his hand at her waist, that she hardly noticed that his other hand had found her hair clip and that it was now laying discarded to one side, along with her glasses. The whole time his lips had been busy kissing up and down her throat, along her collarbone and onto her shoulder. The shoulder of her shihakusho had been pushed down her arm, to accommodate his quest to gain more access to her skin.

Nanao's hands hadn't been sitting idle either. Where Shunsui was busy trying to undress her, unfortunately the only thing he had on was the towel that she'd slung around his hips. Her hands trailed down his chest and carried onto his stomach. She paused as her fingers traced the various grooves and contours of his strong stomach muscles. She slipped her hand lower and found the edge of the towel. She slipped her fingers into the hem and was about to give it one sharp tug to pull it away. Until Shunsui's hand shot out of nowhere and latched onto her wrist, pulling her hand up and away holding it above her head. A small growl escaped her throat and she heard Shunsui let out a small chuckle. His head came back up and he brushed his lips over hers before mumbling, "Patience Nanao-chan, please let me undress you first."

He released her hand and she immediately wrapped it around his shoulders again.

Shunsui trailed kisses along her jaw and down her throat, sucking on her collarbone and resuming his exploration of her shoulder. As he did this his hands also trailed down her sides and came to a stop at her waist.

Pausing his kisses, he rested his head in the crook of her shoulder as his hands deftly worked the sash free. After a few tugs he soon had it undone and he tossed the item to one side. Slowly he trailed his hands back up her body and starting from her neck, he began to work his way back down as he carefully opened up her shihakusho. Next he snaked an arm under her back and lifted her up. He slid her uniform top down her arms and just like the sash, he discarded it to one side. Before he lowered her back to the bed, he also unclasped her bra and that too, joined her top and sash on the floor. He then returned and started kissing her again, deeply. Shunsui then lifted his head and stared down at her.

Nanao suddenly felt horribly exposed and crossed her arms over her front. Smiling warmly, Shunsui gently unfolded them again and placed them either side of her body, "Nanao-chan," his low voice rumbled pleasantly, he placed his hand on the side of her cheek and began caressing her lips with his thumb, "Don't be shy and don't feel embarrassed. You truly are beautiful and should have nothing to worry about," he gave a small reassuring smile.

Nanao mirrored his movements and placed her hand on the side of his cheek and ran her thumb across his lips. He surprised her by opening his mouth slightly and taking the tip of her thumb into his mouth. He sucked on the end lightly and she could feel the slight scrape of teeth on her nail as his tongue licked and brushed against the tip.

Shunsui released her thumb then leaned down to kiss her deeply, Nanao met him halfway and crushed her lips against his. She pulled away with a moan when his hand found and grasped her breast.

His rough fingers, calloused from hours of training with his swords felt heavenly against her soft smooth skin. Her chest was rising and falling from her quickened breath and the hard peaks of her nipples were aching to be touched.

Shunsui was taking his time as he fondled and caressed her. As he rolled his thumb over her right nipple Nanao gasped and arched her back into his touch. His lips found the base of her neck and he inhaled her scent before kissing his way to her shoulder and then working his way down. He went onto her chest just above her heart and dropped a kiss there before continuing on to her breasts.

He stopped just above her nipple. Nanao could feel his warm breath on it before it was completely enveloped in his mouth. She let out a small moan as he ran his tongue over and around it. She'd started to pant heavily and her hands sought out his hair, her fingers running through the soft brown locks. Her back involuntarily arched into his touch again. After several moments of working on the one nipple, he switched to its twin and began to give it the same treatment.

"Shunsui..." She moaned as his tongue flicked and swirled around the nipple and sucked at it lightly.

After working on her breasts for awhile, he reluctantly pulled away and continued on with his explorations. This time heading for her stomach. Playfully he ran his tongue in and over her belly button, earning a breathless sigh which made him smile.

Having reached the lowest part of her stomach he stifled a groan when he reached his next barrier. Her black hakama pants. He shuffled further down the bed and nudged her knees apart. He knelt between her thighs and rested both of his hands on her knees. He slowly ran his hands along her thighs and over her hips. Reaching the waist band of her hakama, he snaked an arm under her lower back and lifted her easily. With his other hand he slowly pulled her hakama down and pulled them down her legs and tossed the material to one side. Nanao squirmed slightly under his gaze and he returned to her, to lavish her with another reassuring kiss. She could feel the heat pooling low in her abdomen now.

