Okay this is my first story ever! XD I'm currently working on (or thinking of working on) two other stories. I almost didn't put this one on. Inspiration for this came from several places but some of the more responsible things are: BlackWolfoftheTurks fanfic Ordeal of Darkness and two Dark Tsubasa amvs one of Animal I have become and another was Time of dying (still dark Tsubasa amvs) I listened to the song I'm Still Here while writing this one, and watched several shows.

Disclaimer: Believe it or not I do not own these characters or this show, I mean it is called a FANFICTION ya know!

Tsubasa walked calmly into the city, looking every now and then at eagle, who flew high above. He glanced at a nearby brick wall and saw another advertisement for a festival that was being held halfway across the country that weekend. Apparently it was supposed to be a big deal; the event of the season is what people were saying. At the prices tickets for it were selling at, it had better be something special.

Eagle screeched at him and he glanced up, shielding his eyes from the sun with one hand. The sides of his mouth turned up a little as he continued on his way. He was going to the post office to see if he had any mail; he tried to do this once a week but didn't always make it.

Glancing at the people around him he wondered what their daily lives consisted of. They had their jobs to go to every day, their homes to go to, and their families to see every day. He hadn't had a family for years, and no real home. The closest thing to family he had was eagle. "I don't know what I would do without you eagle" Tsubasa thought. His job was stable enough, but when he was on duty he never knew where he would have to go or what he would have to do. All of his free time was spent in training; at least it had been until the world championships. Now he had some friends to spend time with occasionally.

When he arrived at the post office he saw yet another poster for the festival, and more people talking about it. He shook his head slightly and headed inside the large building. Tsubasa wasn't really sure why he went to the post office; he rarely ever got any mail. So it was a bit of a surprise when, after he asked if he had any mail, he had one letter waiting for him. He thanked the cashier and took the letter.

Sitting on a bench he opened the letter and read: Dear Mr. Otori, We would be much obliged if you, along with your fellow team members, would appear for a question and answer session at the Summer Festival this weekend. You would be appearing as a member of team Gan Gan Galaxy. If you accept we will pay the entry fee and any additional activities you wish to participate in (i.e. rides, games, shows, food, etc.). If you agree to come, be at the airport at 4:00 on Friday afternoon. We will have a representative meet you there. We would be extremely grateful to you and your fellow team members if you would agree to come. Sincerely, West City Recreational committee.

Eagle landed on the bench beside him and Tsubasa glanced over at him "Well what do you think eagle?" he asked. His one sided conversation with eagle was interrupted by his cell phones ring. He reached for it and flipped it open. "Hello?" he said into the phone.

"Hey Tsubasa." Madokas voice said from the other side of the line.

Tsubasa opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Ginkgas voice saying "Hi!"

Again before Tsubasa could say anything Masamunes voice interrupted saying "Hey shut up Gingka I'm gonna say Hi first! "Hi Tsubasa!"

Then Yu's voice said "Hi Tsubasa!"

"You two need to shut up and quit fighting, at least for a minute! Anyway Tsubasa did you get a letter from the West City Recreational Committee?"

"Yes." Tsubasa said. "Are all of you planning to go?"

"Dad says its okay for us to do it if we want to soo…

Gingka, Yu, and Masamune shouted "Yes!" at the same time. Tsubasa jerked the phone away from his head and winced because it was so loud. He gingerly put the phone back to his ear only to take it away again because Madoka was yelling loudly at the three boys to shut up.

It went on like that for a few minutes until Tsubasa decided to interrupt the little fight. "Okay so I suppose I will see all of you on Friday then."

"Yep, see you Tsubasa!" Yu said. And then Tsubasa hung up. He looked at eagle then reached over and fingered some of his feathers.

He stood while eagle watched him. "It looks like I'm going on a trip, huh?" He sighed to eagle. Eagle took off for the skies as Tsubasa began walking back to his current temporary home to begin getting his things ready.

Friday evening arrived and the airport was a beehive of activity. Apparently lots of people were heading to West City for the festival. Masamune looked left and right gripping his backpack straps a little tighter. He was completely lost. He stood up on his tiptoes and tried to catch sight of one of the others. He gave a victory whoop when he saw the top of Tsubasas head. Masamune ran towards them as quickly as he could; he didn't want to lose him again. He had almost caught up to the rest of them when his foot caught on a brick that was sticking just above all the rest. He went flying through the air and landed right in the middle of all his friends. Madoka said "Wow Masamune you're actually on time? Anyway where is this representative they were talking about?"

Just after she said that a woman's voice said "Hello I am Megumi Takahashi I am here from the West City Recreational Committee." She shook Gingkas hand "You must be Gingka Hagane," then she shook Madokas hand "You're Madoka, the team technician." She turned to Tsubasa and said "You are Tsubasa Otori?" Tsubasa nodded and shook her hand. She bent over and shook Yus hand "Hello Yu." Then she looked down and visibly tried not to laugh as she bent over Masamune and said "and you must be Masamune Kadoya."

