So, I will be discontinuing this story simply because I have lost the heart to continue writing it. My Writer's Block has hit me deep on this since I've tried rewriting what my sister deleted and now that school has also let up on me, I can write more and let these fresher ideas out. So I will be writing a new Warren FF that is a little more humorous and not as dramatic, but definitely a little mystery to the OFC and all that jazz.

Unfortunately, this one won't have dreads, and it's probably killing you because of how many people tell me they are a fan of the girl with the dreads in her hair but she will be very unique and different and has anyone else read that story where the girl apparently controls fire, has dreads, and owns a white ferret? A little suspicious, but OH WELL!

Lastly, my fic for Isaac Lahey from Teen Wolf is getting kind of iffy so I'm trying to work out all the kinks for Photograph and maybe even get a little romance for Derek in a newer fic if these ideas can sort themselves out.

-My Friends Call Me Cookie!

P.S. The title for this new Warren fic will be titled under a Freelance Whales song. An OC character tied to my OC in this fic will be named after the first person who guesses it correctly :D