A/N: Chapter Five! Woohoo! Haha, it's summer. My first day has sucked :/ But I'm going to update a lot more now, so that's good. Well, here you go! I hope you like it! Or hate it...

Chapter Five

Harry's POV

I sighed as I hit "Reject" button on my phone. I tossed it carelessly to the side. I wasn't really in the mood to look at it right now.

Caroline kept calling me. She has for, what? The past couple of months? Every time I see her, I try to make it very clear that what we had is over. Whenever she touches my arm, or leans in closer to me, I gently brush her off, and make excuses about how I needed to go find Lou. But she just doesn't get the picture.

But of course she doesn't know that I might have met someone new. I'm going to try to hide Lexi from the press for as long as I can. She's not ready for that. And besides, what if nothing ever goes on between us? What if we just stay friends? Then there would be absolutely no point at all for the paparazzi to find out about her. Which, speaking of Lexi, I zipped off a quick "what's up" text to her.

Zayn hopped over the back of the couch and came crashing down beside me. "Who just called you?" He asked, grabbing at the phone right beside his hand.

I rubbed my eyebrows. "Caroline."

He smirked. "I'm guessing you're done with her?"

"Zayn, I've been done with her since we broke up back in January."

He nodded, scrolling through my phone. I reached for the remote and started searching the channels for something more interesting than children shows to watch.

The microwave beeped and Zayn jumped up. "I'll be back in a second, princess," he said as he dartes around the leather couch and ruffled my hair.

"I'll miss you, honey bear," I called after him. I could hear his laugh echoing down the hall and a small smile took over my lips. It was times like this that I treasured the most. Sure, I have laughs with the boys all of the time, but the best is when we have one-on-one moments with eachother.

I was contently watching a documentary on the history of cats when I heard the dull thudding of Zayn's heavy footsteps padding back down the hallway. The noise stopped abruptly, so I glanced up at him. He was standing behind me with my phone in his hand. He was staring at it like he was trying to contain laughter. "Zayn? What's wrong?"

He bit down his lip to keep from laughing and handed me my phone. Confused, I saw that Lexi replied to my text that I sent right after Caroline called.

Nothing much. Just listening to BBC Radio 1's most requested song, What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. Thanks for the heads up.

"Dammit," I muttered under my breath.

Zayn lost it. His booming laugh could probably be heard outside, if you were listening close enough. "Oh, she's pissed at you."

I glared at him. "This isn't very good for you, either. I wouldn't be laughing."

He straightened up, but the amusement hasn't left his face. "Yeah? Why not?"

"If Lexi knows, that probably means Michelle knows. And I'm guessing you didn't want to brag and say you were part of some famous boyband either, now did you?"

The smirk wiped right off of his face. "Crap."


Lexi's POV

I paid for my things and stormed outside to the car. Carmen and Michelle were already waiting for me, because they didn't buy anything. Carmen backed out of the parking lot and sped down the road. The car ride was tense. No words were exchanged, just an uncomfortable silence between all three of us. It was very awkward, because all three of us are very chatty. The quiet was like a foreign, unwanted presence in our world.

I was fuming. Why didn't he just tell me? I mean, he knew I was going to find out sooner or later. It's not like I live under a rock where the radio never plays. "Our fans don't bother us that much." Yeah, like I can totally believe that now.

I can explain.

I rolled my eyes as Carmen pulled up to her family's house. I grabbed my shopping bags and stomped up the stairs. Well, you better. I texted back.

His answer was almost immediate.

Can we go somewhere and talk?

I tapped my fingers on my doorframe. Dammit! Why am I even thinking about this?

Give me one good reason that I should listen to you.

It took him a couple of minutes with this one. I don't have one, he finally answered.

Before I could reply, he sent me another text.

But I want to explain to you why I didn't tell you. Please? Can you just listen to me?

I walked over slowly to the edge of my bed and lowered myself down. The bags were abandoned at my door. I exhaled sharply as I looked out of the window. The sun was starting to set, a bright citrus color with pink blooming in the clouds. Alright. Where do you want to talk?

Where are you now? He asked.

I'm at home. I hesitated. It technically isn't my house, but I'm sure Carmen wouldn't mind if he paid me a little visit. You can come here.

