Disclaimer: I do NOT own Beelzebub! All recognizable characters belong to Tamura Ryuuhei.

Dedication: To all Oga & Hilda fans out there… ;-)

A/N: For those of you who don't know the story "Rapunzel": it's a German fairy tale from the Grimm's stories, which you don't need to read first before reading this fan fiction. Basically, Rapunzel is a beautiful girl who's entrapped by a witch inside a very tall tower. The only way to enter there is to climb up the girl's long braided hair. Then, one fateful day, a prince comes by and… I hope you'll enjoy this one! :)

Rapunzel in Ishiyama style!

For you I would crawl
Through the darkest dungeon,
Climb a castle wall.
If you're my Rapunzel
You let your hair down
Right in through the window.
Good they locked the door
'Cause I do my best for you.

"Rapunzel" – by Dave Matthews Band

Chapter 1: Once upon a time…


"STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" Furuichi moaned for the umpteenth time. "Cut it out already!"

"Damn you, Furuichi, what is it this time? Don't you dare tell me I made another mistake…" Oga scowled at his best friend. "Who did even appoint you to the director in the first instance?" He complained, pointing his finger accusingly at Furuichi.

"That was me!" Kunieda entered the classroom and put one hand on her chest. "Since he's the only one who can deal with you two principal performers or should I rather say: brawlers?"

"Thank you, Kunieda-san!" Furuichi beamed with joy at her words, though they weren't meant to be a compliment, and was fully proud of himself. "Oga! Is it asked too much of you to remember a single line and say it in the right place? It's the best known line of the whole play after all!" He closed his eyes and recited dreamily. "You only need to say: 'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so that I may climb the golden stair!'"

"That's all bullshit!" Oga protested, still refusing to repeat that line. "Which fool would cling to a girl's hair to climb up a tower instead of bringing a rope or something along? And 'Rhubarb' is the most stupid name I've ever heard! Who would call his daughter 'Rhubarb'?"

"It's 'Rapunzel', douche!" Furuichi corrected and wondered how short Oga's short-term memory could be.

"I agree with Oga there for once." Hilda, who was sitting on a chair on top of the teacher's desk, commented dryly. "Why do I have to play a girl who's named after a corn salad?"

"Please, don't start complaining, too, Hilda-san." Furuichi begged. "You know that we've had a fair vote for the roles. And you've been chosen for the part of Rapunzel."

"Does this even count as a 'fair voting' when we've been absent, feeding the Master on the roof, and haven't even participated in that vote?" Hilda asked, implying to Oga and the sleeping baby in the corner.

"That's a good argument…" Hanazawa wondered, playing around with the pink flower in her orange hair. "However, it wouldn't make a difference since you and Oga got nearly all votes, wifey! After all, there were only one vote for Creepichi and Natsume-kun as the Prince and a single vote for Aoi-neesan as Rapunzel." The girl turned to their leader next to her. "Oi, Nene-san! Have you voted for Aoi-neesan?"

"Eh?" Nene was surprised at her sudden question. "No… I've voted for Oga's wife because Aoi-neesan has mentioned that Rapunzel also has golden hair before. Seems like everyone here has overheard that and just voted for the couple to bring out a love scene. Besides…" She leaned to Hanazawa's ear and whispered. "I've voted for them so that Neesan would give up on Oga…"

"Mhm, mhm!" Hanazawa nodded appreciative. "But who's voted for the other three then? Don't tell me that Neesan has voted for herself and Oga!" She shrieked lowly but still audible to Kunieda.

"S-stop talking nonsense!" Kunieda blushed instantly. "I've already told you that I've voted for Hilda-san because of her golden hair!" She turned away from them and pondered quietly. "Although I haven't considered the possibility that Oga would get the part of the Prince and assumed that Natsume would definitely become the Prince because of his looks…"

"Maybe…" Chiaki joined Nene and Hanazawa. "… that pedophile has voted for himself and Aoi-neesan."

The other two nodded in agreement and glared at the so-called 'director'. That was the only plausible possibility.

Kunieda sighed at the progress of their work. "Listen, everyone! We need to perform 'Rapunzel' on the next school festival in order to pay for our last field trip to Okinawa. Even if Saotome-sensei has been able to convince the principal of our participation, we still need to give the money back to Sensei since he's paid for our costs."

"Ol' Beardy would waste on drink anyway so we better keep the money!" Oga presented the crude facts.

