Disclaimer: I don't own FMA


Winry hit the wall roughly before sliding down into a crumpled position on the floor. Her breaths were coming out in short painful pants. Her body was working on the remnants of adrenaline and it felt as if her lungs would give out. She started to whimper but quickly shut up when she heard footsteps. Winry looked up just in time to catch sight of him standing in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat at what she saw.

'Oh, he looks just like Ed…No, No, No! Stop thinking like that; it's not him! He's not your best friend! Best friends don't do what he did to me. Ed would never-' Her thoughts were interrupted by the homunculus's cold voice.

"If you run now, I won't stop you…" He gestured to the open door. Winry looked up and noticed that the door was still open, but she hesitated clearly confused.

'Why is he letting me go? This has got to be a trick.' Winry quickly stood up and started to look around the room, desperately searching for another way out, but the room had no windows and he was standing too close to the door. She guessed that they were in an abandoned study, with old bookcases along the walls and a wooden table in shreds with papers and books scattered on the floor. What could she possibly use to defend herself against a homunculus?

After a few minutes, Pride took her silence as a refusal. He reached over and slammed the door shut, the sound echoing throughout the small room. Winry, who had been caught up in her thoughts, jumped at the noise. She started to slide along the right side of the wall and towards the window, desperately trying to put some distance between herself and the homunculus, as he slowly advanced. Winry still refused to call the abomination 'Ed.' Though he looked exactly like him, Winry knew that it wasn't him, and she wasn't about to call him Pride.

'Despite all he's done to me, I don't have the heart to call him that. He looks too much like Ed!'

"You know, I once thought you hated me. But your refusal to leave, leads me to the conclusion that you want this." His cold empty eyes seemed to contradict the smirk he now had on his face. Winry shook her head frantically, trying to deny it, hoping that she could convince herself of the lie.

Knowing that she didn't stand a chance, Winry once again looked around the dark room, this time hoping for an object to protect her with. The bookcases were large and would probably crush anyone that was unfortunate enough to be under them, but she doubted her ability to topple them over. There was a lamp in the far corner of the room that stood on a long stand and looked promising, but Winry knew that she would be caught before she made it that far. The books on the shelves were old and harmless. Perhaps she could throw them... Then the shredded table caught her attention. There was a long, thin, jagged piece of wood that had been broken off from the table's leg. It was as long as her forearm.

Pride took his time reaching the girl, relishing in her fear. After a few torturous moments, he grabbed a hold of a wild strand of her hair. He flexed the golden locks between his fingers, enjoying the feeling of it against his skin.

"You know-" His words were interrupted when Winry broke out of his hold and made a wild dash for the piece of wood. The table was in the center of the room, but her fear made it seem as of it were so far away. Coming upon the broken mess, her eyes found the desired object and she quickly snatched it up in her trembling hands.

Pride came right behind her fully intent on punishing her for her small defiance, but before he could grab her again, she spun around stabbed him in the arm with her makeshift weapon. Pride let out a hiss in response and staggered back, clenching his arm, but not before he had backhanded Winry and sent her sprawling onto the floor. Before she could regain her composure, Pride came up again and grabbed a handful of hair and forcefully pulled her into a standing position. She whimpered as Pride slammed her against the wall and pinned her there with his body pressing hard against her. Winry shivered as his breath tickled her ear while he whispered, "That was a dirty trick, wench. I think I should teach you some manners..." He chuckled to himself when Winry started to cry and shrink back farther into the wall.

However, his laughter was cut short when he heard footsteps outside the door. He stilled immediately, but frowned when the girl in his arms continued to weep. Not wanting to draw any attention from the outside, he bent down and bit her in the shoulder to stop her crying; it worked. She quieted immediately while Pride brought her closer to him in a protective stance, resting his chin on her head. Pride knew that neither of them could afford to be caught now. Envy already suspected him of mutiny, and he was sure that the girl would be killed if she was found with him. Or worse yet, be used as leverage against him.

While he was thinking, Winry started to tremble in his arms at the sound of the footsteps coming closer. The poor girl seemed numb and unaware of her surroundings, that she had no idea that the two of them were in immediate danger. Pride responded by holding her tighter. He thought about turning out the dim lamp in the corner of the room, but decided against it as the sound of footsteps stopped outside the door. He held his breath. After a moment of silence, the footsteps started up again and died off in the near distance.

Sighing, Pride loosened his hold on the girl who had gone deathly slack in his arms. Hiding his concern, he removed his chin from her head and sank his nails into the back of her neck and enjoyed the color of blood as it leaked across her pale complexion. He relaxed when he heard her yelp out in pain and jump in his arms. She started to struggle, but stopped when she met his gold angry eyes. Then he slapped her. Standing stunned she heard him growl,

"Fight me, and face the consequences." Winry shivered again, recognizing the threat in his voice, not to mention the danger. Seeing her cease her struggles, Pride took advantage of her state by ripping her skirt and blouse off in one fluid motion, exposing her laced bra and matching panties. Neither one of them noticed the sound of a slow trod as the footsteps once again made their way down the hallway.

Grabbing her roughly, he nearly brought her to her knees when he leaned over her. When he rested his hands on her hips, his thumbs slid onto the inside rim of her panties. She knew that in his perverse, twisted mind he was intent on having his way with her. He stopped short when he heard a huge bang and looked over to the other side of the room. His eyes widened.

The door had been opened...

A/N: A special thanks to chelsea-chee for stepping up to beta read this story!