Chapter 55!

Bentstua : That's all pretty much implied in here! I hope you are not too disappointed with it!

melan anime: I did make a note of it, but to be honest, Jack seems like the kind of guy wanting a day centered around him. Sorry if you're upset, but I did leave a hint for you. ;)

shinn Tsukishiro: Thanks for the review and I'm happy for all your supporting. Calling the Chapter "beautiful" touched my heart!

A/N: Last Chapter! Thanks so much for your patience!

Warning: There is a lot of happiness in this Chapter, but also some dark and mature themes. Viewer Discretion is advised.

Akiza's first plan was to call her parents. Since Yusei had already talked to them, they were expecting her call sooner or later. When Yusei called Martha, who he had decided to keep a secret from, she was yelling in the phone so loud that he had to hold it from his ear. "Oh you two are going to look so adorable together! Oh and then there's the dance and your tux and Akiza's dress!" Yusei just blushed as Martha went over all the things needed for the wedding. When he was done talking to her, he turned his attention to his future wife.

Yusei and Akiza sat on a couch and talked over what was already planned. Since the reception area had to be booked months in advanced, it was the reason Yusei had already picked it out. "I really wish we could have decided together" Yusei admitted, "But I wanted to make sure we could plan for it the first weekend in November, which would also be on Dexter's and your Birthday." Akiza blushed. "You really didn't have to do that Yusei," Akiza admitted. Yusei gave her a hug. "I know, but I wanted to make it extra special." Akiza understood and gave credit to her parents for being so quiet on the situation.

Yusei then told her how Dexter had talked to him about asking Luna, just before the twins were suppose to finish school. Dexter admitted that he was scared and worried Luna would say "no." Even though they were still paying for school, Luna and Leo had more than enough money that they wouldn't have o worry any financial trouble. However, Dexter stressed that he wasn't marrying her for money and that he loved what was on the inside. Plus, that she treated him better than anyone else. Yusei assured him that Luna would say yes, because she both loved and cared about him very much. Dexter replied that he felt the same way about her. Dexter had worried that he wouldn't be able to get her a very expensive ring, but Yusei suggested just getting a engagement ring. That way, they could go together for the real one, Luna could pick the one she liked, and, since Dexter wasn't rich like her, she would more than likely help him pay for it. Dexter agreed and followed his plan.

"We then thought about having two weddings, the idea was that we could have everyone here for one weekend. With Jack and Crow's busy schedules, we didn't want them to have to leave their work for us. So, combining them was the best plan." Akiza smiled as she leaned on him. "Is there anything else you already planned?" Yusei sighed. "Not...really," he admitted, "I didn't want to make any decisions by myself, because I didn't know anything about flowers or decorations." Akiza giggled.

"Don't worry Yusei. I'll do most of the girly stuff. We can work together on the food and everything else together." Yusei smiled. "Thanks Akiza. Plus, I'm sure Luna and Dexter would be more than happy to work together on it." Akiza nodded and they called Luna and Dexter, confirming the actions already in place.

"Dexter didn't remember where the reception was going to be, so I'm glad you called Yusei," Luna noted as she gave Dexter a look. He leaned back, but Luna winked at him and put her arm around his back, pulling them closer. "We can work out dinner and that stuff tomorrow, if you'd like," Yusei suggested, "But do you have any ideas?"

"How about just pasta?" Dexter replied, "One red and one white sauce. It's simple and easy." Everyone else thought that sounded good. "Wow!" Yusei commented, "We already got that set. Anyways, we'll talk to you tomorrow." They all nodded and Yusei turned the screen off. He then led Akiza back to couch. "What is it Yusei?" Akiza asked as she looked at her future husband.

"I just want to sit here and be close to you," he replied, "And let tonight's events soak in." Akiza smiled warmly and nodded as she leaned in close. They kept their arms around one another as the cuddled on the couch. They weren't afraid or ashamed to admit that they loved cuddling together, even if Jack thought it was "sissy like." Luna and Dexter repeated both the same actions and feelings on cuddling. Dexter did feel awkward at first, do to Luna being bigger than him. Yet, he found that to be ever more inviting and comfortable, as he rested his head against her shoulder. Both couples stayed that way for a very long time, just enjoying what had happened, and what was to come.

The next day, the four of them met to plan on what things they wanted, besides the food. They all shared the same concern right off the bat that they might disagree on what flowers or colors to use for the wedding. However, they all stressed that they were not going to try and have a so called "perfect wedding." Just to have a day to celebrate their love for each couple was more than enough. Plus, with their friends and family there, it would be hard not to.

Luna and Akiza got started on the flowers and colors. "There's usually two colors," Akiza noted, "So which one of these do you like?" Luna shrugged. "What if we each pick a color we like and then we can talk about it?" They looked online and started looking through colors. Yusei and Dexter sat, waiting for them to be finished. "I think I'd rather watch paint dry," Yusei commented. Dexter nodded. "Here, why don't we turn on the game?" Dexter suggested and he turned on a sporting event. Suddenly, both brides turned around.

"Are you two watching that?" Luna asked, "This is serious stuff!" Yusei looked over at them. "It's just colors," he replied, "What's the big deal?" Both women leaned over at him. "It's one of the most important decisions of the wedding!" they replied, "So you'd better give us a honest opinion about what you think!" Dexter felt his neck sweat. "Can we at least watch the game while wait?" Both women turned around. "Yeah, I guess," Luna replied, "But you two better give us your honest thoughts when we're done!"

"Yeah, uh huh," Yusei replied as he kept his eyes on the big screen. Later, when the women had made their selection, Yusei stared at the colors. "It looks fine," he replied plainly. Akiza leaned in close. "Be honest Yusei!" Dexter quickly chimed in. "What he meant to say is that it looks fantastic," he replied, "The color will really bring out your eyes." Akiza and Luna's faces almost sparkled. "Really?" they asked and Dexter nodded.

As the girls talked about what a compliment it was and Akiza joked how lucky Luna was to have him, Yusei whispered something to him. "I hope they won't turn into one of those crazy wedding brides." Dexter nodded and hoped for the same thing.