Kunieda got angry at his words and lack of interest since he was a class representative, too. "I do NOT care what he's going to do with the money and you guys can't get out of this easily! We're going to perform and pay him back! End of story!"

"Yeah, yeah… whatever!" Oga caught only half of her words. "And why do I have to play the stupid Prince?"

"Why not?" Himekawa asked. "You can practice day and night with your wife under the same roof, can't you?"

"And who could perform love and stuff better than a husband and wife?" Kanzaki added from behind.

"Stop talking!" Kunieda restored calm. "We still have a lot of work to do. The costumes?"

"Well, the Prince's costume is ready but we're working on Rapunzel's." Nene explained.

Hanazawa took over and went on. "Our dresses at hand are too tight for wifey that her 'melons' aren't fitting in each of them! I've thought that Neesan would get the main part and we wouldn't have a problem with Rapunzel's costume…"

"D-don't you always compare my chest measurement with hers!" Kunieda became agitated and glanced at Hilda above, who was currently reading her text unknowingly. She cleared her throat and continued. "A-anyway,… what about props?"

"We've got the swords and other equipment." Toujo, who was in charge of that group, reported back pensively. "But we haven't finished the tower yet. I still can't decide on the layout or the inside diameter of the window…"

Kunieda got a headache and rested her palm on her temple. "Toujo, the tower isn't intended for an art exhibition! It's only supposed to be tall and…"

Suddenly, Toujo felt offended and frowned at her seriously. "Kunieda, are you trying to teach me my job? I've already constructed more towers than you can imagine!"

"Why does he always get so worked up about that?" She wondered and sighed at his stubbornness. "Fine, just finish it within a week and I'll leave the rest to you." She turned to Furuichi and his group. "Let's do the 'Prince-meets-Rapunzel' scene again since it's the climax but still the most problematic scene."

"It'd be less problematic if Oga learned his text at last!" Furuichi stated as a matter of fact.

"Furuichi, shut the fuck up or I'm gonna cram rotten Rapunzel in your chops!" Oga spoke out a genuine threat. "How the hell am I supposed to memorize all that crap?"

"Yeah, considering the size of your useless brain, it's impossible."

After that straight comment, the room became silent for a moment. Oga looked up at the source of the monotonous voice whereas the others wondered what a ruthless Rapunzel and wife Hilda was to say something like that to her own husband. Indeed, her personality was so unsuitable for the part of Rapunzel but they didn't want to make a new voting because none of them wanted to risk getting the main parts and con pages of text. Hilda seemed to enjoy the part of Rapunzel as well, so why not letting Oga just be her punching bag!

"Did you say something, Hilda?" Oga grinned at her evilly while his left eye was twitching. "I can't understand you from there so come down if you have something to say! I dare you!"

"Fool, it says that you must climb up on your own." She referred to the script in her hand and smiled coldly at him, resting her free hand under her chin. "But much to my regret, you can't do it by yourself and need my hair to get here, weakling." In her opinion, the fairy tale itself and the name 'Rapunzel' were rubbish but she liked the idea that the hot rock Oga relied on her help for once.

Of course, Oga let provoke himself and started rolling up his sleeves. "You asked for it, you little…" Just when he wanted to jump up, Baby Beel woke up and started crying, obviously asking for his milk.

"Timeout." Hilda stated quite honestly and jumped down, landing in front of the baby.

"What? You can't take a break without my allowance!" The director shouted through his megaphone. "We're in the middle of rehearsal!"

Hearing his protests, Hilda glared at him with a murderous intent, which made him freeze. "The Master needs me now so I'm leaving whenever he wants!"

Furuichi shook immediately and tried hard to keep hold of his megaphone. "O-OK! The performance group is dismissed for today. But make sure to learn your texts at home, got it Oga?" He shouted the last part into his megaphone.

Actually, Oga was standing next to him and got annoyed by the soul-destroying gadget. He horrified Furuichi by kicking the megaphone out of his hand and made it explode on the ceiling. "I've told you to keep your trap shut! You're making my ears bleeding!"

"L-let your hair down Rhu-… Ra-…?" Oga reflected hard but couldn't guess right on the name. He already earned a deadly serious glare from Hilda and low grunts from Furuichi.

It was evening, past 8pm that day. Alain Delon, who was sitting next to Furuichi on Oga's bed, massaged the director's shoulders. "Calm down, Takayuki."

