A New Life and A New Discovery

Disclaimer: Well I asume you know who I own.

Yosdel's P.O.V

The thunderbird flew high in the sky and I didn't even dare to look down. I hope Harrison and Ulraj will work together to help get us back.

I noticed that we were heading to a very large old tree. Maybe Jade is there?

As the thunderbird made a stop and I landed in her nest I saw Jade with a sick little thunderbird. So that's why she brought us here.

The poor mother wanted us to help make her baby feel better. That's what every mother wants for her child. They want their child to feel better and to enjoy life.

I quickly went to it and Jade was relief to see me here.

"Hey big sis. Where's the others?"

"I'll explain later but do you still have the first aid kit in your backpack?"

Jade nodded and she handed me the backpack. I quickly took the items out of the bag and quickly went to work. The little bird seemed frighten but I whispher in its ear.

"Don't worry you're going to be okay. No one's going to hurt you."

I went back to what was I doing and in no time I finished healing the little thunderbird. I smiled and then Jade sat next to me.

"Wow I'm impress Yose you know you never fail to impress me." Jade said with amusement.

"Thanks Jade but you amaze me as well. I am impress by your invisbility power."

"Hey you know what I think?"


"I think you will be a great mom in the future."

I flinched when she said that, not that it was an insult but the thought of me being a mother is wonderful. But I wish Jade and my family knew about what is wrong with me.

Suddenly we heard a familiar voice, "Jade? Yosdel? Are you up there or are you dead?!"


Jade look down and said, "Yeah we're up here and no we're not dead. Don't worry we'll come down."

As soon as we got down we were reunited with our family and friends. While Jade was explaing what happend, I looked at Harrison and Ulraj.

They both smiled at me. They must have gotten along...for now.

We all went back home but I was still outside with Ulraj.

Jade's P.O.V.

Harrison and I walked downstairs to check on Yosdel and Ulraj. Harrison was telling some funny stories about Yosdel and as I open the door we saw Yosdel and Ulraj kissing!

I silently said aaaaawww but so quietly so I wouldn't spoil their moment. But Harrison was about to say something until I cover his mouth and pull him inside and I closed the door.

I glared at him. He glared at me. He was the first to speak, "Why did you stop me from telling them to stop with the kissing?!"

" Look Harrison, Ulraj has to go back to his kingdom in a few minutes so let Ulraj and Yosdel have their time alone."

"Isn't that dangerous to leave two teens who are inlove alone?"

"They won't do anything stupid! Look Yosdel is happy with Ulraj and they rarley have time for each other so leave them alone until it's time for us to tell them that it's time to go."

"Fine but wanna see some embarrassing videos of Yosdel when she was younger?"

I looked at him with an amused face and I said, "I'll get the popcorn."