Luckily, the rest of the day went a lot smoother and both grooms had their minds at ease. Luna and Akiza were much more calm and cool when it came to picking out the flowers, while Yusei and Dexter talked about suit colors. "Jack will want white," Yusei commented, knowing the King's style preferences. Dexter put a hand on Yusei's shoulder. "But remember this is our wedding day. Not his." Yusei nodded. "Then I want a traditional tux," he replied, "Black just looks nice." Dexter agreed. "Do you think Jack will be mad when he finds out it's not white?" Yusei thought for a moment. "Probably, but this way I can bug him about something." Dexter was confused, but Yusei winked at him, as well as flashing him a smile.

"What do you mean you're not wearing a white tux?" Jack shouted as he spoke to Yusei the following morning, "Black is so boring and unoriginal." Yusei smiled. "Well Jack, if it's your wedding day, you can have a white tux. In fact, if you proposed to Carly, we still have room to make it a triple wedding."

"Are you kidding?" Jack replied, "I don't want to share my wedding day with other people! My wedding is going to be about Carly and me and no one else, especially not you Yusei." Yusei just shrugged. "Okay Jack, if that's the way you feel about it, but Akiza has been talking to Carly about you two becoming official." Jack leaned into the camera. "I'll propose when I'm good and ready," he replied, "So don't you dare force Carly into me asking for her hand! You got that?" Jack was literally leaning his eye balls against the camera as he finished.

"All right," Yusei replied with his hands up, "I won't." Jack nodded proudly. "But that doesn't mean Akiza won't." Jack suddenly turned upset. "Hey! You..." Yusei quickly turned off the screen, before Jack could say more and laughed. "It's fun making fun of him and his arrogance."

Later that day, Yusei and Akiza drove to go get some things for Akiza's parents at the store. As Yusei drove, in the safety of his car, Akiza had some questions to ask him. "So just how big is this statue going to be?" Yusei smiled. "Oh it'll be big," he replied, "Larger than us for sure." Akiza looked down and felt squeamish. Having such a large statue of the two of them seemed a little embarrassing. "All right, did you want us to wear?" Yusei's face gleamed.

"Just wear your usual Victorian outfit. I'll be wearing my blue outfit, since it's our traditional clothes." Akiza nodded. "So where is this statue going to be located?" she questioned. Yusei smiled as he pointed right in front of the Dueling Center as they drove by. Akiza gasped and looked at the spot as it got smaller and smaller. "You...really?" she asked in shock. Yusei just nodded. "Of course," he replied, making sure it was safe to turn to his future wife. He turned to her, beaming with confidence.

"If it's going to be called the Yusei and Akiza Dueling Center, so we ought to have something that shows who Yusei and Akiza are right?" Akiza blushed. "But Yusei...this..." Yusei stopped at a red light and sneaked his right arm around his seat belt. He pulled her closer to him for a second and sighed happily. "I wanted it like that Akiza. I wanted people to remember the other Signers, along with just how much we love and care about each other. But I also wanted people to know who the Signers and we were, long after we perish from this Earth. I didn't want the Dueling Center to have our name on it and have people not know who we were. I wanted to have something to show and read about us. We saved this city and, while I don't like attention, I wanted people to remember what we did. We came together, as a team, and helped saved the city." Yusei saw a green light and kept going.

"On top of that, the two of us fell in love with each other and we're going to become one in holy matrimony. So, I'm happy with having the statue and what it stands for. I can't wait to see it completed, because then we will always have something to remember both the Signers and our love for each other." When Yusei got to another red light, Akiza leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thanks Yusei. I love you so much." Yusei turned to her. "I love you too Akiza." Yusei leaned over and closed his eyes. Akiza did the same and, just as they were about to kiss...

"Honk!" the car from behind honked. "All right. All right!" Yusei shouted angrily and quickly sped up, upset that the person from behind had ruined the moment. When they got to the store, Yusei stepped out and rushed over to Akiza. "Here's the kiss from before." He kissed her back and Akiza giggled. "Just don't do that when I'm pushing the cart," Akiza replied, "I might crash into someone." Yusei put his arms around her. "Well, if that person's me, then I don't mind." They both laughed and went inside. Even as they shopped, Akiza and Yusei gave each other a hug or kiss, even for the simplest things. Getting something and putting it in the cart, Yusei getting something from a high shelf, or Akiza figuring out which item was a better deal. People gave them odd looks, but hey, they were deeply in love.

As Luna sat at home, across from Yusei's apartment, she suddenly heard a knock at the front door. She went to get it and found Dexter waiting for her. He looked upset. "Dexter, what's wrong?" Dexter didn't respond and just hugged Luna tightly. Luna frowned, even though Dexter wasn't crying his eyes out. Something was wrong and she was here to help. She led him to the couch, as he still gripped onto her clothes. "Dexter, tell me what's wrong," she replied firmly as she hugged Dexter. He leaned back.

"Luna, I'm just so worried. I feel so old. I look around and see so many people younger than me. I don't look or feel like I used to. I feel like I could die any minute." Luna nodded, but also sighed. They had this conversation many times before. She understood what Dexter was saying. Yusei and Akiza had admitted to feeling old too. However, Luna smiled as she hugged Dexter close, as she would repeat what she said those other times before. "Dexter. Listen, we're all getting older. Every single day. It's no different for anyone else on this Earth, unless they find some magical cure." Dexter looked into her eyes. "But I want you to know that I don't mind getting older. With age comes wisdom. I'm not as smart as I was 10 years ago and I had experiences that I'm glad I experienced." Dexter shook his head.

"But I feel as though one day, I'll wake up an be and old man, with nothing to show from it." Luna shook her head. "Dexter, there's nothing wrong with being old. Sure, you can't do everything you used to do and you're health's more important. However, the best thing to do is enjoy your time here on Earth. Don't sit there worrying or feeling upset that you are old. Instead, enjoy each and every day, in a way that makes you happy. That way, you won't have any regrets. For example, you enjoy playing video games and going online correct?" Dexter nodded. "So, you're doing something you enjoy, so what's the big deal?" Dexter shrugged. "I just worry that I won't feel like I've lived a good enough life." Luna didn't understand.