All in vain though, since the latter was practicing with the Prince for hours now so that he was just about to lose his nerve. "It's either the name or the complete phrase!" Furuichi spoke through his gritted teeth. "Lordy, just say the whole line properly for once!"

"Stop barking around here, moron! You'll wake Beel up!" Oga hissed back and glanced at the wet nurse next to him, asking for her support.

Right on cue, Hilda really opened her mouth to say something. "Furuichi is right!"

"WHAT?" They shouted in unison. Neither Oga nor Furuichi expected those words from her, conceding a point to Furuichi. On top, she rarely called him by his name and usually used 'Creepichi' or many other terms of abuse.

The blonde looked away and went on. "Even a chimp is more skilled in using his brain than you, douche!"

A vein popped out of Oga's head. He just didn't get why Hilda was especially offensive today. "Eh? You prefer a chimp playing your Prince instead?" he asked acidly. "You heard her, Alain Delon. Go and find a zoo on night shift; Hilda needs a chimp!"

Furuichi and Alain Delon shivered with the sudden change of the atmosphere as the temperature dropped rapidly in the room. Just when the third world war between humans and demons was about to break out, Misaki barged in. "Hilda-chan, could you help me preparing dinner, please?" the elder sister asked politely.

Hilda nodded in agreement and followed her, murmuring a last statement that didn't escape Oga's sharp senses. "You don't understand it at all… "

After the door was closed again, Oga looked at the other two men bewilderedly. "What is it this time?"

Furuichi sighed and disappeared into Alain Delon's split body. "Guess rehearsal is over for today. You're a dead loss, Oga!"

Before the transdimensional demon teleported away, he gave Oga a clue. "I'm looking forward to the play, Oga-dono. After all, it'll be the first time that Hilda-sama is playing the Princess. Otherwise, she always got the role of the witch due to her cold personality at the wet nurse training academy. Sayonara!"

With that said, Alain Delon disappeared into thin air and left Oga behind in realization.

"So she's always wished for that role and never mentioned it once?" Oga reflected as the room finally became silent.

"You got it! Actually, she only hates the name of the girl." Alain Delon's voice resounded in his room although he has long since left.

His voice startled Oga for a moment and he swore to never speak out his thoughts aloud again.

The day of performance came along with the school festival. The show of the Ishiyama class was sold out since nobody really expected something decent to come out of it, not to mention they would rehearse properly. In fact, Hilda refused to practice with Oga after what happened last time so they ended up doing separate rehearses. Everybody, including the Ishiyama guys themselves, waited for their results and thought the same.

Most likely, it'd be a disaster!

The only enthusiastic viewer was assumedly the little future Demon King, who was sitting on Alain Delon's lap on the front row and waiting for his 'parents' to perform. Oga, who was standing backstage behind the curtain, sneaked a peek at the baby. "Is this going to be alright, Furuichi?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about him, you wannabe father." That appellation earned Furuichi a glare of his best friend. He ignored it and went on. "You're onstage most of the time and as long as Alain Delon and Beel sit there on front row, you'll always be arranged within a radius of 15 meters."

"But… what if Alain Delon goes for a slash? Or if Beel gets hungry?"

"My God! Then, he'll just teleport his urine somewhere else!" the director replied hysterically. "Don't you even try getting out of your part now! We're pulling that through, no matter what! Or could it be…" he narrowed his eyes at the Prince and grinned teasingly. "…that you're suffering from stage fright right now?"

Oga smacked the back of Furuichi's head hard. "Stop talking bullshit and don't mistake me for yourself, idiot! We both know how you've avoided Kunieda lately, after failing as the director!"

Furuichi rubbed his head and glared at him. "And whose fault do you think it is? If you and Hilda-san hadn't screwed up…" He stopped midsentence when the look in Oga's eyes changed and his eyes became fiery by the bare mention of Hilda's name. "A-anyway… Hilda-san gave Alain Delon a few bottles of milk so you really don't need to concern yourself with Baby Beel right now and can fully focus on the show."

"Hn…" was the Prince's sole response as he fixed his eyes on the baby but actually stared into space.

Furuichi looked at him concerned. "Oga, don't tell me that you haven't talked to her for a week yet."


"Haven't you guys come here together?"

"I've come with Alain Delon and left home before her. Guess she flew with her Akbaba…" Oga stated indifferently.

