AN: Just for fun. And I must tell you, this was damn fun to write. Can be read like a one-shot, but I am so continuing this.

Warning: Crude attempt at humor, OOC, blood, suggestive themes.

In the moment that he tripped, it was all over.

Little Brother – D27


Dino's heart had soared with joy when his precious little brother asked him for homework help. He rushed over to Tsuna's house, not minding the little cuts and bruises he got from tripping. The noise of his surroundings was being drowned out by the erratic thumping of his heart. The blonde twenty-two year old man finally reached his destination, a blush adorning his cheeks. Calm down, Dino, steady your breathing. You'll look uncool. He exhaled and rang the doorbell. He nearly lost his breath again when he saw Tsuna in his pyjamas. Never had he found little robots so adorable. Perhaps he had never found them adorable to begin with. The point was that Tsuna was wearing PJ's with robots on them. He thought he was going to faint.

"S-so, what do you need help with?" Dino tried to pull himself back to reality. He put on his reliable older brother façade.

"Just this thing you gave us last week." The brunette scratched his head, embarrassed. "Why are you still standing there? Come in! I just have to put Lambo to bed…"

He removed his shoes and stepped onto the polished parquet, he lost his footing immediately. He held a hand up to rub his nose and gave an awkward laugh.

"I guess I'm not used to taking my shoes off indoors."

"Are you okay? Let me get you something for that." Tsuna stepped into the kitchen and opened a cupboard.

"Surprise!" Lambo shouted and jumped onto the brown-haired boy.

Blinded by the kid in the cow outfit, Tsuna stumbled backwards. Dino, being the cool guy that he was, stepped in to prevent his beloved brother from hurting himself. That's what he had in mind. In reality, he slipped on the linoleum tiling and his body collided with Tsuna's. This caused an awful chain of events, including a loud boom and Tsuna falling over on top of Lambo. Not to mention that there was a cloud of smoke surrounding the two unfortunate boys.

Dino coughed and waved the smoke away with one hand. Once the smoke had dissipated, Dino's jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. He was staring at the Lambo and Tsuna from ten years later. He took a brief moment to note how attractive Tsuna looked before gasping again.

"What just happened, Lambo?" The older Tsuna's deep voice surprised the Cavallone who was gaping like a fish. "D-Dino-san?" Tsuna squeaked. That was more like the Tsuna he knew.

"We seem to have landed in the past." Lambo stated calmly, one eye still shut.

"Ts-Tsuna… Y-you've grown!" Dino could only state the obvious in his confusion. He just kept staring. The clumsy brunette he knew was taller than him and even dressed in a suit. His unique features were still prominent. His heart skipped a beat. Knowing the Ten Year Bazooka would only keep Tsuna in his era for a few minutes, he desperately struck a conversation. "Um, how have you been?"

"What's wrong, Dino-san? Aren't you happy to see me?" Tsuna gave a teasing smile. "Of course I've been fine. I've been under your care after all." He approached the blonde, getting a bit too close for comfort. "I'm not sure how I should treat you, though. I'm older than you right now."

"Ah, um… You're so tall…"

"Are you feeling intimidated?" Tsuna laughed and grabbed Dino's chin. "That's so cute." He narrowed his eyes.

"C-cute? How can an old man like me be cute?" Dino was evidently flustered. This was the first time he was being treated this way, and by Tsuna no less! He was still very befuddled at the fact that his cherished little brother would break out of his awkward personality. Then again, jealousy gnawed at him. He had wanted to treat Tsuna this way, not the other way around!

"You're not old at all, Dino-san. I am." He laughed and sent shivers down Dino's spine.

He swallowed hard. I should not be having indecent thoughts about my little brother, who is now older than me. How did that even make sense? You already have impure thoughts about him when he's fifteen, you worthless piece of meat! He tried to slap some sense into himself. He couldn't help feel attracted to the Tsuna from ten years later.

His thoughts were interrupted by his object of perplexity (and one-sided affection), who had just placed his lips on Dino's. He widened his eyes and looked to the side. Lambo was sprawled on the couch, watching T.V. like he did ten years back.

When he finally broke away from the kiss, he prepared to mouth words, but was interrupted by that suave voice. "Why are you so shocked, Dino-san? You should be prepared for our relationship."

"Rela-ow!" He bit his tongue. "Relationship?"

"In the future, you know." Seeing as Dino was still not getting it, he started telling a lovely story. "Back when I had just graduated from high school, we had a little party to commemorate my entrance to university. You took me out to a bar with all my Guardians, with the exception of Hibari of course, and you had a little too much. I carried you home and you suddenly confessed very, very embarrassing things to me. Must I continue?"

"N-no!" He massaged his forehead. This could not be happening. "W-what happened after I…?"

"We slept together."


"We were both quite intoxicated, and I figured, why not? And so you were my first man, and I decided to stick with you. We're going out in the future, you know?"

"For seven years now?"

"Approximately, yes. And if you've got anything to ask, shoot. I'll be disappearing in one minute and counting."

Dino bit his lip. After a brief moment of consideration and some coaxing from ten-year-later Tsuna, he asked, "W-Who was on top?"

"Me, considering I was less drunk at the time." Tsuna smiled again, shattering Dino's image of him being an innocent boy. "We tried lots of things after that, but none would be better than having sex with the Dino from the past."

Oh god, oh god, oh my fucking god.

"Seems time's up for me." With that, the older Tsuna disappeared in a cloud of smoke and was replaced by the present one. Lambo also reappeared on the couch, asleep. His counting was pretty accurate, Dino acknowledged.

The fifteen-year-old Tsuna looked up to his brother. "Dino-san? Your face is all red. Do you have a fever?" He reached his hand to Dino's forehead. "Ow, blazing hot!"

The only response Dino could make was having his nose bleed. He had been too stimulated by the twenty-five year old Tsuna, but the present Tsuna only assumed that it was because of his fall earlier.

The Tsuna of the future is a fucking pervert. Dino fainted with that being his last thought.

Yes, I'm being stupid by not continuing my other stories, but I have to attempt humor at some point, haha. Leave a comment or something, continuing this will be my pleasure.

If you didn't already know, this is my OTP. OTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!