"Why are you so concerned about your life? Like with how long you're going to live and being old? Why do you think you're going to live a worthless life? Is there something you want to tell me?" Dexter looked away and Luna instantly knew something was up. "Dexter, whatever it is, I promise that I won't judge you." Dexter sighed and turned to her. "Well...I've never told anyone this," he replied, "But the truth is, back when you were staying at London, I couldn't stand being alone. At the same time, I also wanted to be alone."

"But I talked to you almost every night," Luna replied. Dexter nodded. "Yeah, but...once that screen shut off, I was all alone again. I had no one else to talk too. Yusei would talk and spend time with me from time to time, but I didn't want to be a bother, so I tried to stay away." Luna could feel this was leading to something. "So what are you saying?" she asked. Dexter took a deep breath.

"I...I...I had thoughts of suicide." Luna gasped and quickly wrapped Dexter tightly. She wanted to say something, but she had to cry first. Dexter just sat there, hearing Luna's sobs. "Why would you do that?" Luna asked, once she managed enough strength to lean back and look at him. Dexter looked down. "I just didn't want my life to fly by and feel like I didn't do anything or I'd end up all alone. It's tough Luna, because while I like being by myself, I also hate it. I want to have someone to talk to, but I was always too shy. I never really made friends in school and I only see my friends at work at work. I also don't know anyone who would shares my interests. Even if they don't share them, at the very least, I wanted to be with someone who understands my interests. I'm not just nerdy, but some people think that about me. I also enjoy dancing and being silly for example. I don't care about other people seeing me as weird or odd. But most women wouldn't want to be with a guy like that either. When you started wanting to learn more about me, once we were official, I worried that you would find something you didn't like and force yourself to accept it. I also worried that I was forcing you into a relationship with me and that I wasn't good enough for you." Luna shook her head. "Dexter, I enjoy learning about you interests. Plus, I accepted your interests, because that's how I truly felt. Not because I was forced to. We've already talked about how you're perfect for me Dexter, no matter what. Plus, you never forced me into a relationship. I wanted one with you Dexter, because you make me happy." Luna sniffled.

"But...why would you think about taking your own life?" Luna asked, still holding onto his shoulders, "Yusei and all of us have said that, no matter how bad things seem, there's no reason to take your own life." Dexter thought about it a moment. "I figured that if it's going to happen eventually, why not just save the time and pain of getting some kind of disease or something. Plus, I...didn't want to be a annoyance or burden on other people." Luna pulled him closer and tightly hugged him.

"Dexter, you are never, ever a burden. You are always welcome in my home, Yusei's home, Martha's home, and so many more. Dexter you might think that no one cares about you, but you'd be surprised just how much you are loved and supported. I know that your parents were exactly like mine, leaving you all alone. But I assure you Dexter that you are loved, by more than just me. Please don't feel that way Dexter. Your life is important and you are great Dexter!" Luna leaned in close and looked deep into his eyes. It was almost memorizing.

"Dexter, you're a wonderful person with a heart of gold. No matter what, no one can take that away from you. It will never go away, no matter what age or how sick you are. If you have that Dexter, then you truly are a special person." Dexter finally couldn't hold himself back. He leaned over Luna's shoulder and wept. Luna hugged him tightly and let him cry and cry. When he leaned back, he looked at her.

"I...just didn't want to live a worthless life." Luna shook her head. "You can't live a worthless life Dexter. You haven't done that so far. As long as you do something you enjoy, that's not illegal of course, you'll leave this Earth without regrets. Like I said Dexter, you have a heart of gold and that's something no one can take away from you." She leaned in and kissed him on lips. When she leaned back, she gently stroked his right cheek with her thumb.

"Now when was the last time you had the thought of suicide?" Dexter thought about it. "Probably before you came back for good. School was busy and I worried that you met someone in London." Luna shook her head. "I would never leave you Dexter. You treat me right and to the best of your abilities. That's something almost every girl wants in a guy." They hugged and Dexter confessed a little more to her. Luna asked him if he had any thoughts of going through with it, but Dexter said he could never have the strength to do it. Luna nodded and wanted to be sure that it didn't happen again. Luna knew Dexter did have some issues when it came to feeling blue and she wanted to be certain that he always knew he was loved and cared for. Hearing him confess made Luna want to be even closer to him and it did bring them closer together.

After talking some more, Luna looked Dexter right in the eyes. "Are you sure you won't do this ever again?" Dexter nodded and Luna hugged him. She hated the fact that Dexter felt so depressed that he wanted to take his own life, but she wanted him to know that everything was okay. She loved him no matter what and she wanted him to know that it would last forever.

The next day, Yusei and Akiza were going to be posing for the statue. They both got ready at Yusei's apartment, getting into their regular clothes. "Almost ready?" Yusei asked as he got ready in a bathroom. "I'm all set," Akiza replied and Yusei went to the light switch. He turned it off and suddenly saw a pair of giant breasts. Yusei gasped as Akiza stood in front of him. She looked the same as always in her red Victorian style outfit. But somehow Yusei was memorized by her and she blushed as he stared at her. "Everything okay?" she asked. Yusei nodded and gave her a kiss. "You look beautiful. Like always." Akiza smiled. "Thanks. You do too," she replied and kissed him back.

Yusei and Akiza then headed over to the major's office. They were suppose to pose for the statue as people would draw, measure, and take pictures of them. As they drove over, Akiza still had some questions. "How long do you think it will take?" she asked. Yusei shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours. I don't know." Akiza nodded. "What about what we wrote to go on the statue?" she asked as she held the paper that she had typed. It contained the words that they both found to be just right for the statue. Yusei smiled as he went into a parking spot and read the paper once more. It fit their message perfectly.

