The night was warm and the thought of her task made her shiver. She knew she was the only one who could do this. However, her inner mantra was I am my father's daughter. I can do this. She holds her head high and looks around to find her bearings.

A bird called faintly in the distance, a high sharp shrill. Soon two more birds joined their call. Frida relished the sound for she knew she was now hearing them with mortal ears. She could smell the lavender in the air and something else. Frida cocked her head to the side trying to analyze the scent and she thinks it smells like stew and a hint of fire. She starts to walk towards the smell. In the distance she sees the lights from an inn.

As she gets closer she can see wagons and riders outside in the yard. Upon a closer look she can see the wagons and the horses covered in mud. The inside looks like a party full of happy chaos with men and women drinking and laughing and one woman playing the lute badly.

"Hello kinsman," a Nord in blue light armor walked over and said. "What brings you out here?"

"Hello I am Frida and I am here for some rest and some directions." Frida responded in a light tone. In the distance a wolf begins to howl.

"Come inside away from the beasties and drink a tall glass of ale with us. By the way my name is Ralof."

Ralof was a tall charming Nord who had the traditional blond locks and blue eyes. His eyes crinkled with welcome. He walked up to the door and opened it for her to go through.

Frida paused and looked at him and bowed, "Thank you kind sir." She walked into the Inn. After stepping aside for Ralof, she took in the scene. At the bar there were two more soldiers in the same uniform as Ralof, trying to woo a few of the servers. There was a man standing in the back of the bar with his arms folded over his chest eyeing the room. Across the room on the other side was a woman playing the lute badly. It was clear she was drunk, she also had a man more than likely the bard behind her teaching her how to play the lute and he was singing with her.

At a table by himself was a handsome man with long blondish hair and a goatee that was neat and trimmed. He had on a fur cloak and big boots that went up to his knees. He had on a signet ring and an amulet of Talos and his eyes were a piercing blue. They also took in everything. He was drinking from a silver tankard and occasionally chuckling at the happy chaos around him.

"Ulfric, grab a few more meads, I found us a new friend." Ralof calls from the door beside Frida. He puts his hand on her back and starts to navigate his way through the crowd towards the table where Ulfric was sitting.

"Ulfric meet Frida, Frida meet Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm." Ralof proudly announces. "Just call me Ulfric please." Ulfric says.

"Nice to meet you." She shyly lowers her eyes and smiles at him while she sits in a chair.

"I like your amulet do you worship Talos, or do you wear his amulet for the enchantment properties?" Frida inquires.

"I worship Talos and no Elf will tell me I can't. I will fight to the death to protect Skyrim and her people. I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil! I fight for their wives and children, whose names I heard whispered in their last breath. I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing! I fight because I must." Ulfric stated with fire in his eyes.

"Here are fresh drinks." A buxom server leans over and sets three tankards down. Giving an ample view of her assets she winks at the men at the table, "Let me know if you need anything else. And I do mean anything."

They stayed there a little while longer, talking about politics and religion agreeing on some things and arguing on other points. Neither Ulfric nor Frida were of a mind to become drunk but instead began politely drinking mead then lemonade. When the service ended for the night the pair reluctantly left to go on to their own chambers for the night. Frida secretly hoped they might talk some more, but prudence dictated that she get some rest for her long journey the next day. Skyrim after all was a beautiful country but an unforgiving one.

As Frida got to her chambers she remembered fondly her old room next to her family and her pet Rosco. A more faithful hound there never was. She instead kneeled beside her bed and talked to her father knowing he could hear her even if he couldn't respond and told him of her day and who she met and what her plans were for the next day.

She stripped her armor and laid her amulet under her mattress for safekeeping.

She then lay down with eagerness to start her journey and to seek the salvation of her people. All of a sudden her doors flew open and four soldiers wearing heavy armor lean over and demanded surrender.

"Over my dead body!" Frida yells as she grabs her Ebony sword and swings at the closest soldier. She connects with his chest and slices his armor open like butter; her Ebony sword lighting on fire. The other soldier swings at her with a mace. Since she did not have on armor her shield arm took a hit and got a gash that started to bleed profusely, however the wound only hit the flesh and not the bone. She determinedly fought the men out of her room and started fighting with Ralof at her back. Ralof was in his armor. She struck another soldier in the head and knocked him out.

From the corner of her eye she saw Ulfric run out of his room and he then yelled, "Men stand down." Everyone put down their arms after they understood what was going on. Looking around Frida saw that the innkeeper had a soldier with an arrow notched and ready to fly at his head.

The captain of the soldiers she was fighting came up behind her and stuck her in the head with the end of her mace. Everything went blackā€¦