I don't own Ouran High school nor anything that deals with it. I am just a lover of it and I'd say my favorite pairing would have to be Mori and Haruhi. Even though when I first watched the anime I really wanted Haruhi to end up with one if the twins. BUUUT, I learned to love Mori so much! 3333333 Yay! Love!

Chapter One: It Started with a Flower.

Haruhi was walking along the garden sighing to herself. She had taken this trail many times with Tamaki senpai when they would play "hide and seek" which to this day, she thought was silly. She looked up at the sky as a bird flew by singing a song. "Yeah, I know that tune" she smirked and the wind brushed against her lips making her blush as she remembered the event that happened a few days ago.

Mori and Haruhi were talking quietly to themselves as Hunny and Kaoru were discussing various cake types. Hikaru shook his head and face palmed as he wrapped an arm around Haruhi "Waaah Haruhi why won't you come play with me today?" She glanced up and him glancing over at Mori who had a slight annoyed look on his face which caused her to blush.

"I have things planned already.." she turned away a pale pink flushing to her cheek. Hikaru noticed that something was going on but he refused to admit "Fiiiinnne," he sighed and walked over to join Hunny and Kaoru.

Kyoya and Tamaki were discussing the next event and then they were alone. She looked over to Mori who smiled a bit and squeezed her hand. They had decided to try and hang out just by themselves to see if it would work. Everyone else always wanted to hang with her and well, Mori wanted to but never had the gall to ask. So, Haruhi took the hint and asked him herself. He was shocked and coughed a bit to hold his happiness as they made a date.

Soon after the host events for the day had ended and Haruhi decided it would be a good idea to change out of her uniform since the weather was so nice and no one was there; or so she thought. Just as she was sliding her shirt off her slender shoulders, Hikaru walked in unannounced and instantly blushed "H-Haruhi. I-I" he held his face and tried to hide his already red face. Haruhi turned around confused "hmm..." she turned back quickly and covered her chest up.

"H-Hikaru get out!" she threw her shirt at him and he turned away running fast. "Had he seen anything?" she thought and looked down. She was just in her bra and shorts but nonetheless, it was something.

After that eventful change. Haruhi came out of the dressing room in a pale blue tank top and tan shorts. She had originally packed a baggy pair of shorts and a hoodie but it seems her father had gotten into her bag once again and got her "girly clothes." She sighed and was thankful no one was there..not even Mori senpai.

"Hmm..?" she wandered around and found a note pinned to the shirt she had thrown at Hikaru.

"Meet me in the gardens. Always Mori"

"Hmm, okay" she thought to herself as she picked up her shirt and shoved it into her bag along with the rest of the uniform.

She wandered around the garden until she came upon the gazebo that they had hidden in so many times. She giggled to herself and picked one of the flowers around it. She smiled and leaned in to sniff it.

"They're pretty yeah?" Mori was leaning against the side watching her amazed at how amazing she looked. She always looked good but he always loved when she dressed more feminine rather than in mens clothes. It showed the true her; the slender figure she truly had. He scanned her down slowly taking in every curve, every little detail and slowly began to blush turning away as he felt he was dishonoring her just by looking.

"Huh?" Haruhi felt him staring at her. She turned around and tilt her head smiling sweetly which caused Mori to blush even more and she started to realize how nervous she was getting.

"Am I really here with Mori senpai?" she thought to herself and then started to blush herself. A hint of red slowly painted her face and Mori noticed. She quickly turned back to the flowers and let out a long sigh.

"Haruhi." Mori leaned forward and touched her shoulder causing her to jump a bit as he let out a soft laugh. She turned around and looked up at him. He looked different than usual. "Was it the lightening? Or maybe...maybe he's always looked this handsome" she stared some more and he looked down at her. Their eyes met and for some strange reason they never broke the stare.

"Wow, she looks so adorable.."Mori started to blush more and did his best to try and refrain from doing what his heart wanted but he couldn't help it. He slowly started to lean forward afraid of what might happen.

"M-Mori..senpai.." Haruhi slowly closed her eyes and waited for the what she had in her heart and only in her dreams had happened. She leaned up and met Mori's lip and blush filled her face. His lips were soft yet strong. This was her first real kiss from a guy and she craved more. Mori smiled and relaxed a bit. He lifted her up so they were eye level and continued to kiss her pressing against her slowly then rougher. "I can't believe I'm doing this" Mori thought but her taste was so good, so different. He had never had the chance to kiss a girl let alone anyone besides his mother(Note: Nothing dirty obviously. Just in case people got the wrong idea). It was not allowed to be so informal around women and yet here he was announcing his love for Haruhi by means of a kiss.

Haruhi parted her mouth allowing her tongue to make it's way into his mouth with him. Opening his eyes a bit surprised she was so forward, he let it go and processed to lace his tongue around hers pressing her against the table setting in the gazebo. They broke the kiss long enough to look at each other and she smiled leaned forward and biting his lip playfully. She had no idea what she was doing but she remembered when she was younger watching her father bite one of his lovers lips after they stopped kissing as a sign he wanted more..what ever happened after her father had done that, she wasn't sure because he had pushed her out of the room. But, she figured she'd try it anyways.

Mori senpai was shocked and looked down at her, his member grew intensely hard and he did his best to hide it. Haruhi didn't realize what she had done until he pressed his lips against her more forcefully now and started to tug on her hair and run his hands down her sides.

"M-Mori!" she breathed into the kiss as her face redden even more. She tried to hold back the moans that she had been feeling in the back of her throat. Just as he had reached under her shirt, he slid his hand slowly up her stomach and to her breasts, she let out a a weak moan causing Mori to stop in his place.

"I'm sorry:" Mori stood up and helped her off the table. He looked ashamed and sighed trying to hide his obvious erection. Haruhi looked up at him and touched his shoulder "Mori senpai" she turned him around and looked down blushing more "I-it's okay really" she smiled a bit trying to hide her obvious embarrassment but wanted to show it was only natural for it to happen. She didn't know much about that sort of thing but she knew that when a guy really likes something THAT happens. Mori smiled a bit and refrained from touching her. She had certainly caused enough damage down there for the day. "Home" was all Mori said as he set his hand on her head patting softly and smiling a bit. Haruhi understood and leaned forward giving him a hug before parting ways. It was certainly an interesting first hang out.

Haruhi arrived home just before the sun had set. Ranka was sitting on the floor sipping on a cup of tea. "Ooooh! My little girl is home!" he cried and ran up to give her a hug only to be stopped. "Huh?" he fell to the floor and looked up at her sad "Aww Haruhi why won't you let daddy give you a hug?" he whined and stared at her. She was preoccupied. She kept touching her lips softly and blush crept to her face again remembering the event that occurred earlier toady. "Why had he done that? Did he really like her?" She wondered and went to her room ignoring any more remarks from her father. She plopped on her bed and felt up her side where he had caressed remembering every touch, every breathe he had taken because of her and what happened because of it..she blushed more and decided it must have been a fluke and turned off her lights letting it be for the day.

Haruhi walked up to the gazebo and touched the table remembering and blushing more. It had been a few days since the occurrence and her and Mori hadn't spoken at all. She sighed and touched the flowers. "Haruhi?" she heard a voice behind her and instantly blushed more. There was Mori standing there, wind brushing his jet black hair across his forehead.