"I'll give it to them and tell them that it's exactly what we want." He gave Akiza the paper back and they got out. They wrapped their arms around their backs as they walked in. "Where do we go for the statue making?" Yusei asked a woman at the front desk and she directed them to the correct room. When they got there, and Yusei opened the door, they were stunned by just how many people were there. They all turned to them, including Lazar. "Oh! Yusei and Akiza. So glad your here." Akiza handed him the paper. "This is what we want written on the statue," Akiza said as some of the other workers motioned for them to come over to a spot.

"But this seems to emphasize your love more than..." Lazar started, before Yusei interrupted him. "Yeah, but it's what we want," Yusei replied and they went to the spot, surrounded by workers. They wrapped their arms around each other and smiled at one another. "Okay, get into your position," Lazar instructed them. Yusei and Akiza turned only their heads to him. "This is our position," Yusei replied.

"But that seems to suggest you as a couple," Lazar replied. Akiza gave him an angry look. "You got a problem with that?" she replied angrily. Lazar took a step back as Yusei chuckled. "No. No. Nothing's wrong," he replied. He snapped his fingers. "All right! Get to work!" he instructed the workers. Suddenly, Yusei and Akiza were surrounded by people. They took a moment to watch them, before turning and smiling at one another.

It only took a few moments for them to get lost in each other's eyes. It reminded them of their love confession so many years ago. Their reflection was in each other's eyes and they felt as thought they were staring into each other's soul. People behind them measured their heights and three people drew their outfits to a T. It seemed as though time stood still for Yusei and Akiza, but time was flying by around them. They wanted to stay like that forever, just enjoying the smile on their lover's face. Suddenly, someone tapped Akiza on the shoulder. "Can we ask you guys a couple questions?" a man asked.

"Do we have to stay in our pose?" Yusei asked and the man shook his head. Akiza and Yusei relaxed and wrapped their arms around each other. "So what's up?" Yusei asked. The artists blushed. "Um...well...there's three questions. The first is about Yusei." Yusei nodded and the artist continued. "Do you want us to keep your marker on your face or should we remove it?" Yusei smiled.

"This mark reminds of the love of my life," he replied as he looked at Akiza proudly, "Without it, the two of us might have never had the chance to meet each other and fall in love. The mark on my cheek is for a law that doesn't exist and my record has been wiped clean. I want this statue to be realistic, so please keep my mark on. Without it, I would lose something that reminds me of Akiza, whenever I look at it." Akiza blushed and they shared a quick kiss. The artist nodded. "All right, my next two are for Akiza." Akiza turned to him and paid attention. "What should we do about Akiza and"

"Bust?" Akiza asked and she let out a laugh, "Don't worry. I've dealt with this before. The fact that it's able to touch Yusei, even with me standing a short distance from him is fine. We want this to be as real as possible. I don't care if people look up and can't see in between Yusei and me, because of how large my chest is. That's the way it really is, so that's the way the statue should be." The artist smiled, but also sweated.

"That's great, because my second question is about your outfit." Akiza and Yusei payed even close attention. "What should we do about underneath" He slowly pointed to the end of Akiza's skirt. Yusei quickly tightened his grip around Akiza and she tugged at it. "You're not looking up her skirt," he replied firmly. The artist waved his hands defensively.

"I know. I know," he replied, "But I was wondering if you wanted to change it for people looking at the statue." Akiza and Yusei both became confused. "How so?" Yusei asked in a curious tone. The artist smiled and quickly started drawing. "Well, there are a couple of options." After drawing a few more seconds, he showed them a sheet of paper on his pad. "We could do it so that Akiza's legs are together as they go up the skirt, to prevent anyone from seeing know. I could also do it so that it only shows a very small sliver." Yusei and Akiza examined the drawings. "Or I could just make it regular looking. As you said, people are going to be seeing and standing underneath the statue." Yusei turned to Akiza, as they had never considerate it. "What do you wanna do Akiza? It's your decision." Akiza thought about it for a moment.

"Make it look like it really is," she replied, "If they see up my skirt, well that's what they would really look like from that angle." The artist nodded. "Just don't try to make it a fancy looking underwear or anything," Akiza advised him, "Just make it look real simple and plain." The artist nodded and would focus on making it smooth and simple. He wrote and drew something down in his book, and then thanked them for their cooperation.

Yusei smiled. "I'm a little surprised," he replied, "I didn't think you'd be so willing to do all that." Akiza looked at Yusei, with a sarcastic look. "Yeah, but you were the one who started it. You were the one who kept telling Lazar that you didn't want any 'extras' to make yourself look better than you really are." Yusei rolled his eyes. If this was Jack's statue, he knew he would ask the sketchers and photographers to stress his muscles and other physical parts. But Yusei had stressed that he wanted none of that stuff. The way he looked was just fine and Akiza had stressed the same feelings as well.

The artists and photographers showed them their photos and sketches a while later. Akiza and Yusei were amazed by just how accurate their drawings were. They had every line and wrinkle in their faces down. Their hair was draw beautifully and their bodies were both extremely accurate. Their smiles looked like triangles with the point facing down. Still, the pose was accurate, with their faces clearly looking deeply into each other's eyes. It was as if nothing around them was important, except for the person they loved.

"That's amazing," Akiza commented as she looked at the drawings. Yusei looked at the pictures and different angles that the photographer had taken. He showed them to Akiza, who was smiling all the way. "So what's next?" she asked. Lazar smiled. "We'll get construction started right away," he replied, "After all, the Dueling Center will be opening soon and we want to unveil it on opening day." Akiza wanted to press for more information, but she decided to hold back until they were back at home.

As Luna sat on her bed, she pondered telling everyone about Dexter's thoughts of suicide. She didn't want to trap him in a corner and have everyone give him a lector on it. At the same time, she wanted people to know about it. That way, she could use it as a springboard to show Dexter that he truly had people that cared about him. The easiest person to talk to would be Leo. He both knew him and was one person Luna had plenty of trust in.

