I do not own Victoious.

A/N: I was done with this story, but someone suggested that it needed to be wrapped up in a nice bow so here it is :)

PS: What did you all think of Tori Goes Platinum?

Andre stood up hearing pounding at his door, already knowing who it was. Opening the door he was greeted by an agitated Jade. "Hey J –"she stomped past cutting him off. "Do you know how annoying it is having to walk a freaking mile here!" she said.

"I only asked you to park on the next block in case…you know.."

"Yeah whatever" Jade said heading upstairs. Closing the door, Andre followed behind her. He walked in on her peeling off her metallic blue boots and lining them against his wall. Sitting back on his bed, Jade sat down next to him. Looking over, Andre measured the distance between their lips in his head and began to lean in.

Seeing him leaning in Jade closes her eyes and stills. Feeling bold, Andre skims his lips over her mouth and brings his mouth to her nose, biting down. Seeing her eyes fly open and recognizing the look they held Andre quickly wrapped his lips around the spot his teeth had been. He held his breathe hoping she thought his joke was funny.

Narrowing her eyes, Jade tilted her head back so her lips met his. Capturing his top lip between her teeth, she bit down hard. "Oww!" Andre said licking his lip. Jade leaned forward and kissed his lip where her teeth had been. He felt her lips turn up into a smile against his and couldn't keep his away.

Andre heard a car door slam outside his window. "That your mom" Jade stated rather than asked. "Yeah should be" Andre said sitting against his headboard. "Good thing she came, you were about to be in a world of pain Harris. Nobody makes me feel pain without my consent" Jade said smirking. Andre let out a nervous laugh and reached towards her attempting to poke her nose.

Jade pulled out a pair of scissors and opened them. Andre figured he shouldn't press his luck anymore. He heard the door open downstairs and the familiar clang of his mom throwing her keys on the table. "Andre!" his mom called out. "I'm up here!" he yelled back.

"Okay sweetie he's in his room head on up" he heard her say. "Thank you Ms. Harris" a voice both Jade and Andre recognized responded.

"What's he doing here?" Jade whispered hopping off the bed. "I don't know hide!" Andre whispered back frantically. They heard footsteps coming upstairs getting closer "In the closet!" Andre said shoving Jade in just as he heard a knock at his door. "Come in!" he said hoping he sounded normal.

"Hi there!" Robbie said poking his head in. "Oh hey man, what's up?" Andre asked hoping to make this as short as possible. "Some of us are going to the beach today, I was gonna text but I was close so I thought I'd pop over and invite you personally!" Robbie said.

"Um sure, who's all going?" Andre asked. "Me, Cat, Tori, and Beck" he responded. "What about Jade?" Andre asked "I'm sure Cat will invite her" Robbie said. "Sounds cool, I'll meet up with you all later then" Andre said. "Awesome, see you then. Remember to pack plenty of sunscreen" Robbie said walking out.

"Sure" Andre answered dryly. Once he heard his front door open and close Andre pulled open his closet door. He was greeted by a frowning Jade. "Like I really want to go on another doomed beach trip with those people, you remember what happened last time!" Jade said walking over to the window and peeking out. Andre wrapped his arms around Jade and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Come on it could be fun" he said, his voice muffled by her shoulder. "We can see if you tan" he said laughing. "Yeah then we'd match" she said rubbing her arm on his. They laughed as she turned and gave him a bite free kiss.

The gang stood around Beck's driveway waiting for their driver. Beck came from his RV keys in hand. "Hey Andre you want to ride up front?"

"No thanks, I think I'll hang in the back, nap a little" he said feigning a yawn. Beck looked over to Jade, who was looking at Andre. "Why so tired?" She asked climbing into the RV. Andre followed with a smirk on his face. Beck figured he'd been seeing a new girl. "Guess I'll ride up front captain!" Robbie said moving towards the truck. "Oh me too! We can play punch buggy!" Cat said. Beck rolled his eyes."Yeah I don't think you two will like –"he began trying to dissuade their suggestion.

Jade and Andre stared at the rocking roof, lying in Beck's bed, barely touching. Tori sat across from them, back turned headphones in. Jade pressed her feet against Andre's and pushed one leg forward. Andre lifted his head slightly and smiled, pushing back with his one foot. They took turns peddling their invisible bike for a while before they felt the RV swerve to a stop.

Andre pressed his feet against Jade's, his knees bent, acknowledging how much bigger his foot was than hers. They pushed back and forth neither caring about the sudden stop until the RV door opened. Stepping in Beck was surprised to see Jade and Andre so close.

