Wrote a one shot. Haaa... I'm constantly surprised by how Wrath writes so damn much...

This 2k words document really took me a while (6 hours or so)

Well without further ado, enjoy.

Also I've decided to write this in a light novel type of fashion. If you dislike it, please leave a review.


It was all but a normal day for Chihiro. She woke up late, rushing to school as she chewed on a piece of bread. Meeting with Ayumi as they ran to class together. Sitting in their respective seats. Daydreaming about him and her. Picturing him winning the school football cup, and her next to him, holding his arm gently as she supported her love. Ignoring Kodama sensei as he teaches English.

No one could have expected what would happen on that day. Being fed up with Katsuragi yet again, a thrown chalk squarely hit the otamega in the forehead, with enough force to send his entire body stumbling backwards. His game console tumbling to the ground, his expression was that of shock, before tears came to his eyes. He looked around, appearing shocked as he dried his tears.

"Wha… What? This… Eli?" he whispered, yet his words were clear from the silence of the classroom.

"OI! Katsuragi! Get back to your seat and pay attention to class! Now, everyone, please pay attention. The paragraph in chapter 7 part B is exposition!"

Whispering a name of a girl. Gross. At least Kodama-sensei got everyone back on track. Still, Katsuragi was still crying. What a wimp. He must have damaged his brain from that fall. He went to pick up his still working game console, and sat down in his seat. Still, something was wrong. He just sat there, silently, his hands limp at his side as he stared at Kodama-sensei. No…. instead of starring at Kodama, he was starring at nothing, was he?

Wow, how odd. Looking around, it seems Miyako had noticed it, as well as Asami to, as well as a few others. Well, there's no reason to care for Katsuragi, as odd as he was.

Twenty minutes later, class ended, Kodama leaving, and Katsuragi was still sitting stiff as a statue. Did his brain break or something? He still looked solemn.


"Hey, what's wrong with Otamega." she asked, speaking to Ayumi and Miyako.

"Huh Otamega?" Ayumi took a glance at him. "I don't see anything wrong. Why, are you worried about him, Chihiro?" she laughed.

"As if. It's just unnatural. Like watching a pig suddenly digging a pit. You can't help but notice, right? That Otamega…. He's not playing his game."

The trio took another look at Katsuragi Keima, stiff as a statue, before looking between themselves.

"It's certainly unnatural. Perhaps he hit his head to hard. Ah! I've read about this before! Maybe he has amnesia!" (Miyako)

"You can't be serious, right?" (Chihiro)

"Hey, it could be possible. There's recorded instances in science books."

"More like it's a storyline from a manga you've read."

"Manga is based on reality, youj know! Well, I'm going to go over, see if it's true!"

"Well be careful, it's otamega, who knows what he'll do." (Ayumi)

"Don't worry, it's going to be alright. I'll be dragging you two along with me." Miyako replied with a cheeky smile, hooking her arms around Ayumi and Chihiro's arms.

"Eh… do I have to? I don't want to interact with him…" (Chihiro)

"Think of it this way, if it's true, we can treat Otamega out of his Otamega! We can't let this opportunity escape."

"Fine… Fine.."


Miyako, seemingly the bravest of the tree approached Keima first, she sat in front of him, his eyes focusing on her as she spoke gently.

"Hey, Katsuragi-kun. Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? I… No. I don't think I will be." He responded, sighing softly to himself.

"Jeez Otamega, how characteristic of you, to be losing your memory." (Chihiro)

"EEhhhhh…. Is it true? You don't remember anything?"

Katsuragi seemed to flinch away from Chihiro and Ayumi as they approached, tears coming to his eyes again, but those were quickly dried as he recomposed himself.

"What is this nonsense all of you are speaking of? I remember everything. I remember it all." His voice seems to trail off at the end.

"Well, in that case… what's wrong, Katsuragi-kun? Will you tell us?" (Miyako)

His eyes glanced between the three of them, releasing a sigh as he gave a soft chuckle. "No… it's nothing. It's just… reality is a shitty game. A game I can't lose."

"Well, it looks like Otamega's back to normal. There goes your theory, Miyako." (Ayumi)

"Well, let's go back." Chihiro added, wanting to leave before he infected her with his social awkwardness.

"Wait!" Katsuragi stood up, looking seriously at them.

"Ayumi… Let me ask. Between a peaceful life and a life where you use magic to save the world… Which would you prefer?"

"Creep! Don't call her name so familiarly. Know your place, Otamega!" (Chihiro)

He was ignoring her! Focusing on Ayumi, who seems to have a small scowl on her face, she scoffed lightly.

"As if magic is real. And to save the world, you really are delusional, Otamega." (Ayumi)

"Real or not. I want you to answer the question…. Please." (Katsuragi)

They stood there, indecisive for a few moments, before a bright smile appeared on Ayumi's face.

"Well, if it's real, then I'll be glad to do it! Saving the world? Hahaha! It will be magnificent. I'll be the best runner in the world. Like… that red superhero!"

"Oh no, Ayumi has been infected by Otamega! Miyako, help me cure her!" Faking anxiety, Chihiro pulled Ayumi away.

"Hai hai… Well then, stay well, Katsuragi." (Miyako)

The three left, not noticing the determination now obtained in Katsuragi's eyes.


Nikaido Yuri paused just as she entered the class. It was silent. No, there was a sound. It sounded like a constant tap of flesh hitting plastic. Just what exactly is making that sound?

