"...and I tell you, they just were so cute," Grandpa Rome gushed. "The cutest ever." He nudged his friend Germania and grinned. "You know, in a way I'm glad you joined me here... after you put me out of my misery, I felt much better... but I was getting bored not having anyone to talk to*."

Germania chuckled ruefully. Even in the afterlife, Rome talked enough for ten people. Some things never change, he thought to himself, no matter where you are.

"So what about you?" Rome asked him.

"What about me?" Germania replied.

"I've told you all about my boys... what about yours?"

Germania sat deep in thought for a few minutes. His older sons* had come along when he was young, and he'd given them a very regimented, almost martial, upbringing... he wanted to make warriors out of them. But his younger children... he was getting a little older then, and he'd been a far more doting parent.

"Well..." he began, "I suppose I have a few stories I could tell you."

Rome waved his hand around him. "We've got plenty of time now, so why not?"

"All right, then," Germania replied.


1. I once read a fanfic that had Germania's killing of grandpa Rome as an act of mercy to end his great suffering. It also portrayed the two as good friends and comrades... I wish I could find it to credit the author, but I can't. If anyone has any info about it, please message me.
2. There is some controversy as to whether the Germanic nations are Germania's sons or grandsons. Here, I have made them his sons. Also, I have included Switzerland as one of Germania's kids because Mr. Himaruya did so in a strip that had grandpa Rome and Germania discussing "cute ones" (grandpa referring to girls, but Germania's thoughts went to his family). That strip actually was the first inspiration for this story. 3. In a lot of fan art, Germania is portrayed as an affectionate papa to his kids, and I have also drawn inspiration from that. (Credit where it's due.)