Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to the wonderful Kishimoto-sama!

Warnings: Warnings are in the first chapter, please read if you haven't already.

Thank you and please enjoy!

No one made a noise. No one spoke. They all listened. Listened to the sound of Uchiha Sasuke's grief. He howled and wept, long after the light had faded from those blue eyes. They didn't try to touch him, or comfort him. He would not be consoled. He clutched hopelessly onto the corpse in his arms. It was still warm and soft, just like the boy it used to harbour. He kissed it and rocked it as though doing so would bring it back to life.

Eventually they had to pry his fingers away. He fought them, but he was too weak and too faint with exhaustion.

They lifted the body up and carried it on their shoulders. They passed it around slowly. Children jumped up to touch it. They did so in solemn silence. They respected and worshipped the memory of the boy.

They had finally acknowledged him, Uzumaki Naruto.

8 years later

Thirty-year-old Uchiha Sasuke sat back in his chair and sighed, rolling his aching shoulders. If he had known how much paperwork would be involved and the sheer amount of time he would be forced to stay indoors, he may have reconsidered the offer the Fifth Hokage had given him seven years ago. Konoha had been at peace for many years. The nations were in harmony. The village thrived. Sasuke lived up to the name of his position and his predecessors. For Sasuke, life in Konoha was now one of comfort and serenity. It was a good life. A life to be thankful for. But there were times when something grabbed at him. It would flood him and steal his breath away. Then the moment would pass. And he was left feeling the ghosts of wistful emptiness.

The door burst open. A young girl came running through, a flustered ninja at her heels.

"Otousama!" The girl leapt up onto Sasuke's lap and threw her arms around his neck. Her midnight blue hair ticked his chin as she snuggled against his chest.

"Hello, Kana." Sasuke smiled softly at his daughter. His only child. And the only child he wanted.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama," gasped the caretaker. "I tried to stop her, but she's been wanting to see you all day."

"That is quite alright," Sasuke said smoothly. "In fact, I will take the rest of the day off. Will you notify my staff for me?"

"Of course, Hokage-sama," the caretaker smiled and left.

"Would you like to go out of the village today, Kana?" Sasuke asked his daughter, bouncing her on his lap.

She nodded enthusiastically.


The cottage was just as he remembered. The water was as still and silent as it had always been. Untouched and pure. The entire place seemed timeless and otherworldly. The things Sasuke had once experienced here had definitely been otherworldly… But then he began to notice little differences. The vines creeping up along the walls seemed longer. Small patches of mold and rotten wood littered the porch. The windows were dull and muddy.

"Ooh, Otousama, the water looks so pretty," Kana chirped by Sasuke's side.

"Yes, it does." Sasuke smiled.

"Can I go and swim in it?"

Sasuke looked at his daughter. Her large dark eyes were pleading him. He nodded.

At his consent, she happily bounded over and jumped right in. Sasuke recalled being in the water once too, blond hair against his neck and tan hands touching him under the surface.

Inside, the house was not as recognizable. The air was stale and filled with dust. Cobwebs were stretched all over the ceiling and Sasuke saw some spiders scuttling across the floor. There was a bird's nest in one corner. He would have sat down on the chair if not for the rats infesting it.

The bedroom was familiar. The mirror, though aged and spotted, was still standing. Sasuke bit his lip when he gazed at his reflection. He was hit with such a powerful image of a younger him standing there, Naruto behind him, both of them looking at each other. He could practically feel the warm hands on him, that firm body against his own. There were times when Naruto's face eluded Sasuke, but now, here in his bedroom, it was easy to summon the vision of that whiskered face, the penetrating radiance of his blue gaze, the small but tender smile.

Sasuke closed his eyes. The last time he had been here, he had been with Naruto. Since the blond's death, Sasuke had been too afraid to return. The memories haunted him. All these years, he still felt like a part of him was missing.

He was no longer whole.

But a part of him was content. This life he had been given by Naruto was still worth living. He had his daughter now. She was everything to him. He had a village to lead and protect. He had friends who cared about him and he them. His life was rich and fulfilling and abundant with love.

"Otousama, you look sad," Kana said.

Sasuke snapped out of his reverie and realized he was sitting on Naruto's bed. Kana, her hair wet, was kneeling in front of him, and watching him dolefully. He knew she hated it when his moods struck. "I'm fine," Sasuke smiled at her.

Unconvinced, Kana flopped back on the dusty bed. "Whose house is this anyway?"

"My friend's. My best friend." And my soul mate.

"The hero Uzumaki Naruto-san?" Kana asked softly, sitting up again and staring into Sasuke's eyes.


Kana regarded him silently for a moment, and then she wrapped her tiny arms around Sasuke and held him close as though knowing. Sasuke clutched her tightly back and breathed in her comforting warmth.

Yes, his life was good.

The End

Author's note: So that's it! I'm sorry about the ending, I was debating which way to go, but I felt this was the best way to end it. Thank you all so much for following and reading this story to the very end. It's been a great journey and I've loved reading all your encouraging reviews. I hope to hear from you again!