Author's Note: This is the first story I've posted, as well as my first multi-chapter fic, so I apologize if it's terrible.

Disclaimer: This is fanfiction, so obviously I don't own it.

Arthur sighed as he waited for the members of the round table to arrive, it had barely been a month since they had retaken Camelot, and they were already facing a new threat from Morgana, they just couldn't seem to get a break. Seeing that everyone had finally arrived, Arthur began,

"As all of you are no doubt already aware, we've received word that Morgana is still alive and searching for something called The Ring of Souls" Looking around, Arthur noticed that Gaius had a thoughtful look on his face, and he was not the only one to notice it.

"Have you ever heard of it before, Gaius?" Leon asked,

"It sounds familiar," Gaius said, "but I'm not sure where from." He though for a moment, "Ah, yes, now I remember, it was mentioned in the book about the Cup of Life." He stood up, "Let me go get it"

Gaius returned a few minutes later with a large book which he set down with a loud thud. As he flipped through the pages, Merlin found himself wondering why fate seemed to hate them so much.

"Ah, here it is." Gaius said, shaking him from his thoughts, "The Ring of Souls," he read, "The Ring of Souls is an ancient magical artifact that can be found in the Valley of Ysbrydion, it allows the wearer to summon the spirits of the dead and control them." The room was silent as it's occupants realized just what that meant. It was Leon who finally broke the silence,

"If Morgana gets ahold of that ring, she could summon an army of ghosts to attack Camelot with."

Merlin couldn't help but groan,

"Why does it always have to be a magical army?" he asked no one in particular, "Why can't Morgana just use normal ary of human soliders, that are easy to kill?" Gwaine laughed,

"Because that would be too boring"

Arthur suddenly paled as he realized something,

"With all the magic users that my father killed, Morgana could easily create a huge army of Sorcerors."

It was Percival that asked the question they had all been wondering,

"How do you kill a ghost?"

Merlin noticed that Gaius shot him a glance before answering,

"To be honest, I don't know if you can. Magic could probably hold them off, at least for a while."

Arthur was clearly worried, and it was showing on his face,

"What about Excaliber?" He asked, " Do you think it would have any effect on them?" Gaius considered it,

" It might," he said, "however, you could hardly fight them all off by yourself."

Arthur slammed his fist on the table in frustration,

"What are we suppose to do!" For a moment nobody spoke,

"What if," Gwaine suggested finally, "We went to The Valley of Ysbrydion ourselves and got the ring, if we have then that means that Morgana doesn't." Everybody stared at Gwaine in shock,

"What?" he asked, Arthur shook his head in amazment,

"That," he said, "Is actually a good idea. Gwaine actually managed to come up with a good idea." Gwaine looked seriously offended, but before he could say anything Leon interrupted.

"There's just one problem, we don't know where The Valley of Ysbrydion is." Arthur turned to look a Gaius,

"Does it say anything about how to get to the valley in that book?" he asked, Gaius shook his head,

"I'm afraid that all it says is you have to go to the Lake of Avalon to get there." Arthur threw his hands in the are in frustration,

"Great, and just where is that?" Merlin answered without thinking,

"It's about half a days journey from here." There was silence, looking up, Merlin saw that everyone was staring at him.
