They were exhausted.

He got anything left. At all.

"Do you have anything to drink?"

"Well… I do own a bar, you know? And I'm my mother's son-"

"Don't bring up your mom, please…" She said in disbelief.

"You've got a point. What do you want to drink?"

She was watching him crouch to look for some booze. His back muscles were standing out. And his legs- oh, his legs.

She chewed her lip. That was something worth watching.

He looked over his shoulder since she didn't answer and busted her starring.

"Kate? Were you watching my ruggedly handsome body moving?"

Ok, he's annoying.

"Oh, Ricky… so many things crossing my mind" she gave him her evil grin "That strictly involves your ruggedly handsome body moving…"

He almost fell backwards. She'd kill him that night.

He got nothing left.

Nothing left.



If she drank a little too much she might just fell asleep.

He didn't want that.

He needed something tasty, like whisky or tequila. Or wine.

And strong, so wine's out.

Whisky would mask her taste, he didn't want that either.

Tequila required salt and lime.

He turned back to face her and stood up holding a bottle of Jameson.

"Where did you-"

She was lying on his office's desk imitating Naked Heat's covering.

She looked up.

He looked down.

He cupped her jaw and brought her to his lips.

The kiss was slow, he was leading.

He poured the Jameson over her body while kissing her. She tried to break the kiss to see whatever he was doing to her, but he didn't let her do it.

It was Castle. Her Castle. She trusted him.

She heated the kiss.

He left her mouth moving on its own and put one of his fingers on her lips hoping she'd take the hint and suck 'em.

He had work to do.

He kissed her pulsing point just below her ear and followed its path down her neck. As he reached her collarbone he blew his kiss-trail and watched her body squirm with the shiver.

She was too dry for his taste.

He poured more whisky on her chest, drinking from her collarbone's tiny pool.

The liquid's dripping along with his licking and open-mouth kisses caused a sensory overload. She never had someone who'd do that to her just for her pleasure.

He poured more Jameson over her breasts while sucked her nipples swirling his tongue around them, sucking its tip and nipping at them.

He followed every drop of whisky that was dripping from her ribcage with his tongue. He took her hands, one by one, and kissed them to her shoulders and them got back to her stomach.

Her eyes were closed shut. It was too much to watch. She wanted to feel him all over her. She needed it more then she wanted to admit it to herself.

He poured a large amount of Jameson on her navel and sucked it before exploring it with his tongue trying to get every drop.

He followed the drops that went to all directions but saved the south one's for last.

He avoided her core.

She whined when she realized he'd skipped it.

He had skipped to her feet. Again, one by one, pouring Jameson and kissing the drops' path he tasted her body.

Her skin was so smooth, like silk, he couldn't get enough.

"I want to drink you tonight"

She moaned.

The drops' dripping were tickling her body and he wasn't helping by blowing on her skin, so close that she could feel his body's heat.

As his kisses reached her inner thigh he thought it was perfect time for payback.

Slowly he kissed his way to her groin and made his way back blowing cool air at his kisses' path.

And he trailed small bites that were definitely leaving marks, to her groin while she squirmed.

She never said a word 'til then.

"Are you out of whisky?" She whispered trying to push his buttons.

"Not even close…"

"Why did you stop pouring it then?"

"I told you: I want to drink you tonight. Don't want anything to mask your taste. It's too good." He said by her ear.

She shivered.

He took her lips and kissed her passionately while his index finger ghostly circled her clit. All she could feel was his finger's heat on her skin.

He inserted that same finger on her wet cave and withdrew it within seconds.

"Open your eyes, Kate" He whispered "I want you to watch me love you"

As she opened her eyes just a bit, she saw him sucking his index finger.

"So good!" He said as he licked his lips.

That was it; she needed him to do something.

She pushed his head down looking at his eyes and bit her lip.

"Somebody's in need!" He chuckled "Do you want something, Kate?"

She whined. He wasn't used to hear her whining but he definitely could get used to it.

"Do you want me to… kiss your neck?" He just wanted to torture her.

"No" she managed to whisper.

"Hm… tough one. Do you want me to suck… your nipples?" He asked while his tongue flipped her nipples' tips.