Opening the door, she entered, looked in, and her expression joined the rest of the class as they looked at Katsuragi Keima in bewilderment.

Sitting at his desk, four PFP's were placed in front of him. They were secured in place with carefully positioned books, and his four arms were rapidly pressing on the keyboard of each.

Four arms? She blinked. And looking carefully, she realized that what she was seeing was afterimages! As shocked as she was, soon, she came to understand why the rest of the class was silent, starring at Katsuragi Keima in amazement.

She walked closer, waving a hand in front of Keima while avoiding his 'arms' and just noticed that his eyes were closed. What was he doing?

"We tried that already, Sensei." Someone spoke up.

"Yeah… He's been at it for five minutes now… It's really hard to believe, but does Otamega have a superpower?"

"Hey… do you think he was joking earlier? You might be in trouble, Ayumi."

"Things will be fine… I think." The girl in question wasn't looking very confident.

As astounded as she was, Nikaido was silently judging on what she should do next. She'll have to speak with him later… Yes, she'll detain him, after class.

"Hai hai, that's enough. Leave Katsuragi alone. Everyone, back to your seats! Lesson is starting now!"


Ayumi couldn't focus. Her heart was honestly worried as she starred at Katsuragi Keima instead of the teacher. The PFP's that were on his table had floated into the air, one by one. They were suspended there, attached to nothing, held up by nothing.

Although there was a doubt in her heart, she couldn't deny what she was seeing with her own two eyes. It was magic.

Katsuragi's hands were a blur now, his arms moving so fast, her eyes couldn't keep track of it. It was like trying to keep track of a fly, an impossible task as it vanishes as soon as you lose your focus. The mass of hands were touching nothing other than air in front of him, yet, she could still hear the constant 'taps' of his fingers hitting something.

And then, everything stopped. She tried to move, but couldn't, as if the very air itself was frozen. Katsuragi had stopped, his hands resting on the table as steam escaped from his fingertips.

"Otoshigami- World terminal. Complete."

He held his right hand out, the four PFP's shining brightly and she had to shield her eyes away from the light.

And then…

And then…


What happened? Her classmates were focusing on Nikaido sensei. Looking about, Katsuragi was at his seat, playing a single PFP as usual. No one was looking at him.

Was all of that just a dream?

Ah jeez! What is wrong with her that she had a dream about Otamegane?

Dismissing her fears, she focused on her lesson, her previous doubts and memories being forgotten in the next few seconds.


Katsuragi Keima stood alone on the rooftops. Sitting at the bench, his mind idly thought off his future plans as he waited.

He could see the ending. It would require a lot of help, and being that he entered a New Game + from a bad end, he also knew that things had to change. However, the one vital component is that the prologue of a Game must start before he could change anything.

To be honest, it had been years since he last 'stood' here. It gave him a nostalgic feeling.

Earlier this morning, Ayumi had almost barreled right into him and ran right into a pillar instead. He had ignored her. The less he had to interact with her, the better. For though he was God, his body was that of a human, and he had to fight to keep himself from crying at the memories of her older self and her sacrifice.

Initially, it had been painful for him to view his friends. But separating the friends from his memories and the classmates they are had helped him cope, somewhat.

To his surprise, she had chased after him though, and ended up tackling him from behind. Damn it! A sneak attack, falling hurts! And what the heck is this weight on top of his back?

"Hey! Otamegane! Can you clean the rooftop today? It's our turn to do the cleaning right? But unlike you, I'm very busy soooo…" (Ayumi)

"What the hell! Don't screw with me, Takahara-san!" (Keima)

"And! I'm really occupied with my club activities. So please do it?" (Ayumi)

"Hey…. Before you say anything else, can you get off my back? I don't care that you have your hands clasped, at least, let me get on my feet first." (Keima)

"Huh? Ah!"

The girl's face flushed, and she hastily leaped away.

"Anyway! Please clean the roof! Thank you, Katsuragi!" (Ayumi)

The girl ran away, ran into another school pillar, recovered, and ran out of the corner. Honestly, was she this clumsy back then? He couldn't remember.

The roof cleaning job was done with his magic, a simple flick of the broom with some 'code' installed was all it take for the floor to be sparkling clean. Eli sure was upset when he showed her this trick of his.

You've got mail!

Ah, Sayaka-chan. Thanks for picking the mail up. He opened up his PFP, and smiled lightly at the message.

"To The God Of Conquest.

I have heard rumors that you can conquer any girl you want. That is quite unbelievable, but if it is true, then there is a girl that I would like you to conquer. If you are confident that you can do it, press the "REPLY" button.

PS: If it is impossible, don't ever press the button!


Ah… he has been waiting. Finally, it is time. He stood up, pressing the reply button as he did so, and watched as a familiar ponytailed girl came crashing into the roof.

"Thank you for accepting the contract, Kami-Sama! Let us proceed!" She spoke, saluting as she did so.

"You've kept me waiting, devil Elucia de Lute Ima. It's finally time. Game. Start!"


And so, did a new story begin. A story centered around a human whom calls himself God, a devil and six gods.

A story filled with action, comedy and self discovery as Keima Katsuragi comes to term with his past.

Together with his magical girl division, the beginning of the fight against Vintage starts!

Fight on for your future! The world only a future god knows!