Later, Luna took Leo's hand and pulled him to the couch, as soon as they were done eating lunch. Leo sat down, as Luna hadn't said a word about what was going on, despite his pleas for information. Luna turned to him, with a serious look on his face.

"Leo, we have to talk about something. It's very serious, but also very important. So please, once I tell you, don't go blabbing it all around town." Leo nodded and Luna started. She talked about how Dexter said he felt alone most of his life. To be honest, Luna didn't blame him. Not having parents around was tough and, at the end of the day, having to go to bed at night alone was both scary and sad. She talked about how these feelings had bottled up inside of him and how he had tried to hide it from other people. But at the end of the night, that's when these feelings would come up. She talked about how Dexter was afraid of being worthless and how he didn't want to look back, wishing life was different. She talked about having to go through school, not only bullied, but also without any friends. Sure, they had all talked to him and spent time with him, which he said he greatly appreciated. However, he had almost no one else to talk to. Each day would be flying by, with nothing to show for it and no one to be with. No one to comfort him or who understood him.

Once Luna told Leo as much as she knew about Dexter, she admitted what she was building up for. "Dexter had thoughts of suicide," she admitted. Leo gasped and looked away. He couldn't believe that one of his best friends thought about that. Even just once. He felt like he should have been more supportive or spent more time talking to him with Luna. It explained why he was so shy and nervous. It also made sense why Dexter would hide that from everyone else too. Leo stood up.

"I need to go talk to him," he replied and headed for the door. Luna quickly ran after him and grabbed his wrist. "No!" she replied, "Then he'll be upset that I told you!" Leo turned around. "So what? He shouldn't think that! We care about him Luna! Clearly, we haven't been doing that enough!" Luna sighed. "But I already gave him that speech Leo! He said that he hasn't had those thoughts for a long time." Leo frowned. "But what if he has them again?" he asked. Luna shook her head.

"Trust me Leo. That part of his life is gone now. Please, can't we talk to Yusei and Akiza more about it?" Leo gasped. "Wait! We talked to him all the time, even when we were in London! His story doesn't make sense! Yusei even spent time with him! How could he not know that people cared about him?" Luna shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know Leo, but please trust me that he's gotten over this. He now has me in his life and I know that he'll be just fine." Leo turned around and sighed. "Okay," he replied, "But we've still got to do something."

A few days later, Dexter was just sitting at home, listening to music. He hadn't heard from Luna in a couple of days. It didn't take a genius to figure out why. "She's probably telling everyone about what happened," he said. He suddenly heard the doorbell ring and went to get it. He looked through a peep hole and saw a bunch of people standing in front of the door. Leo, Luna, Yusei, Akiza, and even Martha were there. He sighed and gently hit his head on the door, as he looked down at the floor.

"Oh crap," he muttered. He opened the door and everyone instantly smiled at him. He closed his eyes. "Come in," he said, knowing why they were here. He waited until he heard their feet stop moving to open his eyes. When he did, he saw them standing in a circle surrounding him. Dexter put his fingertips on his forehead as Luna came up to him. She reached out and took his hands.

"Dexter. We all know what happened." Dexter sighed. "I know," he replied. Luna got closer to him and put her arms around her back. "But we want you to know that we're always here to talk about whatever you need to talk about." Dexter looked up at her, as she tried to smile at him. Dexter sighed and felt guilty. "I know," he replied. Luna leaned in close. "But what we all really want to know is why didn't you come talk to one of us if you had these thoughts? If you were so upset, why didn't you say something?" Dexter tried to think about it.

"I don't know," he replied, "I just..." He looked up and Luna seemed to be waiting for his response. "I don't know," he finished. Luna pulled him close. "I know that you haven't had these thoughts for a while Dexter, but what hurts us is that you're afraid to come talk to us about these emotions. We do not have the same mindset as you do. But if you are feeling alone, old, worried about living a worthless life, or whatever the reason is, we want you to let us know. We're all here for you Dexter and we want you to know that e love you." Everyone came in close and hugged the two of them. Dexter blushed as he felt everyone else put a hand on his back or shoulder. Luna then spoke up once more. "Promise me that, if you ever have those thoughts again, that you'll come talk to one of us." Dexter nodded. "I will," he replied a bit more confidently. Luna smiled back and it made Dexter smile too.

"This won't cause the wedding to be called off will it?" Luna shook her head. "No. It won't." She leaned in close and whispered. "Because I know just how much you love being with me." Dexter looked away shyly, blushing all the way. Luna laughed and enjoyed both seeing and feeling Dexter squirm in her arms. They shared a kiss and Luna let everyone have a chance to encourage Dexter to talk to them. Seeing Dexter smile again and having everyone team up to help him made Luna feel a warmth inside of her.

Over the next few months, everyone got ready for the wedding. One of the most obvious was picking out a wedding dress. Akiza and Luna went out with Martha and Ms. Izinski to find a good dress at a reasonable price. They didn't need any fancy fabric or extras. Just a simple dress and veil would be fine. They also didn't fight with any of the sales clerks, although they did hear one girl make one cry, because she didn't get a "perfect" dress. After looking through many of them, they both found what they wanted.

They were almost identical dresses, both with sleeves and a medium length train. Akiza got a custom fitted one, making sure there was plenty of room for her chest. Luna and Akiza both gleamed with excitement once they were all set and paid for. "I'm so excited!" Luna exclaimed. "Me too!" Akiza replied and they hugged one another. They both couldn't wait for their wedding day to show off their dresses to their husbands.

Speaking of husbands, Yusei and Dexter went out to look at tuxes. Dexter didn't really need one, with Luna giving him one for Christmas a few years ago. He might get a bigger set of pants, but otherwise, he was pretty much set. Yusei, on the other hand, normally wore a dress or button up shirt for formal occasions, so he was in need of a new suit. Both men were a little worried with Mr. Izinski along, but he insisted that his connections could help save on the costs as well as getting a good service rep. Yusei felt a little uncomfortable as they took a few measurements, just to be safe on sizes and fits.