While he was kissing her, one of his hands were resting against the side of her neck, his thumb tracing circles over her throat. His other hand had wandered down to her breasts again. He broke off his kiss and lowered his mouth once again to her breast.

As he was busy massaging the nipple with his tongue, his free hand travelled slowly down to her hip where it began to play with the band of her panties. He dipped his hand lower and rested it against her core. He could feel the dampness of her panties against his palm. Using one finger he stroked her folds lightly through the fabric, gauging her reactions. He grinned when she let out a surprised gasp and moaned his name.

"Shunsui..." She moaned again as her hips began to move with his movements. Seeing her reactions, he steadily increased his rhythm until she started panting for air. Slowly bringing her closer to the edge.

He felt her fingernails dig painfully into his shoulders, but he didn't mind at all. Her breathing was becoming laboured and he grinned mischievously as she made a small mewing noise.

Pulling his fingers away, he gazed down at her while her breathing evened out again. Through her pants she gasped, "Why did you stop?"

"Because Nanao-chan," he smiled softly back at her before moving away from her and shuffling back down the bed. Nanao's eyes widened and she lifted her head to glance down at him when she felt his fingers curling into the band of her panties. He grinned back at her before he -ever so slowly- began to tug her panties down. Nanao lifted up for him and he swiftly pulled them over her legs and tossed them to the side.

"Mmm my lovely unwrapped Nanao-chan," Shunsui's eyes drank in the sight before him, "You truly are a feast for the eyes." Nanao sat herself up and her eyes wandered over his body. Skimming over his chest and stomach until her eyes landed on the towel that was still hanging loosely on his hips, that was barely concealing the considerably large bulge. Following her gaze and noticing where it landed he smiled and said, "Ah."

Nanao quirked an eyebrow at him, "Ah indeed."

"But Nanao-chan," he whined playfully, "There was one more thing I wanted to do first."

"Lose the towel," Nanao reached her hands high above her and stretched lazily, before folding her arms behind her head and flopping back onto his bed. She then brought a knee up and crossed it over the other and slid her eyes closed, "Lose the towel and you can continue from where you left off."


She peeked one eye open to check on his progress and promptly opened the other.

"Better?" Quick as lightening, Shunsui had whipped the towel off and dropped it to the floor.

Nanao tried to keep her jaw from doing the same thing. She swallowed the lump she suddenly found in her throat. Now that she could see everything, she found the power of speech had abandoned her, "Um..," was all that she could manage at the moment.

Pleased with her reaction, Shunsui knelt back on the bed and began crawling back over to her. Hovering once again over her body, his lips connected with hers for another smouldering kiss. His large hand came up and cupped her cheek, before the fingers delved into her long raven locks.

One of Nanao's arms wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him closer again while her free hand did a bit of exploring of its own. Or to be more precise. It was inching ever closer to Shunsui's hard length, which she could feel pressing against her thigh. Her fingers ghosted over his stomach and slid further down until they brushed against his hot shaft. Reaching a little bit more she wrapped her hand around him and could feel his length throbbing beneath her fingers. She gently and slowly ran her fingers up his shaft until she got to the tip. She ran her fingers across his tip and he gasped and jerked away.

Nanao reached for him again, but once again he caught her hand in his and pulled her hand away.

"You don't like it?" She mumbled against his lips.

Shunsui took a ragged breath, "I like it too much," his voice was hoarse, raw, "I've wanted you for far too long to let it end like that."

Nanao smiled, "Say no more."

"If you do that again, I wont be able to," he kissed her on the lips then trailed off along her jaw, then onto her throat, down between her breasts, pausing to suck each nipple. He then continued on over her stomach and kept going lower.

Nanao squirmed beneath him, knowing exactly where he was going. However just as he was getting close to his destination, he took a detour.

She growled with frustration and he chuckled at her response, the ache between her legs was growing unbearable.