"Um one of you needs to switch with Cat and Robbie" he said, not really volunteering Tori. "Yeah, not happening" Jade responded rolling over. Andre looked at Tori hoping she'd volunteer, but she'd managed to fall asleep in a chair. "Guess I'll ride up front" Andre said sitting up. Beck stepped out of his room and yelled for Cat and Robbie.

Standing up to leave, Andre glanced at Jade. She was staring at him with her head resting on a pillow. Looking back to make sure Tori was still asleep, he leaned over and gave Jade a quick kiss on the cheek. Coming up, he saw Cat entering the doorway. He wondered if she had seen anything, but she just yelled "Yay Jade! You and I get to have a rolling sleepover!"

"No!" Andre heard Jade yell in response.

Sitting on the passenger side of the car, Robbie between them, Andre wished he was back in the RV with Jade. He had begged her to come with them hoping to spend some time with her, now he was stuck in a dude mobile when he could've been back lying in bed with her. "I asked Jade if she wanted to get back together" Beck said. "You did?" Andre asked concerned.

"She completely shut me down" Beck said. Andre stayed quiet. What was he gonna say "That's okay, I'd rather you two not get back together anyway since we're sleeping together?" "What do you think"? Thankfully Robbie offered up his advice.

"You're a handsome young man, you'll get any girl in no time". Beck made a face but thanked him anyway. "Andre what do you think?" Beck asked peeking over Robbie. "Yeah man. What he said".



After an awkward car ride Andre had never been happier to see the beach. He hopped out of Beck's car and headed straight for the RV. Tori swung the door open almost hitting him in the face. "Finally!" she said stepping into the sun "Do you know I've been in there the entire time while they played the Annoy Tori Game?" she said to Andre. "It's super fun though" Cat said stepping out of the RV, Jade behind her smiling. "Yeah fun for you two!" Tori said stomping off.

"Whatever let's get in the water" Jade replied. "I thought you hated the ocean?" Andre said."I checked online, dolphin sightings are rare here". His only response was an "Oh".

He tipped her hat over and took off running "race you there!" Jade caught her hat before it hit the ground. Grinning she broke out into a run behind Andre, leaving their friends to catch up. Jade followed Andre as he dove into the water, shedding his clothes on the way down.

Underwater hidden from the view of the others, he sought out her hands. Pulling her to him his lips met hers. He held her face for a moment before they broke apart in a haze of bubbles, both surfacing for air at the same time.

Cat came wading into the water "Did Jade try to drown you?" she said playfully. "Possibly" Jade responded dryly. Cat looked nervous "Umm why don't we play chicken?" she said changing the subject. "Okay" Andre said going to stand in front of Jade.

She looked at him confused when he suddenly dropped into the water in front of her, grabbing her legs. Beck had come into the water by now; Tori and Robbie were nowhere to be seen. Andre swam between Jade's legs, resisting the urge to do something that he'd regret (not really), and lifted her up onto his shoulders.

"Yaay Andre's back!" Cat yelled when he surfaced. Walking over to Beck, Cat unexpectedly pushed him underwater. Jade and Andre looked at each other confused. Cat hopped on what Andre figured was Beck's shoulders while he was still submerged. His guess was right as Cat came up with Beck right under her. Jade looked amused, "Ready?" she called. Beck looked annoyed but gave a "yeah".

Andre ran towards Beck, his arms securely holding onto Jade's legs. "Ahhh!" Cat screamed leaning back causing Beck and her to fall backwards into the water. Andre smiled looking up at Jade. She held both her hands to his face, her fingertips circling his lip. Cat and Beck surfaced together, him shaking water from his hair staring down at her.

"Do you know how the game is played?" he asked. "Of course" she said staring at him "Cause I don't think you do!" Beck yelled. Cat looked at him her eyes big, she let out a sob. Beck rolled his eyes "Let's just switch partners" he said quickly. "KK!" Cat said wading towards Andre, who reluctantly lowered Jade. Andre watched her float over to Beck.




"Here you go mean girl" Festus said handing Jade her lunch. She only glared at him. Turning, she finds Beck standing behind her looking like he's waiting for someone. Feeling a buzz in her pocket she opens her phone to a text from Andre

From Andre: We eating inside or out today?

To Andre: In, I already-

"Long time no see" she turns at Beck's voice. "We see each other every day" Jade says finishing her text. "Yeah, I mean like outside of school. Haven't really seen you around"

"Yeah well – I've been busy. Writing scripts, recording, and whatnot."

"Whatnot" Beck mimicked. "Making out with your best friend" Jade thought, grateful he couldn't read her thoughts. "Oh" he said.