Masamune jumped up and said "Yep that's me; I'm the best member on this team!"

"Whaaattt!" Gingka shouted "That's not true!"

"Anyways," Megumi said "Here are your plane tickets, and when we get there you can pick a hotel of your choice for two nights. If you wish to stay longer you will have to pay your own way. These tickets are round trip so you will not need to buy another to come back. I believe that is all and our plane is now boarding. Are you all ready to go?"

"Yeah!" Masamune and Gingka shouted.

"Uhh, where are we Ginky?" Yu grumbled from the back seat.

"I, uh, I'm not sure." Gingka mumbled.

"What!" Masamune shouted.

"So you got us lost?" Madoka said.

"Its not my fault this stupid map doesn't read right!" Gingka said angrily from the front seat. They had decided in the plane that they would stay at the Green Pearl Inn and Hot Springs since it was luxurious and fairly close to where the festival would be.

Megumi told them that a limousine would pick them up at 10:00 the next day and that they would be able to hang out at the festival until 12:55 when they would meet her at the Ferris wheel so she could take them to their session. However they had to provide their own transportation except for when they were going to the festival. They thought over a few options and decided in the end to rent a car and have Tsubasa drive.

When they got off the plane Megumi gave them the money for the car and left them to go their way. Since Gingka had claimed the front seat it was up to him to give directions. Now Gingka had gotten them lost and they had no idea where to go. Gingka turned the map this way and that way to no avail.

Finally Madoka said too sweetly "Tsubasa would you pull over for a minute?"

"Um okay" Tsubasa pulled the car over to the side of the road and Madoka said "Thanks Tsubasa" she opened the door and said angrily "come here Gingka." Gingka gulped then obeyed. Everyone watched as she smacked him on the side of his head then snatched the map from his hands. Masamune and Yu snickered as Gingka and Madoka walked back to the car. This time Madoka sat in the front seat and gave directions while Gingka sat in the back and pouted.

After their little driving fiasco and airplane trip, the whole gang was a little worn and very much hungry so they decided they would eat first. When they got to the small restaurant in the front of the Inn, they were seated quickly, and received their order speedily. Like always dinner with Gingka and Masamune was an adventure; each trying to out eat the other, stuffing their face as if their stomachs were black holes.

After dinner they all headed to the hot springs and had a nice soak. Then they all went to their rooms so that they could get a good night's sleep and be prepared for the next days "gig" as they had taken to calling it.

When Gingka got to his room he started to get ready for bed when a phone call interrupted him. "Hiya whats up?" A strange deep voice said "Gingka Hagane there will be no escape for you in the end but if you would like to survive another day I suggest you don't go to the session tomorrow." There was an audible click on the other end. "Hello? Who is this? Hello? Hello?" Gingka questioned. "Well that was weird." He shrugged and went to bed.

The next morning they all met for breakfast as they had planned the night before. "Okay so am I the only one who got a weird phone call last night, or did all of you get one too?" Yu questioned.

"Hey I got one too!" Masamune said. One by one they all agreed and compared what the strange person had said. In the end they realized that except for their names every message said the exact same thing. "I think that this is probably just a bad prank." Madoka said, but still, she couldn't shake a bad feeling.

"Even so," Tsubasa said "We should probably tell Gingka's dad and Megumi." Madoka got out her laptop and pulled up her webcam. Luckily Ryo was on and they instantly connected. "Hello the immor-ahh!" "Yeah yeah director" Hikaru said "So hi guys what's up?" "Hi Hikaru, we just wanted to tell you we all got death threats last night." "What!" shouted Ryo. "Yeah we just figured we should tell you. We all think it's just a bad joke though." "Okay, if that's all, and you think it's okay to go ahead and go." Ryo said. "And be sure to have fun" Hikaru added. Then they disconnected.

When Megumi and the limo arrived they all piled into the back and relaxed. Gingka was the one to bring up the mysterious phone calls "Hey Megumi, last night some freak called us and told us we would die today." Megumi choked on air "W-what?"

"Yeah" said Yu "it was kinda scary at first, but I know it was just some dumb weirdo."

"Mm hmm just some random crazy playing a prank." said Masamune.

Megumi stopped coughing and relaxed "Oh good" she said "but just to be safe I'll have headquarters step up security and have people patrol all possible areas where anyone could attack you from during your session." she then took out her cell phone and started doing just that.

"Well here we are! Now remember , by the Ferris wheel at 12:55." Megumi said happily. "Here are your special passes that let you do everything without having to pay."

"Does that mean eating too?" asked Masamune.

