You guys…

I was totally expecting this to be a one shot, but you all gave me such great, supportive feedback that I wanted to continue this story. This is the most reviews on one chapter I've ever gotten, so seriously, thank you all for that; I really appreciate it.

Special shout-out to my favorite reviewers:





Disclaimer: I do not own Glee


Kurt looked up to see Dr. Niliken open the door. "Mr. Smythe is here to start your next session of therapy. He'll be up in a moment, the doctors just want to go over your condition with him in greater detail before he sees you again."

"Okay, thank you," Kurt replied, putting down his book to smile at the woman. Dr. Niliken returned the smile, then walked over to Kurt's bed to sit on the edge of it.

"So, how are you liking Mr. Smythe?" she asked Kurt delicately, knowing better than to intrude too much on a relationship between a patient and his therapist.

"He's...fine," Kurt replied, taking a sudden interest in his bedsheets. He could already feel his face turning pink.

Thankfully, Dr. Niliken didn't seem to notice Kurt's discomfort. "Well, I'm glad you like him, Kurt. It's a good thing that you got such a charming young man. You know, I hear Mr. Smythe just graduated from medical school near the top of his class. You're lucky he's so young, too. Between you and me, there's nothing worse than having a therapist who's old and cranky, and…" The doctor continued to prattle on about the topic, and Kurt was secretly glad: it kept the attention away from his face.

Which was turning crimson from even the mention of his therapist's name.

Ever since Sebastian had left the previous day, the older man had constantly been on Kurt's mind. The man's gorgeous body, his clear, beautiful eyes,

The way his lips had felt crushed against Kurt's own, the other man's hand gently caressing Kurt's face.

Kurt had relished those events thousands of times since the previous day. Telling his dad about his physical therapy session had been absolutely atrocious:

"Hi Dad!" Kurt held his cell phone with his good arm while absentmindedly playing with the hem of his shorts with his bandaged one.

"Hey Buddy!" Burt sounded excited to talk to his son, even though it had barely been twelve hours since they had last spoken. "How've you been?"

"Um, pretty good," Kurt replied, pursing his lips a bit. "I've been reading a lot, but I'm a little bored."

"Finn bringing you everything you need?"

"Yeah, Finn's been really helpful."

"Glad to hear that, Kurt. Anything of interest happen? Oh, how was your physical therapy session?"

"Fine, dad," Kurt said too quickly, biting on his lip."

"Just fine, bud? Come on, tell me about it!"

"Um…I walked to the middle of the hallway without any help."

"You did? Kurt, that's fantastic! Hey Carole, Kurt walked to the middle of the hallway today! What? I know, I was just gonna ask him that!"

Kurt laughed adoringly at his dad, but the laugh quickly faded when he heard his dad's nest question.

"So, what's your therapist like, Kurt?"

Kurt fell silent, thinking frantically. "He's…fine, dad."

"Be more specific, Kurt! What's he like?"

"He's…nice? Yeah, he's nice."

"That's good. You like him?"

"What? Why would I like him? H- he's just my therapist dad, I-I mean I just like met him y-yesterday so why on Earth would I like him?"

"Slow down, Kurt! I didn't mean it like that. You seem a little uptight; are they giving you enough pain medication?"

"I don't need medicine, I feel fine." Kurt slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Thank Gaga his dad was so oblivious.

"Okay Kurt, I'd better hang up for now. Carole's parents are saying something about me angering the telephone gods for using up all their minutes. I have no idea what they're talking about 'cause I'm using a landline, but I'd better go."

"Alright Dad. Give my best to Carole."

"I will, Kurt. Take care, and I love you."

"Love you too, Dad."

Kurt hung up slowly letting out another deep sigh.

That Sebastian Smythe was going to be the death of him.

"-and that's why I am never doing theatre camp again."

Kurt's head snapped up, put out of his reverie by Dr. Niliken's hand giving a resolutionary pat to his foot, signifying the end of her story.

Just then, the door opened, and who but Mr. Smythe walked in, an overconfident smile gracing his flawless features (similar to the one that he had been wearing when he had left Kurt the previous day).

