Sorry for taking so long to update this. I won't even explain why it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it. This is the second to last chapter, as this was only supposed to be a short one. Sorry for any mistakes I missed!

"Oh my God! They just…she just…" Sam was having trouble getting his thoughts out.

"Will you be quiet? They'll hear us!" Tina whispered harshly.

Sam slapped his hand over his mouth and looked at her apologetically.

"What the hell do we do?" Mike asked.

"I don't know just…hold on," she said, putting her fingers on her temple.

"Blaine?" Sam said once he realized his friend had passed out on the grass.

"Great," Tina muttered, leaning down and lightly slapping him. "Blaine? Wake up, buddy. Come on," she said, slapping him again. He finally came to and looked at the three standing above him.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Uh, they hit the new girl with a frying pan and Sam screamed, then you passed out," Mike said.

"I did not scream!" Sam yelled indignantly.

"Sam! Keep your voice down," Tina whispered.

"He screamed," Mike said, earning a glare from the blond before helping Blaine back to his feet.

"We need to get in there," Tina said, walking around the house.

The boys all looked at each other with wide eyes before following her to the back door. She tried the handle and discovered it was unlocked, waving them in. They followed her in and tried to pretend they weren't afraid as the Asian woman marched ahead of them fearlessly following the voices they heard.

"Now hold still…" they heard a voice say.

Tina looked at them and nodded in the direction it came from.

"We can't just walk in there," Mike whispered with wide eyes.

"What choice do we have?" she whispered back.

Suddenly feeling brave, Sam walked ahead of them and peered through the door, discovering it led to a basement. He could barely see what was going on and could only make up bright blue lights and the high heeled feet of some women.

"Whatever they've been doing, they're doing it down there," he said, looking at them. "Tina's right, we have to go down there."

"Are you crazy?" Blaine asked.

"Weren't you the one freaking out a minute ago?" Mike added.

"Yes, okay, I had a minor weak moment. But now we need to take this by the horns. We can take them!" he said. "Look, I just want my girl back." He looked at them with pleading eyes and when his gaze met Blaine's he saw the same sad want.

"He's right," Blaine said. "We have to do something. It's now or never."

Sam nodded and began tiptoeing down the stairs with the rest behind him. When he reached the bottom of the steps, his eyes bulged at the sight before him. The women stood around the previously unconscious brunette as she stood in front of a glass sheet the same height as her with her photo on it.

Suddenly there was a loud crashing noise and everyone looked their way. Sam panicked and looked around to see Mike was standing by the shattered mess of one of the sheets.

"Mike!" he said. His friend held his hands up looking terrified. He'd leaned back too far and knocked it over.

"What are you doing here?" a blonde yelled.

"Sam?" He looked up to see Mercedes walking toward him.


"What's going on?" she asked, taking his hand and looking at everyone. He gasped and touched her face as Mike, Blaine and Tina looked on with shocked expressions.

"Are you…?" He didn't know how to ask the question, but she seemed…normal again. Finally in order to tell, he pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers as the rest of the wives watched, confused. She kissed back and tangled her fingers in his hair, her tongue entering his mouth and dancing with his. He pulled away and spun her around, making her laugh.

"What are you doing?" she asked. Then she looked at their audience. "Who are these people?"

"I'll answer that…soon," he said before turning to his friends. "We need to break all of these."

The blonde woman twitched and advanced towards them, followed by the other wives.

"NOW!" Sam yelled. Mike knocked over another, and one of the women stopped walking, holding her head. Tina and Blaine ran around, kicking over all the glass stands in their way. Sam did the same, and Mercedes, though still unaware of what was happening did so as well. More women stopped and held their heads, and finally the only one left was the seething blonde leading the pack. She no longer had back up and was not quick enough to stop them alone in her high heels.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" she asked them, trying to keep an even tone. All glass in the room was shattered, and Kurt was currently wrapped up in his husband, confused, but enjoying the affection.

"I thought I lost you," Blaine said into his neck. Kurt smiled.

"I wish I knew what you were going on about, or why I'm in this disgusting ensemble, but you should know that I'd never leave you."

"Lots of stuff about brainwash…you cooked…" Sam was still having trouble explaining the situation to his wife. Suddenly there was yelling and the clicking of heels and he turned his head to see the women gathered around the blonde, who seemed unchanged, even though everything around them was destroyed.

Sam looked over at Kurt, Blaine, Tina and Mike and nodded to the stairs, wordlessly suggesting they leave. They nodded and ran to the stairs.

"It's weird, I don't remember anything. Just a baseball bat," Mercedes told him as they walked into their house. He wasn't sure what would happen in the morning, and he didn't really care. He just had her back.

"They hit you too?" he asked, pulling her forward and searching for a bump on her head. She pulled away and looked at him.

"I'm fine," she told him. "So what else did I do?"

"You didn't watch tv and you stopped me from having sex with you anywhere but the bedroom. Not even in the shower," he said, adding onto the list of weird behaviors he told her about. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"Wow. And I didn't let you get your Trix."

"That was the worst," he joked. She smiled up at him.

"Well I guess I have a few things to make up to you."