The Secret to Emotion
A Naruto Fanfiction
By: GoldenDragonClouds

"Good morning, Tenten-san." Tenten turned around, a pleasant smile on her face.
"Good morning…"
"Sai," her watcher said simply, answering her unsaid question. A false smile played at his lips. "I have been given the name Sai."

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


"Who are you?"

"I am a Kyuubi orphan. I do not know my parents. All I have left of them are these weapon scrolls found with me among the ruins of my home."

"Why are you here?"

"I have decided to enter the Academy and although my chakra levels are not impressive, I hope that my innate skill with weapons will impress my examiners."

"What is your goal?"

"It is my dream to become a legendary kunoichi like the great Tsunade-sama."

The old man smiled down at the young girl and patted her head, gripping her chin gently to turn her head up so she would look back at him. She stared at him blankly and unblinkingly with large brown eyes.

"Now. Who are you?"

"I am a member of ROOT. The Foundation of Konohagakure."

"Why are you here?"

"I am here to serve Konoha. I live to serve you."

"What is your goal?"

"I will grow close to the most powerful Byakugan user of my generation. If this is a male, our children will live to serve Konohagakure as I do. If this is a female or the male does not return my affections, I will eventually claim her or his eyes in battle to become of further use to Konohagakure than I am now."

The old man's smile grew.

"Now, smile for me."

A moment later the young girl gave a blindingly beautiful child's smile that the man nodded at in approval.

"You are ready. Tenten."

The girl continued to smile.

Author's Note:

This is different from my other fics, but I have my hopes. I also know I should be updating my other fics, but my creative abilities have left me and I've been resorting to my old scraps for inspiration. So, viola. My muse and editor gave the green for this fic, so here it is.

Reviews are love!

Ja Ne,