"Ohh" Jade mimicked him this time walking away. He followed "Jade I miss you". She foze. "Crap"

"I want you back. I know we were mad at each other, but it was stupid and I miss you" Beck walked towards her. Jade felt her phone vibrate. From Andre: See u at our piano ;)

Jade could already picture Andre sitting in the Blackbox Theatre, no doubt playing with the piano keys using the story that they were gonna 'write a song' if anybody asked. She felt her stomach do a little flip-flop. Did she really want to give that up? "Nahh" she blurts out before she knows it. She kept a poker face on and sidestepped Beck.

"Nahh?" he repeated scratching his head following her. "I'm sorry Beck, it's just not the right time" she said walking away.



End flashback

For once Jade can't read Beck's expression. She makes a face at him and motions her finger for him to turn around. He rolls his eyes but turned and bends so she can hop on. "Cat, the new object of the game is I knock you over and you try not to drown, got it?" Jade said. "Okay!" the redhead said enthusiastically. Beck and Andre rolled their eyes. Moving towards each other, Jade knocks Cat off Andre, him not bothering to make an effort to hold her. Andre looks up at Jade "I'm bored now".

"I could go for another ten rounds" Jade says from atop Beck's shoulders. "Buy you an icee?" Andre bribes "Let's go" Jade responds hopping of Beck. Making their way to the pier, they spot Tori, Robbie, and a police officer.

"The sign clearly says buy one get one free! He owes us another icee" Robbie was yelling. "That's between 1pm-2pm" a vendor said slurping an icee.

"Robbie for the last time forget it, just pay the man" Tori said annoyed from beside him. "Son calm down" the officer said. "I'm not gonna calm down we were here on time!" Robbie yelled back. "Then I'm going to have to ask you and your friend to leave the beach" the officer said. At this Andre, Beck, and Jade stopped midway to the scene. They discreetly began to back away. "Hey there's Robbie!"Cat yelled "Hey Robbie and Tori!" Cat yelled at the pair. Her friends all gave her a look. The officer turned towards the group then back to Robbie "Son are those your friends?" he asked.

Ten minutes later the group is headed back to the RV. "You just couldn't pay the extra dollar Rob!" Beck said annoyed reaching his car. "It was the principle!" he said opening the car door. Tori joined in the argument sliding in the car next to Robbie. Before Beck could protest Jade called from behind almost gloating "Well, looks like it's us three in the back". Putting an arm around Andre and Cat they strolled into the RV. "What game do you want to play this time Jade?" Cat asked. "I don't know Cat. Why don't you put these on and brainstorm of a game we could play" she said handing Cat a pair of headphones connected to her pear phone. "KK" she said slipping on them on and heading to the other side of the RV.

Less than twenty minutes late she was out cold. "She must have been tired?" Andre said from his spot on Beck's bed. "I had her listening to white noise, puts her out every time" Jade grinned laying down pulling him next to her. "Well today was a complete waste of my time" she said. Andre moved her hair from her face."I wouldn't say that. It's not over yet".

He leaned in for a kiss. He stopped suddenly and tuned towards Cat making sure she was still out—she was. Turning back towards Jade he kissed her cheek, moved his lips to her forehead, down to the tip of her nose. She smiled remembering doing something similar to him not to long ago.

Grabbing his head she pulled his lips to hers, staying that way for what felt like hours, each checking to make sure Cat hadn't woken up. When Andre moved his hand from Jade's stomach to the edge of her bikini top, she grabbed his hand. He broke their kiss and looked at her confused, not used to her denying him. She avoided his eyes.

"It wouldn't feel right doing anything else since this is Beck's bed, you know…where we…" she trailed off. Getting the picture, Andre understood. This was weird for him too now that he thought about it. He was in his best friend's bed with his ex. Lying side by side Andre placed his hand in hers. "You know we're gonna have to tell him about this eventually" Andre said holding up her hand and squeezing it for emphasis. "For what?" Jade said annoyed. "Because Beck's my best friend and you're his ex. He probably won't be okay with this". "I'm okay with this" Jade says.

"He's gonna find out eventually, why not let him –""Who's going to find out what?" Cat asked walking over. Andre dropped Jade's hand and looked at her. She looked apprehensive. "Sikowitz will find out coconuts have calories" Jade said rolling her eyes. Cat hopped on the bed between Jade and Andre and launched into a story about her brother and coconuts. Andre tried to pay attention but ended up drifting off and being shaken awake before he knew it.

"I think we're at Beck's house now" Jade said. Cat opened the door and ran out heading to the bathroom. Seeing Jade heading towards the door, Andre sped ahead of her and pulled it closed. She looked at him surprised, before he gave her a short and firm kiss. She ginned up at him as he pushed the door open, stepping off and walking ahead.

