A/N: Well, this is the end… or the beginning, you could say. I was going to have a longer epilogue, but I really liked where this stopped. Please, keep an eye out for the series of one shots that will span the time between Lies of the Beautiful People and the sequel. (Some are already written!) All kids names will be made known in the first one shot… or you can ask in your review and I will give them to you. Thank you for reading!


Not Alone (Live to Rise- Soundgarden)

Gin stared. She blinked and then stared a bit more. Moira was grinning. It wasn't possible. It just wasn't. There was no way! "I am seeing things," she whispered disbelievingly.

"No," Aradia said gently, patting her arm. "You aren't."


Moira sat on her other side, taking Gin's hand. "Darling, are you not thrilled?"

"Oh, I am. I am overjoyed. It is just…" she trailed off, still in a lovely state of hazy disbelief. Three? Hells, one or even two she thought she could competently manage. But, three was simply too much. "Overwhelmed as well."

The bedroom of their tent was still flashing blue, pink, blue from the spell Moira had cast on Gin a few minutes ago. Sure, she had been feeling poorly. Pansy as well. It was just that she hadn't expected to be…well expecting. Not this soon. They had stopped with the preventative measures, sure. 'These things can take time' or so everyone had assured her.

"Three?" she whispered, hoping that one of them would tell her she was seeing things.

Before either woman could answer there was an unholy screech of, "THREE! HOW THE SEVEN HELLS DID YOU MANAGE THAT, THEODORE HENRY?"

"Oh gods," Aradia muttered, just before she burst out laughing.

Moira looked overjoyed. "Oh this is wonderful news! Both of you!"

Gin was still processing the information. So, she simply waited to see what else Pansy might say. Draco and Blaise rushed in, only to crash into one another and barely catch themselves from falling into a heap on the floor once they spotted the spell that was still at work. She finally found it in her to move past the disbelief. Draco and Blaise were looking a bit smug just now. "Proud of yourselves are you?"

"Well," Blaise said wryly.

"That all depends," Draco finished.

"Depends on what?" Bill called out, only to stop, stare, and laugh so hard he had to sit on the floor once he entered the room.

"If Gin is going to gut us for this, of course," Blaise quipped, grinning widely.

Aiden wandered in, chuckling. His eyes shot wide. "Both of you then? Will we survive this?"

Pansy stormed in next, though her amusement and joy was clear even through her façade of grumpiness. Theo stayed near the doorway, grinning like a fool. "Well, damn."

Gin rolled her eyes. "Congratulations are in order, or so the entirety of Egypt may have just been informed."

Pansy's eyes narrowed and she pointed at Draco and Blaise. "At least there are two of them! How the hells did Theo manage this?"

Bill, who had just managed to control his amusement, started laughing all over again, clutching his side. "Ohhhh gods! Really?" he managed to sputter.

Aiden grinned evilly. "You two did take precautions, yes?"

Gin and Pansy shared a look of confusion. Pansy answered for the both of them. "Umm… the point was having a baby, not preventing it any longer."

Aradia stood and moved to hide behind Aiden. "Gin, think about it. Where are we?"

Not sure where they were going with this, Gin answered honestly. "A site?"

"What site?" Aiden prompted; everyone's attention now on him. Most looked as confused as Gin felt.

"A temple…"

"For who exactly?" Bill asked, leaning on Aiden's legs, his amusement back under control.

"Isis," Gin and Pansy chorused. Then it hit her. Oh shit! Isis was a fertility god. She damn well knew that and it had simply slipped her mind. Never, ever before had she failed to take precautions when dealing with a site so full of magic.

"Exactly." Bill sounded quite pleased with himself. "I would have mentioned it, but you and Aradia are usually quick to take precautions."

Aradia lifted a hand. "I want it noted that I did, thank you very much."

"Dia," Gin grumbled playfully. "Thanks for not reminding me."

Aradia peeked around Aiden, batting her eyelashes dramatically and struggling to look innocent. "Now, now, I may have considered it and dismissed the idea. I want babies to cuddle!"

Gin laid a hand over her stomach and sighed heavily. "Six of them running amok together. Can any of us survive that?"

Blaise and Draco shooed Aradia and Moira out of the way, settling in on either side of her and holding her close. "You know," Blaise said gleefully. "I am looking forward to seeing our babies."

"Me too," Draco assured her. "It should be really interesting to see what they look like."

Moira stood, leaning in to kiss Gin's brow. "Can I tell Marguerite and Narcissa?"

"Yes," chorused through the room.

Then there was a collective moan from the men. It was Aiden that spoke for them. "They will not rest until every last one of us has at least one baby!"

Bill snickered. "Marguerite is expecting, I say the next one they have counts as ours."

Gin leant into Draco and Blaise, scared out of her mind that she would not know how to handle three babies at once, but secure in the knowledge that her family would be right here with here every step of the way. She loved them already, was her only thought as she laid her hand over her stomach. How could she not? The three of them were living personification of the love she, Draco, and Blaise had for one another.

Pansy's exclamation of, "You will not be shagging me again on any site, Theodore," had everyone laughing.

Gin would never have imagined this particular scene, but she would not give it up for anything either. After all they had lived through, they were finally happy. Gods, she didn't see a frown or tense set of shoulders in the room, and by now everyone was here, even Percy.

This, right here, was what they had fought so hard for, the right of every person to live their life as they wished. With a wry smile, she laid her hand over her stomach and wondered just what would happen next.