A/N: I bet you guys thought I was NEVER gonna update this story! Haha. Neither did I. Oops.
But HERE IT IS! :D Luckily I still had notes with plot ideas on it so this story should be able to continue okay *Fingers crossed*

Oh and White Hair And Violet Eyes this one's for you ;)

"Winry and I will ride with Ed to the hospital." Al told Roy. "You go ahead back to Central with him." He gestured to the figure in the back of Roy's car.

Roy nodded. "Take care of Fullmetal and Winry. We'll handle everything else." With that Roy and Riza got into the car while Al rushed to the car taking his brother. Winry hadn't seen him until he came out of the building in Havoc and Breda's arms. Fuery kept her back while the officers did their job and Al checked on his brother. Now they were seated by his still form in silence.

"I miss the days back home when it would storm." Winry said, suddenly. "Especially during the war. The clouds would start to roll in a matter of minutes I'd hear your and Ed's footsteps outside; just before the rain started roaring. You two would have to start shouting my name at that point. I'd hear the back door opening and you two knew exactly where to find me."

"In back corner of your cellar." Al remembered. Winry nodded, a blank look on her face.

"You two were always there before the worst came. You comforted me through the thunder, lightening, and pouring rain. You got me through every storm." She clasped her hands in front of her. "Thank you."

Al wished he could give Winry a reassuring smile like he was in his head but settled for placing a metallic hand over her own.

"Sir, if you're going to do the interrogating I'm going to have to ask you to leave your gloves out here." Riza said as Roy paced in front of the door. Roy glanced at her and then down at his hands. Decided she was right he pulled them off and gave them to her.

"What's the word on Fullmetal?" He asked.

"Havoc says he's stable. Winry and Alphonse are waiting for him to wake up so they can ask for clarification on what happened." Riza reported. Roy nodded, wringing his hands. "Sir?"


"I can do the questioning if you're having trouble controlling yourself."

Roy looked up at his Lieutenant. Riza arched an eyebrow at him. He exhaled. "I'm fine. Alright? I'm going." He said. opening the door.

"Well, if it isn't the hotshot." Said the narcissistic voice behind him. "How's it working out for you, Flamey?"

Roy turned to him. "How about you let me ask the questions." He told him, leaning over the table. "For instance last time I saw you the boys from Central were dragging you away from an attempted murder scene."

"Yeah, those Central assholes. Real straight, upstanding guys, huh? They're not as bright as they'd like you to think. That little blonde runt who busted me is smarter. Where is he anyway?"

"As if you don't know." Roy sneered. The man across from him shrugged.

"Haven't seen him since that day. Now, the blonde girl he was with on the other hand... heeheehee."

Roy reached across the table and grabbed his shirt collar. "What did you do to her?"

"What? Want all the details?" He giggled again and Roy reached back and punched him in the face.

"Colonel!" Riza burst through the door and dragged Roy out. "Do you want to lose your job?" She demanded. Roy smoothed out his uniform and moved over to the window.

"He's a sick bastard, Hawkeye." Roy said.

"I'm aware. I remember the Barry The Chopper case, Sir." Riza replied. "But we're not going to get any answers if he's dead."

Roy looked at her. "What answers? That was a confession Hawkeye! He raped Winry!"

"Yes, but it's highly unlikely he was the person who attacked us in the woods." Riza reminded him. That seemed to surprise Roy.

"You think he's working with someone?" Roy asked, receiving a minuscule nod in reply. He looked back through the one way glass. "Goddammit Edward."

When Ed woke up he wasn't sure if his eyes were open or not. The last thing he remembered was a harsh light so having the next thing he saw be darkness was a shock. He actually took a moment to wonder if he was dead. That was before he felt pressure on his left side. Raising his head slowly, he saw blonde tendrils of hair splaying over the sheets he was laying on. He smiled as his eyes adjusted.

He was (once again) in a hospital bed but this time it was the middle of the night and an amazing girl was by his side. He raised his arm to move the hair out of her face. He carried on running his fingers through it for a few minutes. The next time he looked at her face however he was surprised to see her blue eyes were open.

