The soundtrack to the Fairy Tail anime is what mainly spurred me to write a FT fic. The anime probably has the best music I have ever heard. I just hope I do the series justice with this series :D

Chapter 1

The building towered over the small, round man as he looked upward. He'd heard stories, of course. Stories that highlighted the impressive nature of the building and its inhabitants. But nothing could have prepared him for the magnificent spectacle before him. The tall doors at the front were both intimidating and inviting at the same time and as he reached forward to pull them open he couldn't help but feel slightly apprehensive as to what would welcome him.

The small man shook his head violently as to clear his thoughts and puffed out his chest. It was now or never. He had travelled for days to reach this point and now wasn't the time to be ruled by his nervousness.

"All right. Calm yourself Iemon. I'm sure they're far more accommodating than you've heard. They cant be that bad surely…"

He hoped.

Just as Iemon gathered his strength and attempted to pull the large doors they burst open. Iemon was thrown backwards roughly as someone barrelled into him from behind the open doors. A huge amount of noise erupted from inside the building, screams, shouts and even the odd spurt of laughter amongst it.

Dazed and slightly confused, Iemon looked down to get a better glimpse of what had bumped into him.

A young man was sprawled on all fours in front of him, rubbing at his head tenderly, messing up his unruly pink hair even more with his efforts.

"That bastard. I'll get him…stupid underwear pervert."

The pink haired young man stood up abruptly and started brushing down his clothes before starting to stomp back into the building. It seemed that he hadn't even realized that he's actually bumped into someone when he flew out the doorway. Suddenly Iemon noticed the scarf draped across his knees and realized that the young man must have dropped it. It was in surprisingly good shape considering the personality of its owner and Iemon figured that it was very important to the young man. Therefore…

"Um…um, hello? Excuse me, young man?"

The Pink haired young man jumped in surprise as he heard the voice from behind him and turned. His face looked confused as he tried to figure out why a strange man sitting on the ground had called for him.

"Eh? You talking to me uncle?"

"Um. Well, yes. I think you misplaced this scarf."

At the word scarf, the young man's expression changed immediately and his hands unconsciously flew to search frantically around his neck. Then, realizing that his scarf wasn't there, he started walking quickly to Iemon's side. He took the scarf out of Iemon's hands tenderly and carefully placed it around his neck.

"Phew. Can't believe I almost lost this. Thanks uncle, I owe you big time. Here".

The young man extended his hand to Iemon and helped him up.

"Ah, thank you."

Iemon brushed his hands over his suit, trying to get rid of at least some of the mud before his meeting and then bent forward to collect his satchel from the floor.

"Hey, uncle. What were you doing down there? Do you have some business here?"

Iemon resisted the urge to snap at the young man that it was his fault in the first place and resettled his half moon glasses on the bridge of his nose before answering.

"My name is Iemon. I have a message for the master of this…fine…establishment."

"A message for Gramps? Oh. Then follow me. I'll get ya to him uncle!"

The young man pushed Iemon forward eagerly, closer to the almost deafening noise from within the building.

"Now….now see here. Don't push."

The young man eventually succeeded to push Iemon into the building and closed the doors behind them with a definitive slam.

What Iemon saw was worse than he had first anticipated. Injured and drunk bodies were strewn all over the place like it was a normal occurrence and people were fighting each other with smiles plastered all over their faces. One of the fighters was even naked. They were clearly having fun in the midst of all the chaos.

"Oi! Look who's back!"

"Ha ha ha. There he is!"

"Ready for round two eh?"

"Ha ha ha. Well uncle. This is it. WELCOME TO FAIRY TAIL!"


DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters of Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does.