"I'm a little embarrassed," Yusei replied as Dexter and his wife's father looked on. Mr. Izinski smiled. "Don't worry Yusei, there's nothing to be ashamed of." Yusei turned back around, just wishing for them to get done as quickly as possible. They took Dexter's measurement for his waist, but they found some black pants rather quickly. With Yusei, he was a bit self conscious, worried that he didn't look good enough for his wife.

"It's okay," Dexter encouraged him, "Akiza will think you look great." Yusei sighed and managed to find a good coat and undershirt. They each bought a clip on, red bow tie to top it all off. As they were about to pay, Dexter suddenly remembered.

"What are we going to do about the groomsmen?" Yusei gasped and put his hand to his head. "Aww crap!" he said and dreaded how that conversation would go. He could imagine talking to Crow and Jack on the phone about it. Jack would want white and Crow would want black. Crow would want clip on ties, while Jack would want a tied tie. They were just about opposites when it came to picking out clothes and Yusei dreaded the thought of having to pick out something. "I'll talk to them," he replied, not wanting Dexter to have to handle their criticism.

Later, Yusei managed to get on a video chat with both Jack and Crow at the same time. As soon as he talked dressing for the wedding, Jack and Crow got heated as usual. "White is the way to go," Jack replied. Crow just growled. "White is so stupid Jack. Plus, it's all shiny and slick. It looks like the sheet of ice on a cold winter's day!" Yusei just sighed. He didn't want to put his foot down and have one or both of them be upset with what he choose. He decided that he had to go with the nontraditional route and do what he had told Akiza when he explained the situation to her about an hour ago.

"Look!" Yusei shouted, "It's my wedding and we're going to do what I want to do." Crow and Jack both stopped shouting and stared. "We're going to have you two decide what to wear. You're my only groomsmen, so you two decide on what to wear. If you come in with nothing, but a pair of boxers or briefs on, then that's your guy's decision. End of discussion." Yusei quickly turned off the screen before anyone could say another word.

Yusei sighed once he finally shut the screen off. He was grateful he only had two groomsmen and that was it. Some people thought Kalin was another candidate, but Yusei had to angrily remind them what had happened. About a week after Yusei finally got to leave that disgusting, never visiting it again, old Wild West like city, the kids Kalin took care of got in a fight. It was their first since Kalin had taken them in. Due to Kalin never dealing with fighting kids, along with his extremely mentally ill mind, he did the only thing he knew what to do when face with a problem: hurting/killing someone or himself. In this case, it was killing himself.

When word got to Yusei years later, he was angry and had enough. He admitted that Kalin wasn't ever deserving of be his friend, especially considering how bad of a friend Kalin was to him. Every time Kalin had a problem, he would go out and hurt someone or himself. Then, Yusei had to then go save Kalin from himself. He had saved Kalin's life twice and risked his own life for him four times. Yet, after all of that, this was the thanks he got? Jack and Crow agreed with Yusei, once they heard what happened, and the three of them cleared themselves of everything they knew about the man.

Back in the present, Yusei didn't know what Crow and Jack would do. He worried one would come with what they wanted and the other would come with nothing on. Still, Yusei knew that they wanted to make his wedding day the best that they could. They were his real friends and a real friend wouldn't disappoint them on the most important day of their life. Still, Yusei said a few prayers that hopefully everything would turn out well.

Luckily, Yusei's attention got to go elsewhere the following week, as they spent the day shopping to pick out the cake and food for dinner. Leo went along as well, hoping to score a few samples. They also brought their phones with as well, to contact Martha or the Izinski's if they had questions or concerns. They managed to score a good deal on pasta and salad for food. Both couples didn't care for any of kind alcohol, but they knew their guests would. They debated on whether to have a keg and then bar afterwards, open bar, cash bar only, or other options. To be honest, they weren't thrilled by any of them, as they didn't want to deal with the hassle as well as their distaste for the liquids. They called their parents and decided to have some free beer, with cash bar after it was empty. However, both couples did not want any alcohol of any kind. Not only was it due to their dislike of it, but they wanted to be able to remember what would hopefully be the best day of their life.

Once that was settled, they went to a cake shop. They wanted cupcakes, with a couple small cakes for themselves. They wanted cupcakes, as it would be easier to ration out and also have food that everyone could have for themselves. To have the best of both worlds, they decided on marble, but they did ask for samples, so Leo could get his dessert fix.

"Mmmph," Leo moaned a bit dissatisfied, "This one's good, but a little dry. Can I get another one?" Luna just rolled her eyes back as she knew Leo just wanted free cake.

They then had to deal with getting the wedding bands/rings. They went to a well known jewelry shop, although in separate cars. Akiza and Yusei were excited, but Akiza did have a important question. "What is the statue going to do about our rings?" Yusei smiled. "Well, there were two things that come to mind," he replied, "One: that was part of the reason why I proposed when I did. I wanted them to know we were going to have rings on the statue, so people will see that we offically became one." Akiza blushed as Yusei went to his second part. "Two: I told them that I'll send them pictures of the rings, as it will be one of the last things they will put on the statue. So, it will have our wedding bands/rings on it, even before our wedding." Akiza smiled and kissed Yusei once he got to a stop sign.

"Whoa!" Yusei said as he tried to hold onto the wheel, "I don't want another car honking at us if we kiss." Akiza just laughed and they both straightened themselves out as they waited for the light to turn green. In the opposite car, Luna had to deal with Dexter apologizing for not getting her a wedding ring first and also for not being able to afford a nice ring. Luna told him it was okay, but when they got to the mall, Dexter was still apologizing.

"Dexter, look at me for a moment." Dexter did and Luna quickly cupped his cheeks, planting a big kiss on his lips. When she leaned back Luna looked him deep in the eyes. "I'm just thankful you got me a ring at all," she replied smoothly, "So don't worry Dexter. I'm not mad at all. Got it?" Dexter nodded nervously. "Can we kiss one more time?" Luna chuckled and gave him another kiss.