Heading to his normal table, Andre walked up on what sounded like an argument between Rex and Jade. Rex spoke up when Andre sat his lunch down "There's Andre, he can clear this up". Andre looked over to Jade who looked ready to explode. "What's going on?" he asked. "Andre tell them you have boots like the Wicked Witch of the West over there" he said looking down at Jade's metallic blue boots. "Um no not really" he answered. Rex's jaw dropped down. "Told you, you moronic puppet!" Jade said looking relieved?

"Yeah you do. I saw them in your room when Robbie invited you to the beach" Rex said. Andre looked confused. Thinking back he couldn't figure out what Rex was talking about, before his mind flashed to a pair of boots lined against his wall, while their owner was hidden away in his closet. Jade's eyes looked worried.

"Oh those kids of boots, yeah I have a pair of those" Andre said smacking his hand against his forehead. Jade's eyes went from relieved to panicked. Andre tried to lie better. "Yeah my grandma got me a pair a long time ago. Haven't really worn them in forever" he said.

"No she didn't" Beck said. Everyone at the table turned towards him. He looked angry for some reason. Looking at Jade Andre noticed she looked guilty.

"I had my uncle custom make those boots for Jade on our last anniversary" Beck said low. He looked between Jade and Andre. Jade had her eyes planted on the boots.

"Andre and I have been seeing each other" she blurted out shocking everyone.

Andre couldn't help the small yell he let out before he realized. "You've been seeing Andre!" Beck repeats. Andre thinks he hasn't seen him look this mad since they went on Sinjin's stupid game show. "Since when?" Beck asks looking at Jade.

"Since you dumped me!" she said sounding angry. "So since we saw you two in the janitor's closet? Really Jade?" Beck said.

Andre cut in "Beck we-"

"Don't say anything to me Andre!" They were all startled by his outburst. "You told me to forget about Jade. What, so you could have her personally?" Beck said standing up. "You're supposed to be my friend and you're sneaking behind my back dating the girl I –"Beck stopped abruptly and took a deep breath.

"I'm not okay with this" he says walking off. Andre looked at Jade. She looked like a combination of annoyance and guilt. "So you two been bumping uglies?" Rex says.

Turning towards Robbie, Jade grabbed Rex and threw him over a long line of tables into a dumpster. "Rex!" Robbie yelled running off. "So you two date now?" Cat asked softly. Andre looked over to Jade who nodded at him "Yeah Little Red we do" Andre said a smile in his voice. "Yaay!" Cat said hugging Jade who allowed it. "But now Beck's sad" Cat frowned.

"I know, and I'm gonna fix it" Andre said. "He seemed pretty mad" Tori added. "Gee thanks Vega we hadn't noticed" Jade said. "Don't be mad at me!" Tori responded.



Andre walked through the school looking for Beck. He was glad when he spotted him in Sikowitz room sitting up front on stage, his head down. "Beck" Andre called softly. Lifting his head Andre saw he was fingering the necklace that matched Jade's. Andre felt a flash of jealousy but it disappeared as soon as it had come. Beck had a ring, he had Jade. Beck frowned at Andre and stood up to leave. "We need to talk" Andre said.

"What about? How you're a liar and terrible friend"

"Yeah we can" Andre said dropping his head. Beck shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "You know how I feel…felt about Jade" Beck said stumbling over his words.

"You still love her?" Andre asked worried. Beck looked at the necklace in his hand. "Why her of all people"?

"I don't know, it just happened Beck. She started crying and one thing led to another, and now we're here".

"What's here?" Beck asked. "I think I love her" Andre said looking Beck in the eye. Beck looked hurt "Does she feel the same way?"

"I think so. I hope so" Andre answered honestly. He thought of every stolen moment they'd shared since Jade had shown up at his house that night. Every touch they had snuck behind his back. He really did hope she felt the same.

Andre noticed Beck's eyes were focused behind him. Turning he sees Jade standing in the doorway staring at them both. Beck walked forward past Andre and grabbed both Jade's arms. "Do you love him?" he asked.

Jade looks between Beck and Andre "Yes" she said nodding her head slightly. Andre feels like his heart is about to burst out of his chest. He holds his excitement in though. Beck released her arms and walked toward the door. "Okay, I guess you two love each other now" Beck says dryly, his voice close to cracking.

Tucking his arms into his side, he walks away without a backwards glance. Jade and Andre look at the door with worried expressions. "You okay?" he asks placing his arms around her. Pulling her eyes from the door, Jade grins which turns into a full on smile.

"Yes I'm okay. I'm happy that we don't have to sneak around anymore at least". "So that means I won't have to steal these anymore?" he said catching her off guard with a quick kiss. "No, guess not. But you do have to earn them" she responds turning on her heel.

"Bring it on" Andre says catching up and draping his arm around her.