Authors Note: Just a little opening idea for a new fic that I'm hoping to continue with as a little distraction from my rather hectic schedule at the moment! I would be interested to hear what you think so far. Reviews always appreciated!


Amelia Cackle leant forward and whispered the secret password that opened the secret panel in the wall of her office and smiled in relief at the sight of the cobweb-ridden book that rested snugly in its hidden alcove. The manuscript that contained the highly restricted spells and incantations of witchcraft, the banned volume which she had incarcerated in its hiding place for many years- too valuable to destroy, too dangerous to unleash, it lay suspended in a perfect limbo, neutralised and apparently harmless.

Had she known that she was protectively guarding a meaningless replica that had been cunningly substituted by a highly determined thief beneath her nose that very morning, she would have been far more concerned. Instead, she closed the compartment with a snap, assured in her mind that the hidden treasure was indeed safe as she walked purposefully out of the room to take her next class, oblivious to the uncomfortable truth that was about to bring destructive consequences to the academy.

The Mythiocopia, the ancient volume containing the darkest of the magical arts was missing.


A cauldron was frothing manically in its solitary location in the middle of the concealed woodland grove, spitting noxious droplets of caustic liquid high into the calm stillness of the inky night. At the precise hour, a witch stepped forward from the shadows, her features concealed by a heavy black hood which draped secretively over her hidden face which was contorted with sheer concentration. She reached inside her robes, carefully extracting a glass vial and uncorking it, allowing the small lock of dark hair to float lazily through the still air in an ever decreasing spiral, colliding with the raging surface of the concoction at the precise moment that the scudding clouds parted to reveal the illuminating glow of the majestic full moon which sat dominantly in the night sky.

The witch fell reverently to her knees, touching her forehead to the leaf-strewn floor, breathing in the rich earthy scent of the mouldering leaves, her senses magnified by the adrenaline that was coursing anxiously through her veins, "Have I done well, Mistress?" she whispered quietly, her heart thudding in suspense. She knew the penalty that would await her if she had failed; bracing herself for the searing pain that would tear mercilessly through her like a dagger if she had displeased her invisible commander.

"You have…" the quiet voice murmured reassuringly in her ear in tones that were as sweet and reassuring as the purest orange-blossom honey, the warmth of the voice bathing her in a golden ray of light, the tension falling away to nothingness as she relaxed beneath the ethereal tones that echoed enthrallingly within her mind.

"You shall be rewarded..." the voice trailed away and the witch gasped in bliss as the ecstasy of the purest of dark magic blossomed within her soul, feeding upon the receding morsels of purity and goodness that had so far survived the presence of the unseen Mistress, replacing them with the tainted, bitter poison, darkening her soul beneath the teeming weight of the black magic that danced frenziedly at her slender fingers. Straightening up determinedly from her prostrate stance, she felt the dark power surge within her, building like a tornado in its crushing intensity as she threw her head back in delirious triumph, panting slightly as angry scarlet streams of pure power burst forth from her outstretched finger tips, fighting to maintain her consciousness as her vision began break up into fuzzy pixels, shrill, high-pitched harmonics infiltrating her hearing as she sank to her knees, blinding streams of light still spiralling from her trembling form, beads of sweat building upon her brow and trickling slowly down her clammy face as she strove to complete the powerful curse that she was weaving, her muscles shuddering and screaming in protest as every iota of her being was focused upon completing the deadly spell. Finally, she fell forwards, her breath escaping with a soft sigh as she fainted, exhausted from the draining experience that had sapped every ounce of strength from her body, allowing the blissful caress of sleep to overtake her fatigued mind and tumble into the depths of oblivion. The spell was complete at last.


Far away in the safe confines of the castle, the damned recipient of the curse slept soundly on, blissfully unaware of the destructive enchantment that had already begun its vicious work…

To be continued…