Hello guys! Sorry this took me so long to write, but I was kind of busy. Anyways, enjoy!


Pomeranians. That was the first thought that crossed everyone's mind as they stared, flabbergasted, at the five dogs staring up at them.

That hündin is going down! Was the first thought that crossed the dogs' minds as they stared up, just as flabbergasted, at the nations.

There was deafening silence for a second. And then…

"Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!"



"Arf! Arf!"

"Yip! Yip!"

In a flurry of white, the five dogs tried a lunge for the Englishman. Keyword here: tried. They tripped over their own feet and into a huge bundle of white fur. Then they were all howling and growling and yipping, voices high pitched, and trying to scramble away from each other. It was kind of funny to watch.

All the nations stared down at the dogs, openmouthed, and Germany suddenly collapsed onto the sofa, looking very dazed.

One of the dogs growled, snapping its jaw at another. All the others quieted down. There was a short silence and then that dog stood up, shaking its fur and cautiously putting one foot forward. Italy looked on with bright eyes, looking excited.

"Protect?" he asked slowly. The dog pricked it ears and blinked before moving it other front paw forwards. And promptly fell down again. The other dogs gave Protect amused looks, one of them giving a canine grin.

The Italian nation cooed and rushed forward, falling to his knees and picking the dog up, cuddling her close.

"Ve! You're so cute!" he enthused. The rest of the dogs slowly got into standing positions, looking at each other with interest before attempting to move forwards. They all stumbled and fell on each other, growling with frustration and trying to move. It rather looked like they were all drunk. Hungary hid a snigger and watched the dogs with a glint of mischief in her eyes. Austria still had a vague look of horror on his face. England was looking rather interested and a bit worried.

"England? Vat have you done?" asked Germany from his point on the couch, finally letting the anger and concern seep into his features. All the nations turned to watch the proceedings with interest. One of the dogs realized it had a tail and was staring at it intently.

"Um…an accident?" offered the magic nation weakly. Austria let out a groan and seated himself on the couch too, still staring at the dogs.

"This is bad."

"I think they're cute, right Germany?" asked Italy, finally releasing the snowy white bundle of fur in his arms. Protect shook her fur and growled lowly before attempting to move forwards again. She seemed to have caught on. Move left hind foot forwards with left front paw and then vice-versa. Protect slowly trotted forwards then wagged her tail happily. Then the albino turned her head to the tail, giving it a warning growl before chasing after it. There was more gaping from the nations. Hungary was taking blackmail pictures, cackling evilly.

Finally they were able to separate the dogs. Protect had a small scar running across her snout. Fear had a little black spot on her tail. Envy had a green tinge to his eyes. Gilberta was just being lazy, flopping onto her brother's lap to get a scratch behind her ears. Lust was jumping Austria. It was rather easy. All the nations were sitting opposite the dogs, staring at them while the canines did likewise. There was a silence.

"I have to go home, to my library. I need to check my spell books," England finally said, shifting on the couch. Ludwig glanced at him and frowned slightly before nodding.

"Alright. Come back as soon as you have the spell."

"Definitely." England took out a wand and waved it around himself, promptly vanishing in a puff of smoke. There was another, but smaller, stunned silence, before everyone returned his or her attentions to the canines. Said canines were lounging comfortably on the floor, draped over each other and looking rather cute. Italy was cuddled on the floor with Fear, nuzzling into her snowy fur and cooing. Gilberta finally stood up with a huff, stalking over to Germany and leaping into his lap, draping herself there, and growling commandingly. The German nation gave a bewildered look to Roderich before sighing and running a hand soothingly over the dog's fur.

"We have to do something," sighed Ludwig. Gilberta gave an agreeing noise, letting her tail wave lazily.

"How about taking care of them for starters?" suggested Hungary, giving an evil look at Gilberta. The dog pointedly ignored her. There was a rather ungentlemanly squeal from Austria at that moment. Everyone turned to look at him. The brown haired man was looking at his leg.

Humping his leg, or something very close to it, was Lust. She let out a growl of pleasure and then a whine. The Austrian stared with wide eyes and shifted uncomfortably, a blush on his cheeks as he looked away. He was saved in a rather dashing manner, literally, by an envious Envy. The male tackled the female away from Roderich's leg, snarling and snapping at her until he had her subdued. Once he was sure she was subdued, he strutted over to Austria and raised his hind leg…

Roderich let out a yelp and jumped away, thankful that he had managed to get away before the dog could properly 'mark his territory'. Not really a fun experience.

Elizaveta burst into giggles, holding a disgruntled Protectiveness in her hands. Roderich was still aghast at Lust's actions and was sitting as close to Germany as possible to, hopefully, escape Lust's attentions. Envy and Lust were in a little tussle, biting each other's ears lightly and rolling across the floor in an attempt to gain leverage over each other.

"R-right. I am going to go to sleep. Hopefully vhen I vake up, they von't be here," said Austria, standing up and stumbling over to his bedroom. Once he was gone there was a second of silence before Lust jumped up and bounded to the stairs. Envy followed on her tail and Protect chased after them both. Germany sighed and rest his head against the back of the couch.

"Vhy does this happen to me?"

"You probably did something to deserve this," replied Elizaveta gleefully.

"Aibrean…I think I got it."

"I hope so."

"Oh trust me. Ready?"

"Whenever you are."

Silence. Chanting. Thick clouds of purple smoke swirling around as the curtains fluttered. And then…


"Hopefully that worked."

Light streaming into the room, the blond grinned, tapping his fingers together as he hummed. The door opened and a familiar Norwegian walked in.

"I did what you said. Intercepting Arthur's magic isn't that easy. He is very strong. How much longer do we have to do this?" asked the bored nation, arms crossed as he stared at the other blond expectantly. There was a happy laugh.

"Only some more. I'm sure Hungary will inform me when we're ready."

"I never thought you of all people would be like this."

"Well, it's always the quiet ones isn't it?"

He got no reply as the magical nation walked away, grumbling to his troll. The blond spun on his chair, laughing as he took out his phone. He quickly opened the message he had received.



Thnk Norway 4 me XD

He grinned.

Purple eyes blearily opened and blinked. A red gaze stared back. There was a short silence before…

"AH!" Roderich bolted up, scrambling backwards as the woman on top of him glared sleepily.

"Vhy d'jou move?" whined the albino, pouting as she moved forwards again in an attempt to bring Austria back. She was unsuccessful. The Austrian man yelped. There were footsteps thundering up the stairs instantly. The door flew open and Germany stared in, a look of horror on his face.

Sitting on the bed, looking sleepy and tousled, were three albinos. The difference? They had White ears pricked up on their heads and something that looked like tails.

Germany fainted.

Well? What do you guys think? Sorry it took so long. I don't know if I should even continue this story any more. I seem to have lost all inspiration for it. Anyways! Please review! I love them!
