Hello dear readers! This is my first non-Niff story I've uploaded so I hope you like it! For this story, each chapter I upload will be another year in the lives of Blaine and Sebastian. This chapter takes place before they are one and in the next one they will be one year old and so on... I may do more than one chapter for each year, it depends on how many ideas I get for one year. I'd like to thank my awesome friend Gina for coming up with the names Diane and Stephen for Blaine's parents! So, I hope you enjoy this story about the adorable Seblaine!

Cynthia Smythe knocked on her best friend's door, her six month old baby in tow. She pushed some of her dark brown hair out of her eyes and looks down at her smiling baby boy. He smiled back up at his mother, his beautiful green eyes staring into hers of the same color.

Cynthia and Diane had been best friends for as long as they could remember. Growing up in the same neighborhood, always going to the same schools. They would always argue if they met in first or second grade though. Diane said it was first, Cynthia had it set in her mind that it was second. It didn't really matter to them though. They had been there for each other, through the thick and the thin. Diane had been there for Cynthia when her mother died when she was thirteen. Diane's own mother filling in the role in any way that she could. Cynthia had been there for Diane when she eloped at sixteen and her parents were furious with her. Cynthia's parents taking her in when her parent's kicked her out temporarily and her new husband couldn't afford to support them both just yet. Stephen Anderson had been nineteen when he married Diane and was struggling through college at the time, not being able to buy a place for them quite yet. Diane was front and center when Cynthia was valedictorian of her college class and had to make a speech she was nervous about. Diane helped her rehearse it so many times that she could recite it herself. And Cynthia was there, holding her hand when she gave birth to her first son, Cooper, at the age of 21. Once Cooper was born, they didn't get to see each other as much. But that didn't mean they weren't still best friends. When Cynthia got engaged to her college sweetheart, Jason, Diane was the first one she called. She was also the maid of honor at her wedding. Cooper even had his own role as the ring bearer, which he loved. Now, a little over six years later, Cynthia is bringing her son Sebastian to meet Diane's son Blaine, and Cooper, for the first time. It wouldn't be the first time Diane met him though. Of course, Diane was there when Sebastian was born. Blaine, only two months old at the time. And when Blaine was born, Cynthia was there, seven months pregnant, getting to experience what she will be going through in two short months. They were best friends and hoped the same thing for their new sons.

Diane Anderson opened the door, her own eight month old baby in her arms. Her curly black hair stopped just at her shoulders as it bounced as she moved. She smiled at her best friend.

"Cynthia! Hi, come in!" Diane says cheerfully, moving aside allowing her best friend in.

"It's so good to see you, Diane! I'm so glad our sons can finally meet." Cynthia replies as she walks in past Diane and into the familiar living room. Little Cooper is planted on the floor, watching cartoons and sipping out of his juice box.

"Cooper, say hi to Aunt Cynthia," Diane instructs her eldest son as she makes her way into the living room. Nine-year-old Cooper glances up from the television screen to look up at his mom's best friend.

"Hi, Aunt Cynthia. Is that Sebastian?" He asks, standing up to get a better look at the baby in her arms.

Cynthia smiles at him and looks to the infant she's holding. "Yes, this is him." She lowers her son so Cooper can see him better. Sebastian smiles at Cooper.

"He smiled at me!" Cooper exclaims as he looks to his own mother.

"He did, Coop! Isn't he adorable?" Diane asks, her own baby son falling asleep in her arms. Cooper nods and leans over to plant a soft kiss on baby Sebastian's head. Sebastian makes a soft cooing nose and they all chuckle.

"He likes me, mommy!" Cooper says a little too loud, causing Blaine to wake up and begin to cry.

"Aw, is little Blaine sleepy?" Cynthia asks, smiling at the crying infant.

Diane sighs. "He is. He hasn't slept since this morning which is rare for him. He must be exhausted.

"He doesn't sleep all night! He cries so much and I can't sleep!" Cooper tells his Aunt Cynthia, pouting.

"Oh, sweetie, all babies are like that. Sebastian has his days and nights mixed up. He sleeps all day and keeps me and Uncle Jason up all night. It's a good thing we love him,"' Cynthia replies as she pokes her son's tummy causing the baby to giggle some.

"Can I hold him?" Cooper asks, swaying back and forth on his feet.

Cynthia smiles at him and nods. "But you have to sit down first."