"Good afternoon, Mr. Smythe," Dr. Niliken stood up to shake the other man's hand.

"And to you, Dr. Niliken," Sebastian replied charmingly, his gaze quickly traveling from the doctor to rest on Kurt, who returned his gaze shyly to his duvet.

"Well, I'll leave you two boys alone to get to work," the woman said, giving Kurt a friendly nod before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Sebastian's bright eyes watched her leave, returning to Kurt as the door shut.

"How have you been feeling, Kurt?" Sebastian said casually, placing his bag by Kurt's bed before motioning for Kurt to pull back the blankets and sit up on the edge of the bed.

"Good, I guess," Kurt said, a slight nervous stutter coating his voice. He watched quietly as the older man began to unwrap the bandages around Kurt's knee with a gentle touch.

Kurt felt confused. Why was Sebastian ignoring the fact that he had literally made out with Kurt the previous day? Had it meant nothing at all to him? That last question went at the back of Kurt's mind and stayed there.

Sebastian finished unwrapping the gauze and spent a couple minutes examining Kurt's knee with careful touches before looking upwards to meet Kurt's eyes. Kurt was sure he was going to kiss him again; there had to be chemistry there, there just had to be! And now the other man was opening his mouth, and-

"Still not completely healed. It'll probably be better by tomorrow, but I'm just going to rewrap it and we'll stick to stretches today."

Kurt sat dumbfounded as Sebastian wrapped his knee up once again with a fresh bandage. He was hurt, and rejected, and confused all over again. It was a terrible feeling. He looked at Sebastian's face, which was expressionless. What was going on?

"Okay, Kurt. Today we're going to focus on stretches that should hopefully help strengthen your back and core, which will aid the healing of your nerves." The older man stood up, then extended a hand out for Kurt, a cocky smile on his face. Kurt looked at the other man incredulously. Okay, what's he doing now?

Kurt slowly took the offered hand, which pulled him off the bed and onto his feet carefully and steadily, so that Kurt barely even stumbled. Sebastian led the younger boy out to the middle of the room; it was barely three steps so Kurt had no trouble at all, especially with the strong hand guiding him.

"Watch what I do and copy me, okay?" Sebastian glanced at Kurt, who nodded quickly, then stretched his own arms above his head.

Kurt copied the motion, unable to keep his glance from the other man's quite prominent arm muscles that were stretched taught as he raised his arms. When he caught Sebastian looking at him, Kurt looked away quickly, but not before he saw a smirk spread out across Sebastian's features. What's he playing at? Kurt wondered frantically.

They held the stretch for maybe 30 seconds before Sebastian bent forwards, pressing his hands flat against the floor. Kurt tried to mimic this, but found he most definitely was not flexible. His hands barely reached the middle of his calves.

Sebastian stood up to watch Kurt try to complete the stretch, smiling in spite of himself, then walked over to the smaller boy to check his posture.

"Okay, I don't think you're bending your spine the right way to make the most of the stretch, but I can't really see what you're doing because your shirt is in the way," Sebastian said.

"Well, what do you want me to do about that?" Kurt remarked, his voice significantly muffled as he was speaking into his legs.

"Well, in order for me to accurately examine your posture, you'll need to remove your shirt so I can see your spine clearly," the older man said, his grin augmenting.

"I beg your pardon?" Kurt's brain was caught in a hurricane of emotions.

"Just take off your shirt so I can see how your spine is aligning itself when you stretch," Sebastian replied. Kurt straightened up and looked at Sebastian with a shocked look on his face; the other man merely shrugged. Kurt looked at Sebastian reproachfully, then (with much difficulty, as he could only bend one arm) shook off his shirt, sliding it off his good arm while trying to keep his face calm and composed.

On the inside however, Kurt was panicking. He was taking off his shirt and exposing himself in front of a guy who he had a crush on and who he had just kissed yesterday, a man who was ignoring the fact they there was something between him! Kurt refused to look Sebastian in the eye, anger and hurt clouding up his mind and he crossed his arms and turned himself away from the other man.

"Stand up straight, Kurt," Sebastian said silkily, moving up close right behind Kurt, a smooth finger gently tapping each bone on the younger boy's spine. At last, Kurt could bear it no longer.