I gave him directions and he told me he would be right over. I groaned as I plopped on my back. I'm sure the expression on my face was hysterical. I was exasperated, so confused as to why this flawless boy couldn't trust me. Why did he have to be in a band? A boyband, nonetheless? Why couldn't he just be a cute, normal teenage boy? Why did the one person that I had to meet have to be famous?

Worst of all, why did I have to like him?


It wasn't long until I heard the familiar crunching sound of tires on gravel. I willed myself to get off of the bed. What am I going to say? What is he going to say? Is this going to be a silent, awkward confrontation? Are we going to be yelling at eachother? I bit my lip as I tugged on one of my auburn curls. Having an internal arguement, I hadn't noticed that I had reacher my destination. I pulled open the front door. Harry, who was leaning against a gleaming black Range Rover, jumped. He saw me and a crease between his eyebrows appeared. I crossed my arms against my chest as he walked over to me.

He stopped a few feet away. I stared warily at him. On his feet, were too not very well kept white Converse shoes. He was in khakis that hung low on his hips. His light blue polo was tight enough to show off his long torso. The sloppy mop of chocolate curls piled on top of his head were teased to perfection. My eyes wandered back down to his face. His rosy lips were bright against his pale skin. I could see a few freckles dotting his cheeks. And his eyes. They were such a gorgeous shade of green, like pure emeralds glistening in the light. But there was strong emotion set behind them. The beautiful green orbs were filled with so much remorse and sorrow, I had to avert my eyes to the ground. "I'm sorry," he broke the tension. Instead of replying, I just sat down on the stairs. Taking that as a signal to follow, he took a seat beside me.

I refused to meet his eyes. I know if I did, I would feel horrible for even yelling at him over text. God, what is wrong with me? I looked at the brightly colored toes that were peeking out of my sandals. His dark gaze was burning a hole into my skin.

I don't know how long we sat like this. A second? A minute? An hour? Two?

Finally, I heard him exhale. "Lexi? Are you going to talk to me?"

I clenched my jaw and picked at a string that was hanging off of my shorts. Honestly, I didn't know what to say.

I peeked at him out of the corner of my eye. He turned his head away from me. I couldn't really see his features, just the outline of his body because the sun was casting a shadow behind him. "Alright," he nodded. He chuckled, but it was more out of self pity than amusement. "I guess I deserve this."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He whipped his head back around to me. His eyes were wide. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I repeated.

He didn't answer. For a minute, I thought he wasn't going to at all. "I thought you would be angry."

I sighed as I lifted my head up to get a good look at him. His lips were now pressed in a thin line, the ruby color gone because he was biting them so hard the blood drained from them. "Harry, I'm not angry. I'm just confused. I mean, I thought we were," I stopped myself before I said something stupid. "Friends." I decided on. "You didn't have to hide this from me. I would have been fine with it."

He shook his hair and then pushed it out of his eyes. His mouth parted and the color came rushing back. "I didn't want it to seem like I was bragging. I couldn't have just blurted something out like, 'Can you pass the bowl of popcorn? Oh, and by the way, you know the band I said I was in? Yeah, we're famous. Like really famous.' That would have been out of line. It would be like I was trying too hard to impress you-" His words faltered as a blush crept up on his cheeks. "I didn't want you to be afraid of being my friend. Fame has scared away all of the people that I had before."

All of the anger and annoyance melted out of my system. All of the anger and annoyance I had felt towards him before, was simply, gone. In that last sentence, his rocky voice sounded so small, so broken, that I knew I couldn't stay mad at him anymore.

Hesitantly, I raised my hand and put it on his shoulder. His warm eyes swung my way. I gave him a tiny smile. It was small, but it said everything.

He scooted closer to me. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He asked, the corner of his lips tugging upward slightly.

My smile grew. "It means that I'm not going to be scared off like everyone else."

A/N: Okay, I threw in a little cheesy bromance crap in this. And I put stuff about cats, haha. How could I resist? I know this chapter was short, but hopefully the next one will be longer! Tell me what you think in the reviews! And I put a little more detail into this. I noticed that my paragraphs were really really short...

P.S. New pen name! You like it?