"Oh god, no"

"No god, just me here" He chuckled "Hm… I think I got it: you want me to-"

"drink me"


She murmured something.

"Was that a please?"

She felt his hot breath over her clit.


"No? Too bad… I was thirsty"

"C'mon, Rick"




"You wish"

He blew a cool breeze on her pussy.


"What was that, Kate?"

He did it again.



She squirmed beneath him.

His ghostly brushed his stubble on her core.

"Oh fuck, Rick…"

"Beg for me"


"Please what?"

"You're so gonna pay for it, Rick"

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me with your mouth!"

"That was romantic…" He chuckled watching her desperation.

He placed a soft kiss on her clit as his index finger traced a line around her entrance.

"Oh, god… yes, right there" Her eyes rolled in pleasure.

"I told you… no god-"

"You're a god" she replied without wanting him to talk anymore "Now stop talking, Rick"

"As you wish, Kate"

He kneeled before her, moistened his lips and kissed her clit again, this time sticking out his tongue and circling her swollen sensitive spot.

Her legs embraced his head resting on his shoulders.

He groaned at her entrance. If she was doing it consciously, he'd die soon enough trying to please this woman.

She pressed his head against herself. His nose pressed down on her clit as his chin's stubble brushed her butt and his tongue dove into her.

"Oh my go-Rick… right there! Oh!" she tried to reach his head with her hands to keep him buried on her as she thrusted her hips up.

His groan blew air inside of her.

His tongue delved her insides while his soft lips warmed the surrounding area.

He pushed her down with his hand and she whined.

He took her clit between his teeth carefully and roughly licked it. Her moan came with her hips' thrust.

And he did it again.

He let her clit go as he nipped at her folds.

"Get… inside" she said within moans.

Once again he thrust his tongue inside her, tasting her bitter-sweet liquids.

He nipped at the smaller lips of her entrance and then pressed a soft kiss on them.

He wouldn't use his hands this time.

He used his nose to masturbate her clit with circles while his tongue's thrust made her squirm.

Her heels were pressing his head hard against her and her hips' thrusts were enjoying his stubble's friction on her soft skin.

He manage to scape her trap to breathe and then loosened his lips to brush them on her clit, sticking out his tongue every now and then to press her clit for just a second.

Suddenly he gripped her thighs to burry himself on her, which she was totally ok with, opened his mouth wide pressing his teeth above and below her clit.

"Oh fuck! I'm close!" She fisted his hair with both hands.

He breathed in deeply inhaling her smell and sucked hard rubbing his tongue on her clit up and down, then side to side; first gently, but then roughly letting his saliva lubricate her core and going faster every second.

His chin's stubble were brushing her entrance and as he felt her body starting to contract with her orgasm, he took her clit between his teeth and let it go rushing his tongue inside her body tasting her orgasm and performing the last thrusts before he could drink her liquids.

"Rick! I'm" she screamed his name again "Coming"

She buried his face on her again, not carrying if he could breathe, pressing her heels to his back holding him in place while her body's thrust provided the last push for her become undone beneath his mouth.

When it was almost over she loosened the grip on his scalp and lay back down.

He licked everything she poured out and what he could reach with his tongue.

His jaw was sore, bruised and definitely tired.

Her eyes met his.

She said as she reestablished her breathing "Can't believe you made me come using only your mouth" She had that smirk he loved on her face.

"Next time, we'll do it my way." He whispered as his fingers traced her curves.

"Anything you want to do with my body, you're now allowed." She chuckled.

"Good, because next time I'll make love to you"

"Love? Hm… I wouldn't know."

"You've never…?"

"How it's like?"

"I'll show you."

Here's the last chapter.

Thanks guys for the reviews... it's good to read them.

I agree, White Bishop, that Rick isn't fully pleased with her demandings, but he wouldn't stop her. He needs to make love to her, but she was hungry for him this time. She doesn't know how to act in love, because he's her first [love]. She gave him herself.

Thank you all for reading this.

Next story it's Rick who's leading, so it will be everything but wild. It's called "Delight"

Click on the pretty blue button below and tell me what did you think of this story.

Thank you all!