"Mr. Smythe?" Kurt suddenly burst out. Sebastian continued to trace Kurt's spine, apparently looking for any irregularities.

"It's Sebastian, Kurt. You know you can call me that."

Kurt nodded slowly, shivering a bit under Sebastian's touch. "Sebastian, about what happened yesterday…" His voice trailed off.

Kurt felt Sebastian's hands leave his back and slide forward, coming to rest on either side of his slim waist. "What happened yesterday, Kurt?" the older man replied innocently.

Kurt blushed, looking at his feet and trying to ignore the fact that Sebastian was sodamnclose before saying, "You know…you…uh…"

Kurt suddenly felt a warm breath on the back of his neck as Sebastian moved his mouth up right next to Kurt's ear. "Do you mean when I kissed you yesterday?" he purred, causing Kurt to almost swoon.

"Uh, yeah. That." Kurt squeaked, his breathing becoming faster as Sebastian pressed his body closer into his own.

Suddenly, Kurt stopped. He didn't know what happened; maybe it was just his emotions taking over, but he whirled around and pushed Sebastian away from him. "Yes, that!" Kurt said, his voice angry and raw with feeling. "You can't just kiss me like that and expect me to not care about it the next day! What, do you kiss all your patients and expect them to not mind when you ignore them the next day? Well not everyone is like that, Sebastian! Some people want more than just sex! They want a meaningful relationship, and-"

Kurt's spiel was suddenly cut off by Sebastian moving in close to Kurt and crushing his lips over the younger boy's. Sebastian's right hand moved to rest on the nape of Kurt's neck, his left on the small of Kurt's back as his lips moved against the brunette's. It was a short and chaste kiss, but it was full of meaning and apology. Sebastian pulled away after a few seconds, eyes full of regret, one hand moving to gently brush a tear from Kurt's cheek.

"Kurt," the older boy said softly, looking Kurt straight in the eye. "I had no idea that I was causing you that much pain. I assumed that when you didn't say anything when I first walked in that you didn't want to talk about it and that you regretted what I did yesterday, and I didn't want to push myself on you. As for me kissing my other patients, I can assure you that would never, ever get into anything romantic with a person I didn't care for, and you" - he paused to stroke back Kurt's hair -"are the only person who fits that criteria."

Kurt smiled, his face the perfect picture of happiness and adoration, and he wrapped his own hands around the older man's neck. Sebastian responded by kissing Kurt on the lips again before moving down to place a row of kisses along the younger boy's jaw. Kurt trembled with satisfaction, and as Sebastian's mouth moved downwards to Kurt's neck, the smaller boy moaned softly as he tightened his grip around the taller man's body. Kurt closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of Sebastian's tongue on his neck, and he slid his hands down the older man's back.

All of a sudden, the door burst open and a very annoyed-looking male doctor walked in, whose expression turned to horrified as he saw Sebastian and Kurt.

"Mr. Smythe!" the man, whose nametag read "Dr. Adams, stepped backwards a bit before looking at Sebastian. "What are you doing to the patient?"

Sebastian pulled away from Kurt, that familiar presumptuous smile returning to his face. "Examining the patient's neck, Dr. Adams. As you know, Kurt Hummel has some slight nerve problems, and all nerves stem from the base of the neck, so I'm trying to find anything wrong with his nerves."

"But - but with your tongue, Mr. Smythe?"

"Well, the tongue is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, so it allows me to get an accurate idea of where the patients problem comes from if I can examine it effectively. Surely you, of all people would know that.," Sebastian rebutted confidently.

Dr. Adams nodded, a confused look on his face. He glanced at the two boys, and, not seeming to find anything wrong with this explanation, gave a weak "Well, carry on then," before leaving the room.

Sebastian turned to face Kurt once again, who was hiding his head in his hands,

"Now, where were we?"

If I get as much feedback/reviews/story alerts on this chapter as I did on the last one, I'll definitely continue this story.

BTW if I'm getting any medical information wrong, please tell me! I'm just going off what I've learned from my non-extensive internet research.

I hope you enjoyed it!