Disclaimer: I do not own CCS clamp does.

Chapter 12

Normal P.O.V hospital

Sakura wakes up groggily and opens her eyes only to be greeted with the sight of Tomoyo, looking down at her full of worry.

"Sakura sakura are you awake, can you hear me? "Tomoyo shouts at her from the hospital chair she was occupying next to Sakura's bed.

"Yes Tomoyo, I can hear you. What happened to me?" Sakura asks Tomoyo as she attempts to sit up in to a seated position on the bed but failed.

Seeing Sakura struggle to sit up caused Tomoyo to look at her pitifully, she couldn't believe that Sakura was still alive after what she had been through. Sakura had suffered minor cuts and bruises, apart from her head injury which caused her to go in to a coma for the past three weeks.

Snapping back in to reality Tomoyo gets off the chair she was sat in and helps her best friend sit up a bit before she spoke to her softly. "You got into a car accident, you nearly died! How are you feeling? You have been in a coma for three weeks now."

"Dizzy but other than that i am fine. Wait did you just say three weeks, O my god."

"Yes, we couldn't believe it either! We all have been taking shifts to watch over you, wondering you would ever wake up! "Tomoyo told her as tears could be seen escaping from Tomoyo's eyes uncontrollably, before Tomoyo embraced the girl in the bed tightly.

"Ahh Tomoyo do not cry, i am awake now and-...Hay Wait Tomoyo, what happened with Syaoran? I heard him call out to me then i blacked out."

Tomoyo looked at Sakura to answer her still crying "Ssyaorann, he left the day you got emitted. No one has seen him since and Eriol can't get a hold of him either. I don't even think he was at the hospital long enough for him to know if you survived or not."

"What no, Syaoran..." Sakura call out to him pitifully as she started to cry, putting her hands over her eyes leaning in to Tomoyo's embrace more, before her heart machine started to go wild.

It immediately called a nurse to Sakura's side, making Tomoyo look up shocked as the nurse called in more people finally noticing Sakura's limp body being taken out of her arms and lied back down.

"Please miss can you go and wait outside."

"What, why?" Tomoyo asked the nurse hurriedly, but got no reply as she got backed out the door and it shut all most instantly after her exit.

Leaving a now scared Tomoyo out in the waiting area, while she saw everyone in the room attack Sakura at once with serious expressions on their faces.

...Phone call ...

"Hello Toya Kinomoto speaking"

"Toya, its Tomoyo"

"Tomoyo, any news on Sakura's condition yet?" Toya asked her excitedly

"Well sort of Toya, she woke up and i was talking to her but..." Tomoyo trailed off slowly

"Yes, dad she woke up-"

"No wait Toya i haven't finished, yes she woke up then when i talked to her about Syaoran...her monitor... her heart monitor when haywire and then she become unconscious again in my arm before i got kicked out of her room."

"That Geki again, even when i told him to leave because all this was his fault he is still causing trouble for us."

"YOU DID WHAT, TOYA! HOW COULD YOU, SAKURA IS IN LOVE WITH HIM!" Tomoyo tells him pissed off at what he has just admitted to her.

"What no way was the monster in love with him, it was just an act...and any way it's too late now even if she did have feelings for him."

"What do you mean by that Toya." Tomoyo demanded out at him to tell her what he ment by that statement.

"Well you know when you found Sakura...

Flash back


Syaoran screamed out before his legs give out underneath him, causing his body to hit the floor punching out at it in hysterics.

Not realising Tomoyo followed them and was behind him, as they witnessed the exploding scene in front of them.

Tomoyo stares at the alighted car in shock not believing what she had just seen either, to the point where she took off speeding towards the car hollering out to her friend.

Moments later a crowd formed around the car park and Eriol could be seen running through it to get to Syaoran, grabbing him off the ground to take him away from the crash site back in to School.

Tomoyo took in that Eriol just took Syaoran away but that still didn't stop her, she just wouldn't except that the kindest person she knew died in the burning car that was still lit like a bomb fire just meters away from where she stood.

"Cough Cough Cough"

Tomoyo's eyes widened with reality as she heard this faint sound of a person Coughing just miller meters away from her, so she turned towards the noise and almost fell with shock...


Sprinting over to her and picking up her top half of her body, Tomoyo instantly notices a big amount of blood coming from Sakura's head.

'She must of got thrown out of the car's front window, head first before it exploded.' Tomoyo concluded fast, as she tried to stop Sakura's head from bleeding.

Panicking seconds after because the blood wasn't stopping, she takes out her phone and calls the ambulance.

...In the hospital...

"WHERE IS HE! CATERPILLAR, WHERE ARE YOU!" Syaoran bellows out, not caring who was hearing him or that he was making a spectacle of himself.

"What fucking right do you think you have to be here, get out of here right now geki" Toyo bits out at him through grinned teeth with his fists balled up tightly out of frustration.

"No way i am is boyfriend, i have just as much right to be here as his mentally insane brother." Syaoran growls out at Toya just as angrily.

"Do you hell! Because of you my sister is in there fighting for her life." Toyo tells him, as he grabs his collar so he could slam him into the nearest wall before he speaks to him again even more angrily.

"All my family care about is in that room and because of what you made her do for you, we may not see her ever again. Now get out of here your just an eyes sore, go back to your own family and cause them trouble because your through screwing with mine."

With that said Toya lets Syaoran go and walks off the other way away from him and his now shocked face.

'nno itt cant be i fell in love with a guy but but you're a a girl!' Syaoran's thoughts stutter out at him, before coming back to reality and leaving the hospital. Promising himself and the girl he never even knew that he would never cause her to be hurt again.

...End of Flash back...

"Toya how could you?" Tomoyo asks him quietly sobbing out on the other end.

"I am sorry Tomoyo i thought the monster was going to die, i was pissed off and seeing his face really didn't help at the time."

"What are we going to tell sakura?"

"Nothing, do not tell her anything until she has recovered properly, and if she is still insistent on knowing then tell her."

"But what are we going to do if she wants to find him again? You know how stubborn Sakura is?"

"Well if that is what she wants then...i guess it can't be helped and i will have to drag his Chinese ass back here for her, but for now let's just let her recover then decide... "

"Alright bye Toya, i will speak to you when you come to swap shifts with me later."

"ok bye."

...End of Phone Call...

"Miss" the nurse walks over to Tomoyo, seeing that she had come off the phone and smiled at her.

"Miss Sakura is ok, she was just exhausted and one of her wires come loose on the machine causing it to malfunction so don't worry."

"Thank god"

End of the story... i ended it funny because i am doing a sequel to this one called...know the real me.. xx please review xx thank you for the story.