"Yes it does include food. Now off you all go, be sure to have fun and don't worry about anything!" They all got out and the limo drove off leaving them all alone with the park. They had no problem getting in the park with their special tickets.

Once in they each got a program and decided what to do. Madoka saw they were holding a special conference on the construction of Beyblades and decided to go to that. Masamune decided to enter the hamburger eating contest, while Gingka saw that they were having a mini beyblade tournament. Yu wanted to ride every ride in the park and asked Tsubasa to go with him. Tsubasa looked up at eagle for a moment then decided to join Yu.

Just before everyone left Tsubasa shouted "Hey nobody get lost okay!"

"Waddya mean get lost?" Gingka asked.

"You remember that time in America don't you? When we first arrived?"

"Ummm…. Oh yeah! But that was Masamunes fault for leaving us like that, this is different."

"It's a smaller area but not really that different, and remember to be on time!"

"Of course!"

Tsubasa sighed and rubbed his temples 'sometimes those two just…'" Come on Tsubasa lets go!" Yu interrupted his thoughts as he ran ahead. Tsubasa followed, at a slower pace than Yu.

By 12:50 they had all gathered at the Ferris wheel. Gingka had, of course, won the little tournament by a long shot. Masamune won a silver hamburger trophy for getting second in the eating contest. Yu and Tsubasa rode every ride after Tsubasa won a few games for Yu. Of course later Yu decided that it had been a bad idea to eat before going on the barrel ride, as he almost vomited and Tsubasa actually did vomit. Madoka was very happy with the conference she went to, and talked about it almost non-stop.

"I can't believe that peewee little girl ate more burgers than me!" Masamune shouted.

"How many did she eat?" asked Gingka

"One hundred and two."

"How many did you eat?"

"One hundred"

"So Tsubasa, you feeling any better?" Yu asked.

"Oh yeah I'm fine now."

"Huh? What was wrong with Tsubasa?" Madoka asked.

Yu snickered and said "He puked on the barrel ride."

Madoka looked at Tsubasa for a moment and said "Are you sure you're okay?"

"…. Yeah I'm sure."

"Okay everyone ready to get on stage?" Megumi seemingly appeared out of nowhere and asked. After receiving a nod or yes from everyone she continued "So what you will do is this: when you hear a voice announce team Gan Gan Galaxy I will cue you to go on stage in a specific order. There will be a table on stage that has plates with your names on them on it. Stand in front of the place with your name in front of it while he introduces each of you. After you've all been introduced you will go sit in the chair behind your name plate, and answer any questions asked to the best of your ability. If you don't want to answer a question you can say no comment okay? Great, it's almost time to go on."

Eagle watched Tsubasa standing behind a stage of sorts. He flew high above watching the crowd swarming below him, all seeming to face the stage. He screeched at Tsubasa, who looked up and smiled. Eagle began to circle when he noticed a shinny looking object sort of sticking out of one of the nearby buildings. He had a wary feeling and flew towards it to investigate.

It was almost time. He had done many missions before, after all he was a mercenary assassin, but this was different. He had never killed kids before and never people who were so famous. He picked up his custom made rifle, making sure the muffler (also custom made) was in place, and aimed it at Gingka, whom he planned to kill first.

Just as he began to squeeze the trigger an eagle hit his gun with its talons, not quick enough to stop the shot, only change the aim a little. Unfortunately though, it did knock off the muffler announcing he was here and telling where he was. The crowd instantly reacted, he could hear them shifting in their chairs and their startled gasps. With any luck he might have still hit one of the Bladers on stage. He snatched his gun from the slight grip eagle had on it, but was forced to leave his muffle. He could hear the security running towards the room so he jumped out the window to the car waiting below and made his escape. He would get them next time, what would one more day anyway?

"Get those men moving, now!" shouted security chief Hiroshi. He had been warned that there was a chance of something like this happening, and had even stepped up the security. Unfortunately it appeared it had all been for pretty much nothing.

An Assassin had still gotten in and he didn't know if any of those kids down there might have gotten hit, or worse kicked the bucket already. There was also the possibility of a spectator having gotten it; either case brought only a bad scenario for him to mind. He doubted he would lose his job over it though.

While he sat musing over his thought he watched some of his men run back out of the room while others attempted a foolish jump from the window but the rest already knew that the man was long gone. He had alerted the front gate, but he couldn't help but doubt that they would be able to stop the man. To have gotten a gun in here and to get past his extra security he had to have had a brilliant plan.

At that moment one of his men ran up and said "Sir take a look at this." Hiroshi looked at the thing that his second hand man held in his gloved hand. It seemed to be some sort of muffler.

"Get that thing to the lab pronto!"

"Yes sir"

This was going to be a long, long night.

So what did you think huh? I hope you liked it. R&R and have a blessed day! :)