Shunsui ran his hand up and down her thigh. He planted a kiss on her knee before nudging her legs apart. He lowered himself between her legs. Then he started to slowly kiss up her inner thigh, enjoying the taste of her on his tongue. Out the corner of his eye, he could see her hands fisting tightly into the bed sheets. As his mouth inched closer to its goal, Nanao's breath hitched in her throat.

Shunsui paused for a moment, allowing his warm breath to ghost over her moist folds. Nanao squirmed again and her legs tried to close. He pushed her thighs open again and held them firmly open. He glanced up at her face and saw that it was scarlet, with a light sheen of sweat on her forehead. He gave her a small smile before dipping his head and pressing his mouth to her core and sucking against her most sensitive spot.

Nanao's grip tightened in the bed sheets and her toes curled as her hips tried to buck up. An odd mewling squeak left her lips and when Shunsui quickly glanced at her, her face was screwed up as if in pain. But he knew it was all pleasure she was feeling.

He ran his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves and she cried out, gripping the bed sheets tighter. Hearing her calling out for him, his mouth became firmer in its strokes against her.

He teased her by speeding up and slowing down again. Tasting every inch of her.

Nanao's hips were moving with every motion of his. He focused on her reactions and increased the rhythm until she was once again panting for air.

"Shunsui... I..." She gasped and struggled to form a coherent sentence.

Thats it, Shunsui thought. Nearly there Nanao-chan. Replacing his mouth with his hand, he began to stroke her folds with his rough fingers. The sudden change in texture and the added friction had her crying out again. While his fingers were keeping her busy, his mouth travelled back up to her breasts. His tongue flicked out over a hardened peak and a small moan escaped her lips. Grinning again and with firmer motions of his fingers at her centre, he soon had her close to coming. With a cheeky bite of her pert nipple and a couple more strokes of his fingers, she was soon pushed over the edge.

She cried out loudly, his name on her lips. Her hips bucked wildly and her back arched into him as the waves of pleasure washed over her.

Shunsui watched her as she slowly came back to herself. She pulled in deep breaths feeling light headed and weak. He crawled back up to her, kissing her body as he went. When he reached her face he kissed her lips as he looked into her eyes, which had an odd purple glow to them. The rest of her body had a nice afterglow to it too.

"Nanao-chan," he mumbled softly into her neck, "If only you could see how beautiful you look right now." As he lowered his head to her lips again, he felt her move beneath him.

Nanao surprised him by hooking her leg around his waist and pulling him closer, his hard length pressing up against her core. He looked her in the eye, his silent question being understood. Nanao reached up and kissed him then whispered in his ear, "Go ahead."

He kissed her back and unhooked her leg from around his waist. He shuffled down the bed once again and knelt between her thighs. He spread her legs further apart and hovered several inches above her. Positioning himself at her entrance, Nanao took in a sharp breath when she felt the tip brush against her.

Their eyes met and they stared at each other for a few moments before Shunsui asked, "Ready?"

Nanao stared up at him with parted lips, her heart beating faster in anticipation. She nodded slowly and gave him a weak smile. She was ready, but she couldn't help but wonder if things would be the same tomorrow. She shook herself mentally and pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She would deal with it if and when the situation arose. A few of those fears vanished though as he leaned down to kiss her.

As he kissed her, he ever so slowly entered her. She moaned into his mouth as inch by inch he filled her. Once he was fully seated within her, he pulled back from their kiss and let out a heady moan. Her velvety heat that wrapped all around him, felt like nothing he'd ever felt before. It felt exhilarating.

As he pulled back and thrust back in, the feeling got better and better. Nanao moaned and twisted slightly below him. He kept his thrusts at a simple pace, so they could both get used to the feel of each other. Once he found a nice rhythm for them, he soon began to thrust harder and at a slightly faster pace. The change in speed earned louder moans and little noises from Nanao.

It took some time but they were soon moving in sync with each other. Nanao's hips were soon following his pace and she met each thrust and movement with the same energy, making the experience that much more enjoyable.

As Shunsui continued to grind his hips into her, small gasps and whimpers escaped through her slightly parted mouth. He moved one of his hands away from her hips and reached for her hand to intertwine his fingers with hers. Nanao gripped them tightly and Shunsui kissed her lips once more, his tongue embracing her own. Her moans were muffled, but they grew louder as he began to thrust harder.

