OVERLANDERS 2517... Sadly I don't own BBT or FireFly I'm only playing with them

James Town could hardly be called the thriving centre of the universe. In fact to those poor souls who lived there, it was the end of the line. Where every two bit low life and washed up space bum ended up.

So the rather unfortunate task of being the night gatekeeper hardly fell to the most quick-witted of people. The gate-keeper on this dark and stormy night sadly proving the point huddled as he was in his small gatehouse trying his best to keep out the biting wind blowing in from the bad-lands. His sullen mood was not improved by a sudden loud knocking from outside of the gates, "THE GATES CLOSE AT SUNDOWN!" The gate keeper yelled to the unknown wanderer. The knocking was repeated, "Damn-it!" The gatekeeper said as he opened the small viewing hatch, "I said we're…" He never finished the sentence as an arm came through the open hatch, a hand quickly grabbing him by the throat.

"Open the gate NOW!" The menace in the stranger's voice sent a chill of panic through the gatekeeper colder than any northern wind that had ever blown in from the bad-lands.

As the stranger walked past him, the gatekeeper tried to catch a glimpse of what ever was hidden under the hooded cape. For a brief moment he thought he recognized the face, but no that was impossible he was dead everyone said so.

The tall stranger entered the local ale-house. He knew this was where he would find her. As he walked across the floor, the bar quietened into hushed whispers no one spoke lest the stranger hear them. He waved the bartender over, "Where's Blade?" The bartender continued wiping down the bar trying as hard as he could not to look up at the stranger.

The stranger grabbed the barman's hand almost breaking his fingers, "This constant reluctance to answer a simple question is becoming tedious. Where is she?" The barman nodded over to the stairs as he held his hand to his chest, his face twisted in agony, "Up-stairs second door." As the stranger turned making his way to the stairs the barman called after him, "She's not alone," The stranger simply smiled to himself.

He stopped momentarily outside the bedroom door listening to the voices coming from inside, "Baby, I'm going to rock your world," Then the sound rustle of clothing being hastily removed, "You better do a damn sight more than that pretty boy. You cost me plenty."

The stranger grinned choosing that moment to enter the room. Looking down at the bed he shook his head, "When you're quite finished, we need to talk,"

"Damn! Couldn't you have waited outside for 5 more minutes? He's already paid for."

"Penny, I'll allow you to return to…" He looked down at the young man who was quickly picking up his cloths, "Whatever this is?" He said waving his hand, "Once I've spoken to you."

"Ok, Sheldon make it quick, I've been out on the Rim a long time and I have needs!" Still lying on the bed, Penny made no effort to cover her nakedness, "And I've warned you before about calling me Penny,"

The young man had stopped in the doorway on hearing the stranger's name. Everyone said he was dead.

As the door closed behind the young man, Sheldon moved closer to the bed. Looking at this beautiful young woman, the woman whose friendship he had known since the dark days of the 'Unification War' a woman who had saved his life and he hers more times than he could count, "Sheldon, I'm not moving from this bed. So unless you plan on standing there all night I suggest you join me."

Sheldon sighed as he unbuckled his gun-belt, "The things I do in the line of duty."

Morning was starting to break outside as the two now exhausted friends lay entwined in each other's arms. Penny slowly moved her hands across Sheldon's chest tracing the still vivid scars from past battles with her fingers, "One or two new ones since the last time we were together,"

Sheldon kissed her forehead, "It's what happens when you have no one watching your back,"

Penny sat up angrily, "That was you're doing Sheldon. I never wanted to leave."

Pulling her back down into his arms he whispered, "I know Penny; we all had difficult choses to make. We lived… A great many didn't."

The morning found them sitting in the now almost empty bar. As always Sheldon faced the door with Penny slightly to one side giving him a clear view of the door. Old habits die hard, "So Sheldon what brings you all the way out here? I can't think of a single thing that would possibly bring a big gun like you to this God forsaken piss-hole! Seems a long way to come just to bed me again?" Penny said laughing.

Penny quickly stopped laughing on seeing the look on Sheldon's face. Countless years of covering his back told her someone had just walked into the bar. Sheldon still looked down at his teacup; having the barman make tea with only one good hand had been a story in itself.

"I figure three, one shooter, with maybe two as back up" Penny's hand even as she spoke moved under the table pulling back the hammer on her gun.

Sheldon never having looked up from the table smiled, "Glad to see you've not lost your edge. If he's a pro' he'll shoot first, if not…" Sheldon was interrupted by the gun-man's voice.

"I been looking for you 'Glimmer'" The name took Penny by surprise she'd not heard that nickname since the war. It was said the last thing an Alliance sentry ever saw was just the slightest 'Glimmer' of Sheldon before they died.

Sheldon slowly stood; Penny sat like a coiled spring ready to react as soon as he made his move. Later when she looked back it seemed incredible but Sheldon had allowed the gunman the first move. This caught both Penny and the backup shooters off guard.

The gunman had a look of total bewilderment on his face as his gun dropped from his dead hand, staring at Sheldon through unseeing eyes before falling to the floor. The second and third gunman died without even knowing who had shot them as Penny holstered her gun.

Penny walked over to the first gunman kicking him with her boot before turning him over. Looking over to Sheldon, "You know this guy?"

Sheldon shook his head, a look more of annoyances rather than pity on his face.

"No, but that's hardly surprising, I rarely know the men trying to kill me now."

Penny looked at Sheldon half hoping he was kidding, but deep down she knew the truth. The Alliance had never forgiven or forgotten him for what he'd done during the war. There were still plenty of men out there only too willing to try and collect the bounty on his head.

Sheldon calmly reloaded his gun before turning to Penny, "We need to leave, finish whatever business you have left here."

Penny sat down smiling, "Any business I had in this place we finished last night. You've still not told me what's wrong."

"Mal and Zoe are in trouble."

Penny quickly stood, "I'll be ready to leave in a couple of hours. We'll take my ship."

Their journey though the town to the space-port was uneventful, word of who this stranger was and his prowess with a gun guaranteed no one would be showing their faces till he was long gone from their planet.

"Penny! Do you seriously expect me to travel in that?"

They stood in front of what in its day would have been classed as a fine little ship now sadly, "Penny, it's a pile of junk," Walking slowly along the side of the ship, Penny ran her hand along the smooth cool steel. Before turning angrily to look at Sheldon, "Don't call her that, she has feelings, she'll get us there," Turning back to the ship Penny whispered, "Won't you girl?"

"Now if you're finished with your touching reunion, may we please leave?"

The friends sat side by side as Penny want through her take-off checks. Sheldon was restless worrying at his safety belt. Penny turned quickly to face him, "OK! Sheldon, I know it's not my flying that's got you worried so what gives?"

He seemed to take a moment to bring his thoughts into focus, "Its Mal and Zoe how could they allow themselves to be taken. I trained Zoe better than that. I could understand Mal being sloppy; I dare say a woman was involved,"

"Sheldon you don't know they've been taken? Anything could have happened."

"Adelei Niska is holding them on Jonas 4," Sheldon said.

Penny stared at him her eyes wide in disbelieve. Her eyes burning with the effort of holding back the tears that once started she knew would finish her.

"How can you be so sure?"

Sheldon seemed to slump in his seat.

"Wash and Inara are in hiding just outside his stronghold,"

The tears finally over took Penny, "Dear God! Even an army couldn't get in there."

Even Sheldon seemed worried now. Then the faintest of smiles crossed his face, "Perhaps two can go where an army cannot?" He looked across at Penny. She saw the sparkle return to his eyes.