Artemis Fowl was sitting at his desk furiously typing on his laptop. He had been working on this project all day and it was almost midnight. The manor was empty except for himself and Butler who was downstairs making Artemis a cup of tea. He was just about to ask Butler if the tea was almost ready when the door burst open and slammed against the wall.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Screamed Artemis as he jumped and fell out of his chair.

"Hey Mud-Boy! What's up?" Laughed Holly, who had been the one to burst into the room.

"Oh, hello Holly, that was unexpected." He said as he got up from the floor. Holly noticed he was wearing jeans and a normal t-shirt. When he had gotten back from Haven to get his Atlantis Complex treated, his mother had forced him to wear the clothes she had bought him. She remembered the conversation she had had with him after that. He had complained the whole time about that. He looked fine with them now.

"You're getting tall," she said

"Is it any wonder? I haven't seen you in months, six to be exact." He said.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here. I got an above-ground mission and I decided I'd stop by and see my two favorite mud-men." She replied smiling.

"Well, would you like anything? I just asked Butler to make some tea, or if you prefer something else…?" he asked, playing the part of the gracious host.

"No thanks, I can't stay long. Oh, and that reminds me…" she walked out of the room and came back with a cup of tea. "Butler wanted me to bring this to you." She said, handing him the tea.

"Ah, I was just about to inquire what was taking so long when you so unexpectedly entered my study…" he said slyly.

"That was funny! I didn't know you could jump that high!" He smiled as she laughed, chuckling himself, and sat back down in his chair.

"I just have to finish this real quick." He said as he started typing again. Holly sat down in another chair next to him. She grabbed a plastic bag that she had brought in the room with her and started digging through it.

"What's that?" asked Artemis looking at the bag.

"Oh, I saw this little store on my way over and I bought some stuff." She pulled out a bag full of little gummy centaurs. "I thought this would amuse Foaly, and there was some other things like gummy fairy ears," she pulled them out, there were two gummy, pointed ears on a head band so that you could wear them, " and some pixie dust. This whole store was pretty kooky, and so was the lady selling these things. Do you want some?"

"No, I don't much care for sweets." He said turning back to his computer.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot you don't like candy, especially lollypops," she said, laughing.

Artemis blushed, "So you heard that huh? Not one of my greater moments."

"So why exactly do you not like candy?" asked Holly curiously.

"I've never indulged in something so unbecoming and childish." He said.

"No really, why don't you like candy?"

"I told you."

"Tell me Artemis. Don't make me make you." She said murderously

"I've told you why," he said, feeling a bit nervous.

"I have a feeling there's more to it than that. Now, let's see if you're TICKLISH!" She said charging him and proceeded to tickle him. He burst out laughing and tried to fight her off. He had been working out apparently, he was stronger than before.

"Okay!" he said through fits of giggles. "I'll tell you! Just stop!" she stopped and after they had both calmed down, Artemis said "I didn't even know I was ticklish."

"Well even now it's even worse, I know. Now tell me why you don't like candy."

"Okay, but first, swear you won't tell Foaly." He said

"I swear. Now tell me!"

" When I was little, my mum gave me a lollypop, and as soon as I had finished it, I got very hyper and, according to Butler, I ran through the entire house, in and out of every room, and then went outside and ran around the manor almost five times before I came back in. I immediately went to the kitchen and opened a whole bag of sugar and ate almost all of it before Butler found me. After that, I ate every piece of candy or sugary substance I could get my hands on. Butler says it was a nightmare; they had to completely rid the manor of sweets for an entire year. I eventually grew out of that and after Butler told me what had happened, I have steered clear of anything that might contain sugar."

After hearing this, Holly burst out laughing. "I've never seen you hyper before! I bet that was funny!"

"Oh yes, positively hilarious. Now if you'll excuse me captain I must use the facilities." And with that he got up and walked away.

Holly giggled some more, before she got an idea.

Perfect she thought. This visit just got a whole lot more interesting.