Nanao was the first to break the kiss, as breathing was becoming a real issue for her. She turned her head to one side as she tried to catch her breath, biting her lower lip as she tried to hold in some of the moans.

Shunsui's thrusts suddenly started to get faster. Gently removing her hand from his, she wrapped her arms around him and wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him to her tightly.

"Nanao-chan..." Shunsui half breathed, half moaned into her ear. Wrapping his arms around her waist he increased his pace. Nanao held him tightly as he held her tightly, both moving together and moaning each others name.

It wasn't long before Nanao began to feel pressure building in her lower regions. She knew things were going to come to an end soon. Shunsui could feel it too. Nanao was really close now. Her muscles were tightening all around him, causing him to thrust as hard as he could. Nanao tightened her grip around his hips as he plunged deeper and deeper into her.

With a few more sharp thrusts he soon sent her spiralling in wave after wave of pleasure, shouting his name to the heavens and feeling intense satisfaction as her orgasm crashed through her. With one final thrust and a long drawn out growl, Shunsui too went over the edge and released his load into her.

Shunsui collapsed forward, burying his head into the crook of Nanao's neck. His heart was racing and his breathing rapid against her neck. Nanao was no different. He mustered up some strength and slowly pulled out of Nanao, before collapsing back down beside her.

For several minutes they lay there tangled together, waiting for their hearts to slow down and for their breathing to return to normal. Both feeling exhaustingly satisfied.

When his breathing had steadied, Shunsui lifted his head and glanced at Nanao. He was greatly pleased to see her looking happy, satisfied and very relaxed. A vast improvement on her earlier mood. He propped himself up on an elbow so he could look down at her, "Nanao-chan," he rested his hand against her cheek.

Nanao slowly peeked her eyes open and smiled up at him.

Shunsui kissed her jaw and nuzzled her ear, "How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice rumbling pleasantly in her ear.

Nanao let out a sleepy, satisfied sigh, "Wonderful."

"Glad to hear it," Shunsui chuckled. He readjusted himself and wrapped his arms around Nanao's waist, before rolling them so he was on his back and Nanao was draped over his chest. He then reached down to the bottom of the bed and pulled the bed sheet over them. They were both beginning to feel sleepy.

Shunsui stroked Nanao's hair, while her fingers were tracing lazy patterns on his chest. He planted a kiss on Nanao's forehead and she looked up at him and flashed him a peaceful smile, to which he smiled back.

Nanao slid her eyes closed and snuggled into his chest. She held herself so still that Shunsui thought for a minute that she'd fallen asleep. Until she let out a soft sigh and said, "I love you, Shunsui."

Shunsui thought his heart was going to explode out of his chest. Nanao had just uttered the four words that he thought he'd never get to hear her say. He let out a small relieved sigh and tightened his hold around her, "I know you do Nanao-chan and I love you too, with my heart and soul."

They fell silent for several long minutes, each enjoying holding the other. Shunsui was just beginning to nod off to sleep when he felt Nanao moving in his arms. Peeking his eyes open he smiled when he saw her face hovering a few inches away from his own, her arms folded and leaning on his chest, "Is something wrong Nanao-chan?"

"You know," she began with a serious look on her face, "You never did answer my earlier question."

Shunsui smiled and folded his arms behind his head as a pillow. Which helped to prop his head up and angle his face closer to Nanao's. His face was barely an inch away from hers now. He could easily plant a kiss on her lips. "And what question would that be Nanao-chan?"

"You never did tell me how you managed to injure your back," she answered before brushing her lips against his own.

For a brief second Shunsui considered whether he should tell her what had happened to him. About how her lack of concentration not only destroyed the whole training yard, but also blasted him off the roof too. He knew she would feel bad about it and didn't particularly want to bring it up with her. Not now she seemed so much happier and content.

Shunsui turned his body to the side, causing Nanao to slide off his chest and land on her side. He then engulfed her with his arms and tucked her against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and quietly said, "I'll tell you about it another time. I'm feeling quite sleepy now and I just want to snuggle with my cute little Nanao-chan."

"But.." Nanao began to protest before his lips silenced her.

When he broke away he mumbled sleepily in her ear, "It doesn't matter that I got hurt. My Nanao-chan was there to kiss me better."