"Oga, I've told you to go over the text together at the least once."


Oga's silence flustered him even more. "Just forget about the stupid play! It's Hilda-san we're talking about! After her abduction, you were worried sick about her! You even attacked the demons and that Jabberwock on your own although your chances of winning alone were almost zero! And all that because you lo-…"

"Oi, Furuichi!" Nene came to the two boys and took command as Kunieda's representative. "We're about to start so take your place. You're the prompter after all."

"Y-yeah, I'm coming, Nene-san." Furuichi shot a last glance at Oga and sighed at his stubbornness. "Alright, I'm leaving now and you do your best, you proud asshole!"

"Furuichi!" Oga stopped him for the last time before the show started. "Where is that bitch now?"

Furuichi smiled a little. Eventually, Oga was caring for her secretly. "She's already on the tower. Be sure to save her from the witch!"

Once upon a time, there was a very, very handsome, cool, popular, young Prince. He was so strong that anybody, who dared to challenge him, ended up kneeling before him.

The Prince was on his way to conquer a nearby territory when he suddenly heard the sound of a harp. Its tune was quiet, maybe a little bit far away. However, the gentle melody clanged through the dense forests and reached up to his ears.

Prince Oga got curious and wanted to meet the source of that enchanting melody. He battled his way through the mammoth trees until he got to a tall and gorgeous tower. The music was definitely coming from that tower so the person who played the harp had to be inside.

Oga walked a few times around the tower but he couldn't find an entrance. "Who would build a tower without a door but a single window?" he wondered, scratching his head.

Wait! A tower without an entrance?

That reminded him of a story that a passerby told him just a few hours ago. She warned the Prince against a cursed tower deep in the forest and that he should stay away from it, no matter what happened. But Prince Oga wanted to meet that person at all costs since he or she was somehow able to touch his heart with the magical tune of a simple instrument that made him feel eased instantly. He couldn't get in the tower but perhaps, he could take a glance of the person if he lured him or her.

The Prince brought his hands to his mouth and shouted. "Oi, stop playing around! You're distracting people from doing their job!" It was half of the truth though because he was on a mission and the sound really caught his interest.

He detected something golden popping out from the window. That would be the responsible person playing the harp, he assumed.

A female voice answered him back from above. "I can't stop playing. It's the only way to contact the person I'm waiting for…"

"The person she's waiting for?" Oga repeated her words. "Wait; are you the witch by pure chance? If that's the case, then come down and let's fight! I'm here to defeat you and conquer this land!"

"Fool, would I imprison myself here if I were the witch? Don't compare me with that whore!"

She had a point there.

"Ok then… may I ask you whom you're waiting for?" the Prince shouted. "And why are you even captive?"

"Well… she often scolds me that I'm the only one who could get in her way." she explained. "I'm waiting for a person who'll find and rescue me from here."

"Hmm…" the Prince knitted his brows and reconsidered. "Can't you just get out of there on your own?"

She glared at him. "Would I still be here if I could? Seriously, now I'm sure that you're definitely not the person I'm waiting for, stupid!"

Oga glared back but he doubted that she saw him. He just wanted to say something when rolling thunder came along with dark clothes. The blonde above panicked.

"Hurry up and run away! The witch is coming!"

He wanted to stay and protest about her previous insult, but seeing her horrified face, he just nodded and disappeared. Nevertheless, instead of running away, he climbed up a tree and observed what was going on. A group of armed men followed a person wearing a dark cloak and halted immediately in front of the tower.

"This must be the witch!" Prince Oga grinned and grasped at his sword. He didn't assume that he'd meet her so soon.

The witch looked left and right and ensured that nobody was around. That was Oga's chance to attack her. He wanted to jump out of his hideout and affront the witch when the latter took off her hood and revealed her true identity.

A/N: This story was supposed to be a one-shot but I decided to divide it into two chapters. Otherwise, it's get too long…

I'm sure that most of you recognized the first lines of the story. It's one of my favorite quotes from Oga, so I wanted to use them here since I got inspired to write this story after reading chapter 131 (Hilda's abduction and her being captive).

Please review and tell me which parts/scenes/lines you like the most or believe is frail and give me a feedback. It'd be really helpful to improve my further stories since I'm going to continue writing about this couple. So the more you review, the better for you and more qualitative stories, dear readers! ;-)

PS: Any guesses who the witch might be?