Finally, it was the week of the wedding, the practice dinner, and such went well and everything seemed to be in order. Except for one little thing. All four people were concerned about it, but they were all thankful once it got brought up. Akiza was finished eating dinner at Yusei's apartment. She was going to move in the Tops with him, just like Dexter was going to move across the hall with Luna.

"Wow!" Akiza said as Yusei took the dishes, "I can't believe this is going to be my new home." Yusei smiled. "Me neither," he replied and they kissed. After doing the dishes, Akiza wondered what was planned for the evening. However, Yusei became both serious and nervous as he took her hand and led her to the couch. Akiza sat down and could tell Yusei had to say something. "What is it Yusei?" Akiza questioned.

"Akiza, we have everything planned, except for..." He gulped. "After the wedding." Akiza thought for a moment and suddenly got what he was saying. "Oh..." she replied, not sure what to say. Yusei nodded. "And I thought that we should talk" Akiza nodded and Yusei took her hands. They then faced one another. "Look...Akiza, I'm not going to lie. I've seen and read my fair share of...inappropriate materials. However, I want to stress that that's not the way I want us to do it."

Akiza narrowed her eyes, wanting to speak up. "I've seen that stuff too Yusei and I agree that I don't want us to base our love life on that. So, what did you want to do instead?" Yusei gasped and blushed. He bit his lip and tried to think of something. "Look, how about we say what we want to do and what we don't want to do? Then, we can work from there." Akiza nodded and they slowly managed talk about it. They were both surprised and happy about what they were hearing. It was fun to learn about the other and what they wanted to do. Surprisingly enough, they agreed on many things, and they planned on what they were going to do. They also talked about doing it at any age, unless of course there was something serious that would cause them to stop. Not only that, but they stressed that they wanted to continue being affectionate and they wanted to show their love for one another. That felt more satisfying than anything physical that they could ever possibly experience. To sum the conversation up, Yusei stressed the same thing as at the beginning.

"I want us to have good communication about this. I also want both of us to enjoy it. It should be about both of us being happy, not just one. All those movies and stuff in the media, emphasize what the guy wants. But for me, I want us to do what feels good, for both of us." Akiza blushed. "I feel that way too, Yusei," she replied, "I want us both to enjoy it." Yusei nodded and agreed. They then leaned forward and shared a sweet kiss.

Across the hall, Luna and Dexter were having same conversation. Suddenly, Leo walked in, just as they were starting to talk. "Aww! My ears!" he shouted once he realized what it was about. He followed that by running up the stairs. Luna and Dexter watched him as he tried to drown out the noise. Luna and Dexter turned to one another and continued the conversation. By the end, they were in the exact same position as Yusei and Akiza. "So does that sound good?" Dexter asked. Luna nodded as she smiled and they shared a kiss.

Finally, the day was here and it was very busy. Not only were they going to have a wedding, with pictures taken beforehand, but the Dueling Center was also opening. The first weekend was just like an open house, showing people what would be inside. Yusei, Akiza, and the rest of the workers had toured and tried out the equipment. Yusei and Akiza worried that there might not be interest or that people might get upset with having to pay a fee. However, early signs pointed that they would have very good membership and most people planned on joining, with a bunch of people hopefully following suit once they saw what the building contained. They had already found psychic duelists to help and all the Duel Academy links were ready and in place.

On that day as well, was the unveiling of the Yusei and Akiza statue. There was a giant white sheet that covered a huge statue. Yusei and Akiza stayed a short distance away as they got prepared. The other Signers were there as well, to take part in the celebration. Akiza could see that Yusei was nervous. "Yusei, why are you so nervous?" she asked. Yusei looked away. "I'm...I'm not good at public speaking." Akiza smiled. "I know what happened with the scientist thing and being forced to lie to the media. However, you talked to media at the Dueling Party last year, so why are you so nervous now?" Yusei turned to her.

"But you were by my side the whole time," Yusei remembered, "You helped me be less nervous." Akiza smiled. "Then I'll be right by your side the whole time today. Okay?" Akiza replied, "Don't worry." Yusei managed a small smile as he looked out overhead. There were a bunch of media people in front of a small podium. Behind them were a large group of people, waiting for the statue to be revealed. Once they got the go-ahead, they both headed for the podium, arms wrapped around one another tightly. The Signers were close behind.

"Good morning," Yusei said, "On this cold November day. I thank you all for your patience and waiting for us. We greatly appreciate it." After a small applause, Yusei told them all about the Dueling Center and what it would have. He stumbled a few times, but glances and smiles from Akiza pulled him through. Once he managed to the end, they turned to the large statue next to them. Yusei and Akiza hadn't seen it either, so they were in for a treat as well.

"In honor of the center, we will have this statue," Yusei said and they looked up, as a tall construction machine pulled on the large white sheet. Finally, the sheet left the statue, as a bunch of cameras flashed for photos. Everyone gasped at the statue of the two of them in a close embrace. As Yusei had promised, a ring/band was on their hand, just like it would be in a few hours. Akiza then stepped up to the microphone.

"What is written at the bottom also should be noted, besides the statue." She took a deep breath and read.

"This is a statue of Yusei Fudo and Akiza Izinski, two of the six Signers who helped protect and save New Domino City The other four Signers were..." Akiza then listed the other Signers: Jack, then Crow, followed by Leo, and Luna. "Together, they teamed up to defeat the Dark Signers and ZONE." Akiza then turned to the part that Yusei and Akiza were most proud of.

"Before the Dark Signers battle, these two fell deeply in love with each other. After the final battle with ZONE, they confessed their love to one another, to which both of them reciprocated each other's feelings. Over the years, their love for one another grew into an unbreakable bond of love. They then became one in holy matrimony and their love continued to grow even more unbreakable. Their love for each other will last forever and they will always be together. Their anniversary is celebrated every year on November 3rd."