Cooper grins and runs over to the couch, positioning his arms to hold a baby in them. Diane smiles at how eager her older son is even though he has a brand new baby brother of his own. She can just tell he'll be a great big brother to both of these little boys. Cynthia walks over to the couch with her best friend and sits down next to Cooper.

"Now, you have to hold his head," Cynthia instructs the eager boy.

"Yeah, I know. I hold Blaine all the time," Cooper responds, looking up to his baby brother. At the mention of his name, Blaine makes a cute sound and everyone turns to smile at him. Cynthia turns her attention back to Cooper and carefully places Sebastian in his arms. Cooper smiles down at the little boy in his arms.

"Hi, Sebastian. I'm Cooper. You can call me Coop though. Well, when you can talk."

Cynthia looks up at her best friend and smiles. Diane returns the smile as she rocks her youngest son in her arms, trying to get him to sleep. Cooper is infatuated with the bundle of joy he is holding in his arms. Of course he loves his own baby brother, but this baby is new and different. He rocks him gently, causing Sebastian's eyes to slip closed.

"I think he likes you, Coop," Diane says, smiling at him.

"How could he not?" Cooper states simply causing the ladies to chuckle and Diane to shake her head in amusement. Once Diane manages to get Blaine asleep, she figures she should put him in his crib.

"Cynthia, would you like to put Sebastian down for a nap with Blaine?" Diane asks in a whisper as not to wake the sleeping infants up. Cynthia nods and Cooper softly kisses Sebastian's forehead before carefully handing him back to his mother. The best friends head off to Blaine's room and Cooper resumes his place on the floor with his juice box and continues watching cartoons.

As the ladies walk into Blaine's room they can't help but smile at the other's son. Both boys are so precious. Sebastian with barely any hair yet, but the little he does have is the same exact color as his mother's. His eyes also matching his mother's in a beautiful, bright green. Blaine, like Sebastian, had his mother's hair. The black curls already prominent on his young head. Just as dark and as beautiful as his mother's. His eyes, however, were those of his father's. A beautiful hazel that were easy to get lost in. So many colors visible in just one pair of eyes. It was simply beautiful.

Diane laid her son down first, allowing him to get comfortable without being on his mother's chest. Cynthia smiled at Blaine for a moment, observing how much he resembled his older brother already, before placing Sebastian in next to him. The boys instantly curled into each other, resulting in the mothers to coo over them. Blaine laid his head on Sebastian's shoulder and Sebastian placed his hand on top of Blaine's. It was truly a beautiful sight for these two mothers. They stepped closer to each other, half hugging one another. They sat there for a moment in silence, watching their sons sleep so peacefully next to each other.

"Do you think they'll be best friends like us?" Cynthia asked, her eyes never leaving the two boys.

"I do. I think they'll be extremely close." Diane nodded, causing Cynthia to smile.

"That makes me so happy. To know that Sebastian has this whole other family that's there for him. You, Stephen, Cooper and now even little Blaine. It'll be nice for him to have some aunts and uncles besides Jason's siblings. You're like my sister, Diane. Always have been."

Diane smiled down at her best friend. "I will always be there for Sebastian. It will be like we each have three sons. One huge family. Everyone is there to take care of each other and love each other. They are two lucky little boys. And Cooper as well. But I have a feeling Blaine and Sebastian will be closer to each other than to Coop. They may annoy him a little bit," Diane chuckled thinking about it. Cynthia chuckled as well, knowing her best friend was right.

"But he'll love them. He does already," Cynthia smiled, thinking about adorable little Coop. "He'll be the big brother Sebastian doesn't have."

Diane smiled at the thought. "He'll protect them from any bullies; teach them all his dating tips. Oh goodness, I don't want to even think about my little Cooper dating!" Diane laughed.

Cynthia laughed as well but then they both quieted when they heard their babies stirring slightly. Cynthia sighed contently, thoroughly happy in the moment. She was happy knowing that her son already had so much love in his life. He had this entire other family that cared about him as if he was one of their own. And she knew Blaine had that too, in her family. She knew that these boys would be okay in life. They had their families, each other's families, and they had each other. And both moms knew in that moment, watching their sons sleep peacefully next to each other, that those boys would always love each other, no matter what.

Aww, baby Blaine and Sebastian! Lol! I absolutely love little Cooper too. They're all just so cute. I hope you enjoyed!