Thank you for all of you, who'd decided to read this story. It's such an honour to invite you to a dark romance, and mystery type of story.

I'll create quite a suspense in this chapter, and I'll keep on writing if you keep on reviewing, which makes me happy oh and by th way, please do check my other story "The Hypnotizing Worry" in my other account ^^

"W-who are you?", he tried to ask as he saw a auburn beauty strolling in front of him.

She just smiled in response.

She moved away from him, and slowly, she went to sit on the swing. She kept her grey, beautiful eyes on him, despite of her every move.

He was scared, not because he saw a girl in midnight, smiling at him, and enjoying the darkness, it was because of her smile, of her angelic beauty.

She started enjoying the swing. Her hair was swirling back and forth, as she enjoyed the swing. She closed her eyes to feel the breeze.

Meanwhile, he looked at her, while he was slightly taken aback of her childish attitude, yet it seemed like it was the first time for her.

After moments of awkward silence, which seemed like hours, he asked her again; "Who're you?"

She chuckled, then smiled at him.. Just what was she thinking, smiling that beautiful smile to a stranger like him.

"I am nobody, I don't even exist. You don't need to worry, Kurosaki-kun, You should go and look out for Yuzu-chan and Karin-chan. I am sure they must be worried about you. . ." She smiled again.

"Hell with that, you exist, you're here, you're real. You are here." He told her that, but it seemed like it was a cruel fact that he was telling himself more than to her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Kurosaki-kun." And she replied innocently.

"WHAT!" He yelled at her.

He wasn't that type of a man to yell at a beautiful girl, but it angered him because she said she doesn't exist, she's nobody, and she isn't here.

She moved closer and he didn't stutter, as he was curious about her next move.

"Kurosaki-kun, Please, please leave me alone. Leave me as I am, don't interfere, if he comes, he'll kill you too. It's like, I'm cursed."

No way, no way! A beautiful angel like her can never be curse, and who is the person that she's talking about? That's killing people?

Just what the hell's going on here?

"It's all right, I'll kill that bastard who-"

"No! NO! You don't understand! I love him, don't kill him! He's my everything.." She pleaded, she tried to not to cry in front of him, but still she couldn't help it, and lose control.

"But who are you?"

"Who am I? Does it matter?"

She ask while all the way trying to fight her tears away.


"I am, -", just in minutes, he couldn't quite catch her words, because he could see the blurry vision, he saw her pink, cute lips still moving, which meant she was telling him, her name. But, why couldn't he comprehend the words coming out of her mouth? Why was he so dizzy, all of a sudden? Why did everything just went blank!

A scowling boy opened his eyes to find himself lay on the floor.

While she was watching, but she's hidden quite well under those bushes, why would she be so sneaky?

"What am I? A kid?" He snorted angrily over his childish behaviour.

He got up from the floor, and his thoughts went somewhere else;

Who am I?

Who are you?

I love him, he's my everything...

It's like I'm cursed!

Please leave me alone, kurosaki-kun.

"She knew my name? She knew my sisters names: Yuzu and Karin , who is she?"

Was he really concerned to know who was she, while he forgot the name she mentioned, the name she said so sweetly. But what happened last night, was quite confusing. He's never seen that girl before, and never have he ever thought, she'd smile, and will still smile despite of the circumstances.

Or was it just a nightmare?

Okay, so are we done here, well the two character were quite obvious, but the other mystery character is still yet to be introduced, and I'd appreciate it, if you guessed it. The one who guessed it right, will make me doughnuts: The chocolate one. *_* Let's be fair and square!

But, keep on reviewing. That's the only think that'd make me happy, along with IchiHime love, my choco doughnuts, and lovely stories!