Akiza then looked up as the crowd behind the media erupted. Yusei and Akiza shared a kiss, which brought more cameras out and pictures to be taken. Akiza and Yusei smiled at one another and looked up to the statue. They hoped everyone enjoyed the statue as much as they did. They took a few questions from the media, with most of them focused on if Akiza and Yusei could stay together. The other Signers all looked at one another rolled their eyes. They had watched them be so shy about their feelings for one another. Plus, it was going to be nearly impossible for them not to be together after all they had been through. Yusei and Akiza tried to stress what the other Signers were thinking. They also asked if the statue stressed their love too much, but they responded that the other Signers had approved of it. Afterwards, they went over to the Dueling Center entrance, just a short distance away. After taking some photos, Akiza and Yusei took a pair of scissors and said together:

"We declare the Yusei and Akiza Dueling Center officially open!" They cut the ribbon together and everyone cheered. They shared one more kiss for the cameras. Still, it wasn't going to be as fun as the kiss they would share in a few hours.

A few hours later, Yusei and Dexter stood just outside the church. They looked around nervously. "Where's Jack and Crow?" Yusei wondered out loud. Dexter felt nervous as well. He hoped that they didn't ruin the wedding by not showing up. "There they are!" Dexter noted and they both gasped.

Jack and Crow were wearing nearly identical clothes as Yusei and Dexter. Yusei was surprised as he shook their hands. "Jack...Crow...I..." Jack cut him off. "There's nothing to say Yusei. We wanted this day to be special for both Akiza and yourself, along with Dexter and Luna." Crow then added, "So, we figured that we would go with what would be best for you guys. We already knew that you were going to wear, so we did almost the exact same thing." Yusei smiled. "Wow! Thanks you guys!" They all shared a man hug, including Dexter.

It was then time to take photos. Yusei saw Akiza and Dexter saw Luna for the first time. They all blushed and complimented one another on their attire. It was hard keeping themselves composed, as they were all excited to become one together. After taking photos inside, saving time for later, it was time for the ceremony.

Jack walked down with Carly and Crow walked down with Martha, since Akiza didn't have any other bridesmaids. Since it was a double wedding, Yusei walked down with Dexter. They both stood up front nervously, as they both waited for their brides. Finally, the piano music started and everyone stood up. Luna came in first, followed by Akiza. Even though they had seen their brides before during pictures, they were still overwhelmed by just how amazing they were and lucky that they were to have those women in their lives. The brides each went up to their groom and giggled at how stunned they looked. All of them complimented their bride on wife on how beautiful they were.

After doing some prayers and stuff, it was time for the wedding vows. The church was big enough, where each couple could stand on each side of the alter. On the right was Dexter and Luna and on the left was Yusei and Akiza. Dexter and Luna came first. The pastor asked them for their responses and the two of them looked deeply into the other's eyes.

"I do," Dexter said one last time and slipped on Luna's wedding band/ring. The pastor turned to Luna, having to look up, and asked her the same questions. "I do," she responded one last time, with a smile on her face. She then put the ring/band on Dexter's finger The pastor thane walked over and did the same to Yusei and Akiza. Like the other couple, they stared into each other's eyes as he spoke. "I do," Yusei replied firmly and put the ring/band on her finger. The pastor turned to Akiza and asked her the same questions as the other three. "I do," she responded one last time and put the band/ring on Yusei's finger. The pastor then went to the middle, in between both couples.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husbands and wifes. You may now kiss the brides." Both couples gave each other a kiss and some hoops and hollers were from different parts of the audience. Once they were done, the priest proclaimed them and they finished the rest of the service. Once mass was over, the couples went to the gathering space, and they talked with their friends and family for a little bit. Once everyone was outside, the two couples came out together, and people blew bubbles at them. They each went into a separate limo, to give them their own time together, and they waved to the crowd, once they were inside. The limos took off and they all headed for the reception area.

After greeting and eating with the guests, it was time for the first dance. Yusei and Akiza and Dexter and Luna went out together. A song started and both couples leaned in close. As they swayed, Luna could fell her eyes start to water. She looked down and heard Dexter choke. "Dexter are you all right?" she asked as she looked down. Dexter looked up and he too had tears on his face. "I love you so much," Dexter said quietly. Luna smiled and they both let the tears roll down their face. "I love you too," Luna replied and she leaned in close, "I love you so much." They shared a kiss and smiled at one another. Then, they leaned over each other's shoulders and took the moment in, with tears on their faces. A similar situation happened with Yusei and Akiza. Yusei leaned in close to check in on Akiza. "Are you doing okay?" he asked quietly. Akiza looked up, tears about to come out of her eyes. "I love you," Akiza whispered, looking deep into his eyes. She could see Yusei's eyes water up. "I love you too," Yusei replied, "I love you so much." He watched as Akiza let tears fall down her face and he did the same. They shared a kiss and leaned over each other's shoulders, letting the tears continue to fall down. Both couples swayed back and forth as the music continued.

Their journeys had ups and downs, good times and bad times. No matter what though, they would always be together and their love would last forever. And they never could have been together, if they hadn't learned about love and each other.

A/N: I apologize if Dexter's suicide moments may have been too much. I felt like years of having to be alone, having two of his best friends suddenly leave, not getting to see them for years, watching his love Luna come and go, and no parents/friends would make him feel rather lonely and depressed, so he'd keep the feelings bottled up inside. So, I thought it would be one last obstacle for them to overcome and it could help bring them together. I'm sorry if anyone's upset.

300,000+ words later and it's all done!

Thanks for all your support throughout the story! This is as good of a head canon for me as I could write. I tried to tie in a lot of what the show gave and also expanded on certain parts. Still, this was about as close to canon as I could write and it's, for the most part, what I think happened after the show.

I honestly don't know what I'll do next, when it comes writing Fanfiction. While I do have ideas for other stories, including a brief one about the Dueling Center and a few Chapters on them working together, I just have concerns going forward. I don't want to worry/disappoint people, but I'm not sure what I will do. I put a ton of time and effort into my stories and I just do not want to give people a bad product.

However, despite me being very cautious and overly concerned, I thank you for all your support and sticking by me throughout this story! Thanks again and I hope you know just how much I appreciate your support!