"Morning." He mumbled, sleep still heavy in his voice. Winry lifted her head up.

"Ed?" She asked.

"I think so." Ed replied. "I'd hope so actually because if I was anyone else I'd probably be really alarmed by a random girl falling asleep at my deathbed." Winry punched him in the arm. "Ow!"

"Don't call it your deathbed." She told him. Ed yawned and waved it off. Winry sighed and crawled onto the bed beside him. Ed arched an eyebrow as she cuddled into his side.

"Win..." He started.

"Shh. Don't ruin it."

Ed snorted but placed his arms around her. She buried her face in his chest and Ed smiled again. Winry might enjoy abusing him at times she always cared about him more than anything. They both exhaled at the same time and fell back asleep.

"Well," Havoc said as the team stood in Ed's hospital room the next morning. "I don't know what we expected, leaving Winry here over night." Winry and Ed hadn't moved much after changing their sleeping arrangements that night.

"Yeah..." Breda trailed off. "So who's waking them up?" Everyone exchanged glances and Al groaned. He made his way to his brother and shook his shoulder, gently. Ed and Winry both started to come to.

"Al?" Ed asked. Everyone could see the realization clearly pass across both Ed and Winry's faces. First 'Okay, Al's waking us up'. Then, 'Oh, wait we're in the same bed'. Next, 'Roy and the team are here'. And finally, 'Oh shit we're in the same bed in front of all these people oh crap stop blushing you idiot'. Ry couldn't help it; he grinned.

"Sleep well?" He asked them. Ed gave him the death glare to end all death glares but Roy just chuckled.

"Sir." Riza said, quietly. Roy returned to his serious demeanor.

"Right." He said to her. "Well, we have Barry in Central custody. We gave them specific instructions not to let him get away this time." He reported.

Ed looked at his superior officer, confused. "Barry?" He asked.

"Barry the Chopper." Roy reminded him. "He admitted to being the one to attack Winry. Revenge on the two of you. You for catching him," He told Ed. "And you for getting away." He added, glancing at Winry. Winry looked down, not liking to think about the incident or that she had honestly thought Roy was behind the attack on her at one point. Roy cleared his throat. "Barry didn't admit to the attack on you, Fullmetal." He added.

"What?" Winry asked, shocked. "You found him running from the building Ed was held in."

"We know." Roy said. "But, he denied being involved."

"He wasn't." Ed spoke up. Everyone turned to him and looked at all the faces staring at him. "Barry the Chopper wasn't the one in there with me." Ed stated.

"Are you sure?" Al asked. This was the first time they got to talk to Ed about the incident. His brother nodded.

"It wasn't even a man. It was a woman." Ed revealed.

"Who? Did you recognize her?" Roy asked.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure but, she looked familiar." Ed said, slowly.

"Who?" Roy repeated.

"You're not gonna believe me." Ed warned.

"Just tell us, brother." Al said, reassuringly. Ed turned to face his brother.

"It looked exactly like mom."

A/N: DUNDUNDUN Hahahaihavenoideawhatimdoinghahaha

So, yeah here you go. I bet you guys weren't expected that little twist. Probably because Barry the Chopper thing referenced in here is from the 2003 anime which I HATED (Long live Brotherhood!) but hey, I decided to make it exist anyway. I mean currently this could probably take place in either anime just consider the Barry-Trying-To-Kill-Winry thing part of this story :P

Is anyone concerned for my mental state yet because you should be. HAHA

Anyway, go ahead and leave me a review with your thoughts on this chapter, criticism, thoughts you'd like to share, etc. I hope you all like it and I'm SO SORRY IT'S TAKEN SO LONG TT-TT

I have a laptop now so I've just kind of been like ALL THE FANFICS

Okay I'll relax. Go ahead and review; check out my other stories featuring FMA or hell my ones with SuperWhoLock or Gallagher Girls if you're into that. OR if you have something you'd like to see me write (prompt, headcanon, weird shit, etc.) let me know in a review or PM! I have TOO MUCH TIME NOW.

Someone take the caps lock away from me.

Bye awesome nerds!
